I just stumbled across an interesting fact today that I feel may be of interest to other people who enjoy full-tour with a female pred: it takes longer for women to fully process food than it does for men. In fact, the difference in time is quite stark. While estimates of the average time for a full completion of the digestive system (that is, time from food going in mouth to waste coming out anus) are difficult to gain, because they change based on the type and amount of food, the stress and hormone levels of the subject, the type of measurement method used and so on, the general figures that have been agreed upon as an average seem to be 33 hours for men, and 47 hours for women.
That means that if prey were conscious throughout an entire full tour, they would spend a pretty significant 14 hours longer in a female pred than a male one.
I find that concept rather intriguing :p
Women have a longer digestion time
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
Where did you get this info?
I have a medical education (gastroenterologist) and I'd say it's not 100% true. There are many things to influence on digestion time, but I wouldn't say it's gender. Yes, female stomach is about 30% smaller than male, and it produces about 30% less gastric juice. But intestines are also shorter. I don't know, probably some education books or articles may provide such an info, but it's all theory. In practices, I'd list several things which really mean much for digestion time:
- Age (40+ people's digestion gets slower and constipations get more usual)
- Food (People who eat much proteine food and less fibre have much slower digestion)
- Drink (People who doesn't drink enough, have slower digestion)
- Sports and daily activity (active people have faster digestion)
- Genetics (variety is wide)
- Stresses, mood, weariness and other distractions may cause diarhea or constipation randomly.
- Smoking, alcohol (also slowers digestion)
These are just the main ones, but in fact, there are many many more factors.
By the way, even "normal defecation" varies between 2 times a day and once in 3 days, irrespective of age. So, just believe an old doctor, gender is not a factor to count on.
I have a medical education (gastroenterologist) and I'd say it's not 100% true. There are many things to influence on digestion time, but I wouldn't say it's gender. Yes, female stomach is about 30% smaller than male, and it produces about 30% less gastric juice. But intestines are also shorter. I don't know, probably some education books or articles may provide such an info, but it's all theory. In practices, I'd list several things which really mean much for digestion time:
- Age (40+ people's digestion gets slower and constipations get more usual)
- Food (People who eat much proteine food and less fibre have much slower digestion)
- Drink (People who doesn't drink enough, have slower digestion)
- Sports and daily activity (active people have faster digestion)
- Genetics (variety is wide)
- Stresses, mood, weariness and other distractions may cause diarhea or constipation randomly.
- Smoking, alcohol (also slowers digestion)
These are just the main ones, but in fact, there are many many more factors.
By the way, even "normal defecation" varies between 2 times a day and once in 3 days, irrespective of age. So, just believe an old doctor, gender is not a factor to count on.
Emi - ???
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
Interesting, thanks for the reply. I have to say I was surprised to read that gender had such an impact, so it makes sense if that information was misleading or overblown, but it was from a quick search about digestion times, and it came from a couple of sources (I wasn't searching whether genders had different digestion times, because I would have presumed not!)
The main places I got it from are as follows:
https://www.mayoclinic.org/digestive-sy ... q-20058340
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319583.php (which probably refers to the same study, so I guess if the study was flawed, both of these sources will be)
https://www.mylifestages.org/health/dig ... women.page (doesn't directly state that the process takes longer, but suggests women's stomach acid is weaker and large intestine empties slower, which to my mind backed up the idea that the process as a whole is slower in women)
I'd also read that the female colon is about 10cm longer than a male's, due to fitting around the reproductive organs.
That being said, I'm not going to stand by a 20 minute Googling session against someone who is medically trained! XD
The main places I got it from are as follows:
https://www.mayoclinic.org/digestive-sy ... q-20058340
https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319583.php (which probably refers to the same study, so I guess if the study was flawed, both of these sources will be)
https://www.mylifestages.org/health/dig ... women.page (doesn't directly state that the process takes longer, but suggests women's stomach acid is weaker and large intestine empties slower, which to my mind backed up the idea that the process as a whole is slower in women)
I'd also read that the female colon is about 10cm longer than a male's, due to fitting around the reproductive organs.
That being said, I'm not going to stand by a 20 minute Googling session against someone who is medically trained! XD
Trebortron3 - Participator
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
I'd also read that the female colon is about 10cm longer than a male's, due to fitting around the reproductive organs.
This is true, but it absolutely doesn't matter for digestion time:)
I have to say I was surprised to read that gender had such an impact, so it makes sense if that information was misleading or overblown
Ya know, I've heard it too, and probably not once or twice, in different sources. Again, this is all on theory which is not necessarily so on practice. I'd assume, it was even tested statistically (which is not doctor's, but rather scientist's deal) and could be probably true. Again, this is not because female gastric juices are weaker (which is not true), and not because their stomach is smaller (which IS true), but because of the complex reasons. Most of women are less active than men, less of them do sports and deal with heavy objects lifting, most of women like sweets and cakes (fast carbohydrates) which also may slowen digestion. Most of females (who is a home sitters or office workers have slower metabolism)Plus, women are much more emotional which means much, again. I think so:)
And thank you for interesting links, I'll read these out of curiosity:)
Emi - ???
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
Emi wrote:Ya know, I've heard it too, and probably not once or twice, in different sources. Again, this is all on theory which is not necessarily so on practice. I'd assume, it was even tested statistically (which is not doctor's, but rather scientist's deal) and could be probably true. Again, this is not because female gastric juices are weaker (which is not true), and not because their stomach is smaller (which IS true), but because of the complex reasons. Most of women are less active than men, less of them do sports and deal with heavy objects lifting, most of women like sweets and cakes (fast carbohydrates) which also may slow digestion. Most of females (who is a home sitters or office workers have slower metabolism)Plus, women are much more emotional which means much, again. I think so:)
I'm a social scientist, but let me say off the bat that gender studies are not my focus. However, it would be good at this stage to differentiate between the physical (sex) and social (gender) differences. I'm sure that what you're saying about the physical side of things is true, since that's your wheelhouse.
I'm not sure that women are more emotional. I would definitely say that much culture pressures men to not show their emotions but rather to repress the direct expression of emotions (other than anger, which does seem to be allowed).
I don't know what that means for the speed of digestion, but I would imagine that the repression of emotion would be what drives to distracting behavior, like eating disorders. While eating disorders, and mental health issues, have been measured among women more than men, women are also more likely to seek help for mental health issues, and are thus more likely to be counted. Also, perhaps, women are more likely to express their emotional issues through eating disorders than men, who may engage in different behaviors to distract from their stresses (violence, drugs and alcohol, perhaps).
Scrumptious - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
Emi wrote:Where did you get this info?
I have a medical education (gastroenterologist) and I'd say it's not 100% true.
Emi, did you get a doctor diploma? It's very unusual to have a second diploma in medicine, given how complex it is and how poorly doctors are paid.
Anyway, what is the timing of human digestion you'd think is correct, irrespectively to gender?
Closer to the topic, I also read the same things about average digestion timings. But interestingly, it turned out that the difference was mostly contributed by the time food spends in colon: (by the way, the figures in the first message are for colon, you need to add ~8 hours for stomach and small intestines). The other fact rather supporting this differences is that women's colon shares space with reproductive organs and is more cramped, as result it empties more slowly (even increased risk of constipation was mentioned somewhere).
Also, one more fact seemed interesting: females have stronger "muscles that prevent the backflow of food and stomach acid into the oesophagus and windpipe". So it's much harder to get out from woman's stomach than from man's one, though stain there wouldn't be as painful

- fyva111
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
Emi wrote:By the way, even "normal defecation" varies between 2 times a day and once in 3 days, irrespective of age. So, just believe an old doctor, gender is not a factor to count on.
I'd hate to only poop every three days. I don't imagine that feels too good

"Be polite,
be professional,
but have a plan to eat everyone you meet."
-The Predator's Handbook
be professional,
but have a plan to eat everyone you meet."
-The Predator's Handbook
TETRO - Participator
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
Emi, did you get a doctor diploma? It's very unusual to have a second diploma in medicine, given how complex it is and how poorly doctors are paid.
Yes, I do. It's not the second, but the 1st and actually, the only diploma I have. It's not for "being payed", i started studying it because digestion theme is the biggest love of my life and I enjoy being in touch with gastro-intestinal tract. Well, not speaking about others, but being a vorarephile I enjoy the medical details much.
Also, one more fact seemed interesting: females have stronger "muscles that prevent the backflow of food and stomach acid into the oesophagus and windpipe"
Please, give a link where did you find this info. Very curious. As long as I know, gastro-esophageal reflux desease caused by cardial weakness is spread widely among women:(
TETRO wrote:I'd hate to only poop every three days. I don't imagine that feels too good. I wonder why there's such a disparity in frequency, even with healthy individuals. Is it actually considered healthy, or just common enough to be considered "normal"?
Yes, this is enough to be considered "normal". Some individuals live so whole their lives and feel OK with this frequency, and it's considered to be OK if you feel OK with this. But ya know, official notches are not absolute truth and they even change periodically. So, if you poop every 3 days, this still means that you'd better review your food habits even if you feel OK, but if it's discomfortable for you and it's not your usual situation, you should care about it necessarily. If you poop less than every three days, I'd suggest you to make a colonoscopy and make a stool analysis for hidden blood. This may be a sign of serious desease like polyp or even cancer.
Ah, and one interesting thing I've almost forgotten to mention. If we are speaking concretely about the "digestion time span", not about staying in the GI-tract in general, the actual digestion ends somewhere in the lower ileum. This is where the chyme is already digested and most of nutrients are already soaked in. Caecum and colon already don't have villi, don't produce certain digestive juices and they soak in mostly water, forming "solid" fecal masses. This is why, like it was said above, colon is the place where this "difference" possibly may be found. And actually a place where digestion is already ended:)
Emi - ???
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
Emi wrote:Also, one more fact seemed interesting: females have stronger "muscles that prevent the backflow of food and stomach acid into the oesophagus and windpipe"
Please, give a link where did you find this info. Very curious. As long as I know, gastro-esophageal reflux desease caused by cardial weakness is spread widely among women:(
Here are examples (search for word "esophagus"):
https://www.miraclesofhealth.com/digest ... e-anatomy/
https://www.mylifestages.org/health/dig ... women.page
https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/dig ... tive-tract
In fact, every second page from what come out when googling something like "digestion in women" contains it. Though I must admit that resources don't like very professional ones. And the fact that they all use almost the same exact wordings don't add credibility either.
Other option is that they compare healthy esophagus function in men and women, but this isn't actually related to the risk of developing diseases connected with esophagus.
- fyva111
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Re: Women have a longer digestion time
harlanfred - New to the forum
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