Directory Drawing Single Image

This page contains drawings that are standalone drawings without a sequel or prequel and without any panel divisions. They may contain text, though.

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Media Type Drawing Single Image
Predator Female Human
Prey Female Human
Interaction Type Soft Vore
Special Tags Normal Macro (scale about 1 : 12); Nudity (predator and prey); Cutaway
Artist Siromamusi
Colored drawing of a nude female about to eat one tiny nude female. The predator's stomach and intestines are visible and there are two more girls inside the stomach.

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Media Type Drawing Single Image
Predator Female Human
Prey Planet
Interaction Type Licking
Special Tags Giga Macro (earth about ping pong ball size); Clean
Artist Ochiko
Colored drawing of female licking the planet earth (it seems) which is about ping pong ball size to her.