
A kitsune, is a mythological creature appearing as a fox with multiple tails in asian culture. There are several theories on the number of tails, the most popular being more with power, or more with age. There are several popular kitsunes, some on this site. Christy Rai/Kitsune comes to mind as a vorish kitsune, being an eight-tailed blue and yellow goddess kitsune.

Kitsunes appear in Japanese mythology often as tricksters. They ranged from playing tricks on the greedy and arrogant, to outright terrorizing common folk. 

Kitsune vore has some extra possibilities, due to the tails. They could be used as restraints in normal vore, or even as tools used for inserting the prey in anal vore, or unbirthing. Also, kitsunes are rumored to have fed on spirits, souls, or energy (the mythology varies on this point) but are usually attributed some sort of vampiric attribute. The kitsune could possibly absorb energy, or the spirit of their prey for perma-vore scenes.

Being based on the fox, would give the kitsune quite a pouncing ability, very useful in vore scenes, or chases leading up to vore. Their reputation as tricksters can provide other possibilities leading to vore.