WIP Series Naomi and the Devourer's Den [Crocodile Vore]

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WIP Series Naomi and the Devourer's Den [Crocodile Vore]

Postby glitch0077 » Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:36 pm

Naomi visits a mysterious club frequented by predators of all different types. Without knowing fully what she was getting into, she is guided by the bouncers inside. It turns out that for first time visitors, you are assessed whether you are a prey or a predator. If you are of the former category, then to stay you must participate in a show within the club where you allow a predator to swallow you. If you enjoy the experience, you are given a chance to stay permanently in the predator's belly until you are digested. Still working out the general outline of the story, but in summary what happens is that Naomi is paired with the crocodile that is on the floor behind her. She allows Birdo and Carmelita Fox to feed her to the crocodile feetfirst.

The hosts then go onto introduce other first time visitors to the bellies of other predators. They eventually come back around to Naomi and let the crocodile spit her out partially, and Naomi at this point is gasping in pure ecstasy, her clothes entirely digested off. They ask her if she wishes to have a permanent stay, or try again next time. Naomi reaches the most erotic moment of her life as she realizes her decision will indicate whether she continues on with her life, or everything ends here with her digestion. Her heart pounding, she decides to stay, and the crocodile swallows again, and Naomi takes the final plunge into the belly.

The hosts nonchalantly announce that the program has ended, but the club members are now allowed to go and pair up with whomever they wish to swallow or be swallowed by. Meanwhile the bulge in the crocodile's belly continues to shrink, whilst the hosts pet the satisfied crocodile.

Here are the first 5 pages of this series!

WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 1.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 2.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 3.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 4.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 5.png

The rest of the WIP series is here!
https://www.deviantart.com/umbradiadem/ ... urer-s-den

Checkout my gallery!
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Re: WIP Series Naomi and the Devourer's Den [Crocodile Vore]

Postby glitch0077 » Mon Oct 07, 2024 3:18 pm

WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 6.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 7.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 8.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 9.png
WIP Naomi and the Devourer's Den Page 10.png

The rest of the WIP series is here!
https://www.deviantart.com/umbradiadem/ ... urer-s-den

Checkout my gallery!
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