
Created by Kitsunechao, Tailee is a spirit demon female which borns on a kitsune/fox tail by a curse of other tailee. It's quite like parasite, but those tailees actually can swallow their meals. When inactive, tailee looks like normal tail, but it's quite always active when not sealed. Mostly they're females (even on male kitsune), and it can't be more than 2 at one. Tailees live 100-300 years on a kitsune, serving them - then they're strong enough to leave kitsune, dispersing into a spirit, which is indigestible for kitsune. Addictional task: Female tailee mouth and throat is actually a pussy and womb. Tailee's are connected with the owner's stomach's They can eat their prey even when they're owner is asleep. Example of Tailee is exactly on

Charlie Kitsun

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