A Cold Night [Writing, soft, oral, f/m dragon/bunny]

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A Cold Night [Writing, soft, oral, f/m dragon/bunny]

Postby KyaKali » Thu May 11, 2023 1:27 am


So, this is my first post here. I thought I would share a bit of writing I was working on.

This is very soft/gentle endo, with a dragoness pred and male bunny prey and a bit of focus on emotion. I plan to continue to build on this story, but here is the first chapter!


Snow crunched beneath Goren’s feet as he walked along the road. There was no doubt that something was wrong. There was a hint of smoke in the air that stung his nose. There was often a little smoke during the winter, but this was more than a little. There was also a quietness that unsettled him. No one passed him on the road, everything was quiet. There were not tracks in the fresh snow he crunched through.

He had gone away about six months before to apprentice for a painter, but he had died, and the three apprentices were on their own. So, he decided to take what he had and come home, even if it would be a little shaming for not being able to make it in the big city. When he came over the hill though, it was obvious what had happened.

It was winter. Battles and attacks didn’t usually happen in winter. The high city walls and the difficulty to find food was supposed to be enough. But, the wood buildings were smoldering a little in the snow that continued to fall, the city was quiet, and there were only ruins. My family, he thought with a cold feeling in the pit of his stomach. He started to make his way down the hill, but then he heard a lone wolf howl. Then more howls.

His heart began to race. They are still down there?

He had to decide what he was going to do, go down there, try to avoid the attackers, see if his family was somewhere… or turn around and try to walk away and save himself.

Goren swallowed, adjusting his pack. He took his hood off, letting his white and brown ears stand up, so he could hear without the fabric rubbing against them, and he slowly began to make his way down the hill. The cold wind chilled the inside of his ears almost immediately, and so he huffed, watching his breath curl out in front of him as he kept walking.

He only made it a little way down the hill toward the remains of the front gate, “Hey, bunny boy,” someone called up from below him, someone he couldn’t see, “Coming to be a snack?”

The voice that jeered at him was masculine. He turned and ran as he saw someone running at him from the ruins of the city, and someone coming around a tipped-over cart on the side of the road from him.

He was a fast runner, it had saved him from time to time, it saved him from the wolves that were not quite interested in pursuing him. He ran a long way though, away from the road, and into the woods.

He put his hood back up The snowstorm began to pick up. Flakes became fatter, drifting down in heavy globs, and even though he put his hood back up, the ends of his long ears were cold. The tops of his shoulders were getting wet. I am lost, he thought, I need shelter.

It is getting harder to see, but I remember Dill once talking about ruins in the hills. At least that would be dry, right? I can start a small fire, maybe if I can find something? He began to walk that way. He knew there might be people already there, already doing the same thing, but at this point, this was a risk he had to take.


Kasheera was sleeping near the back of the old castle she lived in. She enjoyed listening to the wind howling through some of the gaps above her, knowing the snow could not reach. She fit comfortably because the second floor had long ago fallen in, she had pushed the debris to the back wall, covering a hole that had been blasted into the castle at one point, and probably had a lot to do with it being abandoned.

At least, that was the story she told herself. It had probably been abandoned long before she was born, so she did not really know. The blue dragon shifted, shaking a little to better settle her fluffy black mane down her back, and prepared to nap through the entire storm. However, between the bursts of wind singing to her through the ruins, there was… a repetitive noise? She lifted her head and tilted it, it sounded like a stone striking against stone? Her ears twitch as she hears the sound more clearly, that is definitely what it is.

She decided to stick her head out into the storm, wind packing snow on the side of her face and between her scales, as she listens. That is coming from one of the older buildings in the garden. And in spring, it really is a garden, she doesn’t know if it always was one, but she crunches through the snow, following her ears, and then as the wind drives snow against her face, a little it her nose.


His paws are frozen. He’s wet. The wind at least does not cut through the building except when it shifts. He doesn’t have anything to properly light a fire because nearly everything was wet. He wasn’t planning on being stranded in a driving blizzard. He was planning to be home, listening to his family giving him a hard time for failing to become the painter he said he wanted to be.

He was starting to somewhat feel that he might genuinely not make it through the night, and that if that was going to be the case, he should have faced up to those wolves. He still tried though, to dry out of the bits of wood he had gathered and tried to keep dry and to get his flint to catch the damp tinder he had.

Then, there was a heavy crunching of snow beneath clawed feet. His heart absolutely tried to stop in his chest. He stopped moving. The crunching stopped. He swallowed. He could feel something looking for him, it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. There was nothing but the hollowing wind around the shelter. He barely dared to move, looking around. He didn’t see anything, it was pretty dark by this point in the blizzard.

I wonder if I can just sneak out of this spot. He tried to shift his weight onto his feet, only to hear the crunching of the snow beneath his toes. Shortly after it, a sound that could have blended in with the wind of the blizzard if it had not been so near. However, it was near enough to the gap in the wall of this ruined building that when he heard the loud huff of breath, he also felt the warmth of it. I am in so much trouble.

His heart started pounding so rapidly that the really thought he might faint, there were tingles of adrenaline in every limb.

The huffing sound again, and he crouched down again. What do I do? It is big, and it is sniffing around for me. Is my best chance to run for it? If I stay here, I will be cornered.

He looked at the entry, the darkness beyond. He could see a little into it, the white snow reflecting even very little light in the atmosphere. He can’t see anything beyond. He reminds himself one more time that he has been detected and is cornered.

So, he runs for it. His feet crunch on the snow as he grabs his bag from the corner and he dashes for it.

It was like he crashed into something rock solid right on his middle. He would have fallen backwards, but the thing curled around him. “Wait a second,” a big voice said, that had a slight feminine tone.

I am dead, he thought as his heart raced even more painfully. “No, let me go!”


The blue dragon could see clearly in the darkness as she captured the small, around four feet tall little thing that squeaked painfully. She hadn’t expected him to actually run for it, but she had been braced for it if he did. She was a little surprised to have just caught him so easily.

She lifted him nearer to her nose, “Oh, you’re a little bunny.” She ignored his complaint about wanting to be let go. Everything ran away from her and found her terrifying, and where was he going to go? Darting off into a blizzard and freeze to death? That was pointless. “Why are you here?”

But he squirmed, and when he pushed at her tail, she would feel how icy his little fingers were. She inspected him more closely, he was covered in snow and his fur was wet. That told her why he was probably here. “Shelter?”

He flailed, “Please let me go. I don’t have to bother you. I didn’t know you were here.”

“You are not bothering me,” she said calmly, sniffing over him. He was quivering in her tail, and when she touches his feet, his shoes make a little bit of a wet squelch. I am guessing he needs to get dry. And warm. Actually, warmth might be more important.

She sits back and balances on her back legs and transfers him to her left paw. “So, are you from the town near the lake?” she asked.


He can only dimly see the large creature that is moving around him in the dark storm and the snow. He is transferred from a tail to a paw that has no trouble encircling his body, claws at the ends pricking at his side a little. Her question made him think of his hometown, and he just feels a tight overwhelmed feeling in his chest. “It’s gone.”

To his surprise, she makes a soft crooning noise. “And you’re all by yourself?” And then she takes off one of his wet shoes.

The question feels ominous suddenly as his wet toes are exposed to the blowing winds of the storm. “Thirty of us escaped, they’ll be looking for me in the morning.” His heart raced as he lied, and he truly didn’t know if even thirty people were going to be a consideration for this creature.

She plucked off his other shoe, “Is that so?” she removed his bag.

Color came to his face as that patronizing tone said she had seen right through him. “Let me go,” he pleaded.

“Hmm… No.” She said, barely pretending to contemplate it as she peeled off his wet cloak and hood. She put her nose against his ears, “So cold.”

“Stop taking things off,” he twisted and tried to kick at her chin, “and it might not be so bad.” He felt his heart racing. Something about her made her a little less scary than he first felt when she grabbed him up in her tail, but his heart still raced.

“You are really pushy for a little bunny,” she said in a tone that made him try to kick at her again, except this time when he did so, his bare toes slid across a wet textured surface that curled against the tops of his feet - it was so warm it felt like fire against the pads of his feet.

He recoiled, but her lips closed around his toes and pulled, sliding his pants off as he kicked and squirmed to reclaim his legs. “What are you doing?”

“Also tastier I expected, even if you are barely warmer than the snowflakes.”

He felt color come to his cheeks, “I am not that cold! Stop, please, I don’t want to… be your dinner or whatever it is you are up to.”

“Well, little bunny, it is no longer within your ability to decide whether I stop, whether I let you go, or whether I have dinner or not. However, for now, what I have decided to do is warm you up.”

“Yeah, no thanks, I don’t need anyone deciding things for me,” he tried to kick at her face again when he felt her warm breath tickling his paws. He missed, his feet swinging through the air and leaving him feeling off-balanced in her paw. When he tried to squirm further down, he felt her warm breath once more on his toes, and this time when he tried to kick out, his paws slid across the heated pebbly surface of the tongue once again, and he felt the pressure of her lips wrap around him.

Her paw shifted around him, two claws resting against his shoulders, her thumb sliding through the front of his shirt and sweater as she slurped on his legs, dragging him easily over her palm and into the heated mouth.

His heart raced like he was going to faint as heat engulfed the lower half of his body and a slick wetness permeated his already wet fluff. His sweater and hood slid off over the top of his head, which pulled his arms up, so he could not even push his hands down to try to brace off the scaled lips. “Stop, stop stop,” he gasped several times in a row.

She ignored him and tilted her head up, opened her mouth, and there was nothing to grip onto as he slid in, a mouthful, to be certain, the teeth couldn’t quite close with him resting in the center of her tongue, but he was feeling the pressure of both tongue on one side of his body and the firmer upper palette of her mouth on the other side.

It wasn’t as bad as he had feared at first, in some ways. She continued to breathe around him, intaking frozen air from outside, and covering him in war air as she breathed out. Her breath had a sharp smell that was sweet, a little smokey, not bad as he might have expected.

But he couldn’t move. All beneath him the tongue flexed and pressed itself to his body, and his heart pounded so hard it competed with the wet flexing noises as he dreaded her taking a swallow.

Saliva built up around him, pooling a little in the bottom of the mouth, and he felt himself gasping for air, frozen up, unable to even think with the adrenaline racing through him.


He is not complaining. He’s just breathing, she thought as she gathered up his bag, and clothes and made sure she didn’t miss anything. Did he calm down? She waited for several heartbeats, the desire to swallow him building up as the saliva started to accumulate in her mouth. He’s still. So, calm?

His toes were still like ice against her, and none of him was warm, and she felt little quivers pass through him every time she breathed in. She could hardly talk to him with her mouth full. So, she decided he seemed mellow enough to proceed.

She tilted her head back and gulped heavily just once. He was a bit big for one swallow, and she felt a stretch in her neck. She placed her right claw at the base of her throat, feeling him barely moving as her body pressed him down to this point, and she felt the little shape of him passing this point. And then she squeezed a muscle in her chest, pushing him off to one side into the hoard gullet.

She focused on the sensation of him settling into this belly-like space. He did squirm a little, before settling against her. “Good,” she said, not sure he would answer or acknowledge her for a bit, so it didn’t bother her that he didn’t answer.

She moved a little differently, he was a different sort of weight for her to carry around, softer, and he shifted more with her movements. She felt satisfied with it even so, she had no doubt that he was warming up, and then she could consider how to dry his things out and get him dry. In the morning, I think. He clearly doesn’t see in the dark in the slightest, she thought as she returned to her ruined castle and wiggled through the entrance, laying down.
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Re: A Cold Night [Writing, soft, oral, f/m dragon/bunny]

Postby KyaKali » Sun May 14, 2023 12:08 am

Hey everyone!

I have a gallery now! <3

So that is where I will continue to update this story. Please drop by if you want to have a look!

However, here is chapter 2 here also =) . This is all belly time; some teasing, still gentle, still definitely endo.

Goren’s heart was racing so much that his chest hurt, he willed her to not swallow him, willed himself to move, but his adrenaline was so intense that all he could do was quiver. And then, no matter what he wanted, that big tongue flexed beneath him and he slid into the tight throat looming over his head. Horror swept over him.

It flexed wetly over him, squeezing over his head and shoulders, squishing sounds filling his ears as they squished down over his head. Once her throat had ahold of him, the rest of him followed, it squeezed and pulled down along his body, trapping his legs, and now intense warmth blanketed every part of him, pressing into every frozen part of him almost painfully because of how cold he was.

Her body became his world, the noise of the wet muscles flexing, the pounding heart - it was all that he could hear. The only thing he could smell was the sharp sweet smell she had. He was completely blinded, and his sense of touch could only feel her body wrapped tightly around him. There was a wet flex of muscles, and he felt himself pushed against one side, and then he was stuck for just a moment before he was pressed in an unceremonious heap in another wet, fleshy space.

It didn’t squeeze him quite so intensely, and even though the air was thick to breathe, it was not impossible to breathe. He felt her walking, the space he was in letting him settle deeper into it in a way that was alarming as the flesh seemed to try ro wrap against him. I cannot believe she actually swallowed me; I can’t believe this is happening to me. His heart was racing so hard that he absolutely felt like he was going to faint.


Kashira placed his stuff on the ground, and then she turned a circle before laying down. Little guy is still ice cold, she thought as she settled. She yawned, listening to the sounds of the storm for a little while, wondering if even one of the thirty advertised escapees existed. She didn’t hear anything, and she wondered if the stressed bunny hadn’t calmed himself so much as he had just perhaps fainted from stress. She yawned, thinking perhaps she would just go back to sleep for a few hours, not like she could let him out until things settled down and he warmed all the way up.

She was dozing off to sleep by the time she felt him start to move and wiggle. When he called out to her, it was a bit muffled, but her ears were good. “I cannot believe you ate me,” he managed to complain.

She smiled as she felt him squirming about further, feeling along the space. “You were cold and calm, you currently seem fine.”

A long pause, “Let me out!”

“No,” she said grinning a little more at the ridiculous request as she settled her chin on her paws.

He really squirmed at that. “I’m not your dinner! You can’t keep me here!”

“You are not dinner, but yes I can,” she said loudly, deliberately.

“That doesn’t even make sense!” she could feel him getting wound up, pushing along her body.

She flexed her internal muscles wrapping the demanding little bunny from all sides as she squeezed down on him. “Yes, it does, now be a good boy and mellow out.”

“I cannot really understand you clearly,” his voice was faint enough that she almost didn’t understand him either. His big back paws paddled and slipped against her as he tried to wiggle and kick.

She gave him a more firm squeeze. “You are staying until morning,” she said louder, more slowly, trying to be sure he understood, and she kept that firm pressure up all around him until he stopped kicking and fighting. Then she would relax.

“I cannot stay in a belly until morning,” he complained.

I see the problem, she thought as she heard the need for reassurance that everything was actually okay. Though he’d been there quite a while before he had found the energy to be active or complain, she knew this was a lot because things had been safe and painless. She debated whether or not to tease him or to give him reassurance.

She decided to tease him a little, “Then you should not have been such a cute and tasty frozen treat,” she informed him.

She enjoyed the silence, the way he pushed back against her with his limbs as if he wanted to reject the comment. She clenched her muscles again, folding those limbs of his to his body and compressing him until she felt him start to squirm. Then, she relaxed.

“I do not want to be here!” he tried a different tactic.

“Well, sweetie, you do not get to decide at this moment. I caught you; I get to decide.” She waited to see how he would react to that.

Another extended silence greeted her. She gave him another squeeze after more than fifteen or so heartbeats had passed. He came to immediate life, squirming and bunny kicking at her with those strong back legs of his, “I don’t want you deciding I am food!”

She grinned as she relaxed gently. “Well, perhaps if the sweet snack has a name, I will not be able to fully treat him like food,” she suggested.


His heart was not racing as badly as it was before. In the long time period of nothing. He had started to calm himself. This space confused him, it was wet, but not fluidy, and it generally didn’t react to him, and was just soft. The dragon’s breathing whooshed a bit near him, and her big heart pounded regularly. So, when he started to try and talk to her, and squirmed to feel his surroundings, and she started teasing him and squeezing, he felt his heart rate coming back up again.

She was difficult to hear, the sound seemed to come from within her rather than outside of her, but he could just understand her when she spoke clearly enough and guess at the rest. He would hear the last question. “You will let me out if I tell you my name?” he clarified.

She answered him by squeezing him again, that pressure pressed to every limb, pushed his limbs to his body, folding him up into a bit of a ball as the soft flesh gripped all around him. He was at that stage of warming up that his body ached as the heat crept back into his frozen fingers, ears, and toes like fire, but that his core was relieved to have warmth wrapped around him. This made it more intense on both, soothing and intense all at once. He squirmed, it was almost enough of a restrictive tease to take the air out of his lungs.

She relaxed again. There was silence. You are going to just force me onto your terms, he thought with a tight feeling in his chest. “I am Goren. Now let me out.”

“In the morning.”

“There’s no way I can spend a whole night in a belly,” he pushed on her with his feet, “You said you wouldn’t treat me like food!”

“You are not food. You have been in no risk of being food all night.”

“But you swallowed me!” he started to feel something close to annoyed alongside his fear.

“I know,” she said, giving him a little more of a squeezing clench, “But you are not in a proper belly. More like, a hoard gullet, I think is what I have heard it called. I am hoarding you until morning. It is too cold for little possibly frost-bitten bunbuns to be loose in the castle.”

He huffed when she relaxed her grip on him after that explanation. He focused on his own breathing. He could breathe, the air was thick and a bit sweet. Nothing felt fluidy, and while his toes were on fire, it was because they were warming up. “You are hoarding me,” he repeated back uncertainly.

“All in one cute little unharmed piece, Goren. Try to relax, after that panic and rebellion you have been exhibiting wears off, I suspect you are going to find you are exhausted. In fact, you might be so exhausted that when it comes morning, I will invite you to be done being hoarded, and you will tell me no because you need to sleep more exhaustion off.”

“That’s not going to happen,” he said flatly. “You better let me out in the morning as promised.”

She chuckled and squeezed him, “If you say so, grumpy bunbun. I will evict you then, whether you are ready or not.”

That compression over him almost felt good, held from every angle. He squirmed against that notion, he wasn’t planning to be her next meal, and she wasn’t going to talk him into liking this. Color washed to his cheeks as he pressed her back. “I’ll be ready,” he said flatly.

She would chuckle. “Well, welcome to hotel Kashira; check out in a few hours, so get some rest.” He heard her make a big yawn.

Despite himself, he yawned. He wanted to ask her more questions, to try and make her keep talking to him, so that he could figure out if she was just telling her a series of lies to make him give up fighting for his life.

But she was right. He was really tired. He laid forward, the flesh around him giving a little it, brushing him from nearly every angle, even if it wasn’t tight, as closed his eyes.


Kashira waited for a bit, and slowly, she felt the bunny becoming relaxed. There we go, properly calm and asleep. She yawned and closed her eyes. It is a little nice feeling him there, a little presence that I am holding all safe with myself.

She didn’t take too long to fall asleep herself after that. Unlike most nights, it didn’t come with dreams, she slept deeply; the only ambiance was the little feelings of the bunny shifting in his own sleep and the howling of a slowly dying blizzard.

She woke to sunshine peering through the cracks in the stone around her. The world was bright, there was snow here and there in her castle, but otherwise, there was no evidence that it had been angry and storming the night before.

The demanding little bunny she had collected was still completely limp against her. She yawned. Well, let’s test the teases I made and see which of us is right.

She gave him a gentle clench. He moaned at her, and she felt him turn over when she released it. She smiled. “Come now, bunny, I thought you wanted out as soon as it was morning, up, up!” she encouraged.

There was another bleary moan at her, and though she couldn’t hear it, she thought she felt a huff.

She didn’t chuckle, but she was all big grins as he seemed to struggle to wake up.

She inspected his belongings, they were frosty. Nothing could dry in a blizzard. Also, even though it is sunny, it isn’t warm. She breathed out, breath curled out in front of her in a visible fog. So, I would guess there needs to be a fire and something for him to bathe in. Warm water, warm fire… something dry and for him to dry off in.

She would get up, moving to the side area where the masonry was largely still in one piece and she kept most of her hoard and she would nose open a large chest where a thick woolen tapestry with gems was bundled. She took it out delicately between two claws and shook it out. That ought to be enough to make a warm space?

She tried to think through what she’d seen the little ones do on occasions she got to look at them without sending them fleeing from her. Tents? That might be a good way to trap some heat.

She didn’t have the least idea how to make a tent. I guess, I will just make a frame and drape this over it?

She closed her eyes, focusing a little to attune herself to the surroundings, feeling the earth. Crystalline rods, clear and white in patches, appeared as she altered the shape of the stone before her. She made a smooth crystalline floor and then a cube framework that was fitted to the tapestry’s width.

Then, she draped the heavy fabric over it to help trap heat. She got a second one and draped it the other way, making the roof extra dense. She tucked all sides in but one and then supposed that would be good enough.

She put his backpack within - it was dry on the inside. That just left the problem of his boots and wet clothes.

For a bath, a basin, and maybe I can just heat it. Using the same technique as before, she sculpted a basin, but on a whim, she gave it a smokey look more than a clear look, her earth-themed magic straining a little to help her adjust the stones she drew from.

Then, she agitated it, sending vibrations through it of her magic, which she used to dry his clothes - steam curling off of them. She didn’t want them to catch fire, so she only let things get so hot before she just focused on turning the clothes and letting them dry.

Every once in a while, she gave him a little squeeze, and she got moans and pushes against her in response as he struggled to sleep off his exhaustion, but as the sun climbed out of sight, nearing the center point in the sky, she decided it was time to get him up or be at risk of breaking her promise.

The most annoying part was gathering enough snow to melt in her tub to make him a warm bath, since each time she scooped it full of snow and melted it, only very little water accumulated when it melted.

But, she got it there, and set the tub near the tent, heating the stone floor a bit.

“Well, it’s checkout time,” she teased him, giving him a squeeze that he definitely couldn’t sleep through, clenching until she felt him squirm. “Up up, it’s time to get up, or I will have hoarded you past morning.”
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