
Plants are just as diverse as humans but with even few limitations... Most are stationary but have plenty of lures and traps... there are even some with snares. You just have to cook up an idea that Gives your plant life... and a reason for them to eat. Plants can have vines that can be inflatable to use as plugs in random orifices or can be mobil enough to wrap and grab a creature. they can also have sticky traps that make it hard to move... or even drool on others causeing rot almost instantly (yes there is actually a plant that will drool on its victims and incapacate them so they can turn to the best kind of fertalizer) and most of your ideas you can just tours to real plants to get! My favorite is the plant that uses Pheremones to lure potential prey in close and toss them in to a digestive opening full of juices that will make quick work of them. There you go you are ready to while away your days tricking and snareing unspecting humans all day long but do watch out for those bunnies and Herbavores or your carnivorous plant... might become the snack!

Plants are always coming up with new ways to catch prey. Some, like the pitcher plant, just sit there and give of a sweet smell that compels their victim to climb in, while others use for aggressive techniques, like poison darts or even mind control. Some grow gems and jewels to lure their avaricious victim in, while others just wrap tentacles around you and digest you on the spot. Some prefer preying on micro's, like the jello mushroom, that seems like the perfect seat, until you sit on it, in which case you sink into it and become little more than a tiny snack. Some faeries take on the disguise of tree's, however, so make sure that it is actually a plant. Still, other plants have evolved girl parts, like the pitcher taur, a girl with a pitcher plant instead of legs, having sex with this sexy damsel will result in digestion; while the uvula girl is a giant venus flytrap with a sexy girl made into the throat, she'll gladly hug and cuddle you in her arms as the jaws fold around you and begin digesting you alive!