Directory Information

This page provides information about how the directory is made up, useful for users and contributors alike.

General Points

This directory is not to list any items of which the artist has asked people not to spread the word about. In other words, secret sites are to remain secret! No item should be uploaded to the directory. The directory is only to contain links to existing distributions of items. To avoid confusion, only genuine freeware items are allowed. Concerning the problem items of photomanipulations and fictional underage characters, both are allowed, but need to be tagged appropriately. Items featuring real life underaged persons a.k.a. child pornography are not to welcome.

Anyone is welcome to add information or correct entries or duplicate/move entries as necessary. You are more than welcome to add new branches to the trees and thus increase their usefulness.

Tree Structure

Any entry within a given tree should be placed as low as possible. For example, if there is a Japanese Monster Girl Lamia entry below the Japanese Monster Girl entry, any item to which both apply should be placed on the Japanese Monster Girl Lamia page and not on the page above it. It is recommended that people expanding the tree check for any items on the page they branch off from which ought to be moved to the new page and move items accordingly. However, if you don't have the time to do that, you can expand the tree nonetheless.

While each tag should result in only one entry within an individual tree, each tag should result in indeed one entry. Thus, all items will have multiple entries in various trees (usually one per tree) and some even multiple in the same tree. Each such multiple entry should have exactly the same content. Using copy and paste is strongly recommended.

Page Layout

Each page of the directory should be standardized in its format.

At the top, a text section describes the meaning of the tag the current page is about and gives any information needed to disambiguate or otherwise guide the user.

Below that section, a list with buttons (use the asterisk to create them in the editor) links to the tree below the current page

This tree overview is to be followed by a single link back to the tree section right above the current page.

Below these links, the rest of the page is taken up by item entries. The entries are sorted 0 - 9, Special ASCII characters, A - Z, あ - ん, Korean in its order, Chinese in its order, Cyrillic in its order, Greek in its order. If it seems useful, sub headings can be used to divide the page (for instance marking different language sections within the list).

Item Entries

Each entry starts out with the name of the item in bold face and as a link to the item's main source. This is the followed by the tags provided in the following format: Tag Tree Root : Tag 1 (additional information); Tag 2 (additional information); ... Tag X (additional information) Tag Tree Root : ...

Finally, the entry ends with a text section providing a summary or description of the item.

If there are multiple sources for the item, links to other sources are provided below the summary, labelled as mirror 1, mirror 2, ... .


The name of an item is the name of it as given by the creator of the item. If no such name is given, the file name is used instead. The name should be written as written by the creator, using the appropriate character sets (for instance, Japanese names are to be given in Kanji and Kana and not Romanji unless the creator has provided such a spelling).

Main Source

The main source for an item should be the distribution closest to the artist. For instance, if the artist has put their art on their homepage, the homepage distribution would be the main source. If the artist used a forum or uploader, that is is the main source. Note, the main source need not be the oldest distribution. Instead, it should be the one closest to the artist's current feelings.


Links to items on the forums should link to the post where the item was uploaded, not the file itself if it is an attachment. The subject line of each individual post here at Eka's Portal is a link to that individual post and can be used as a source for that link. Links to items in a gallery at the Portal should link to the entry of the item in the gallery and not just the file itself. Links to games in the Portal's game section should link to the game's info page there. Links to games distributed/announced via threads (on the Portal or elsewhere) should link to the thread in question. This way, issues with dead links due to updates can be avoided. Links to items on other sites should respect the rules/requests by the sites in question. Many sites I know do not allow you to link directly to their galleries, but rather request you to link to their entrance page. In that case, the link should be to the entrance page (if necessary, information about which section the item is located in can be provided as a short text in brackets). If an artist asks people not to distribute the link, then I am sorry, but that wish should be respected.



Tag Tree Roots and Tags should always be wikipedia links to the appropriate pages of this directory. This way, users can quickly jump to related pages that are interesting for them. If some further information is necessary that is not implied by the tag, that additional information should be provided within round brackets. If more than one tag is required within a line (for instance if there are several different predators to be listed in the predator tag tree root), the tags need to be separated by semicolons.


The summary should be as brief as possible while still giving the user enough information to get a feeling of what the item's vore content is like. Extensive reviews should be avoided as much as possible.