Below is a link for my new bbw vore anthology. It's free for kindle unlimited subscribers. If you do read it leave a review I would love to know your thoughts. ... 212&sr=1-1
BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
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BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
Last edited by erovia on Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
You should come visit sometimes
You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 53
- Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 9:28 am
- Location: Greensboro NC
Re: New free Vore anthology
This looks really cool! I'll try to check it out. What kind of reviews/critique are you looking for? I'd be happy to DM you my detailed thoughts on the anthology if you're up for that.
I take writing commissions and create new vore games EVERY MONTH!

(The art of my crowsona in the banner is by RichardVRP.)

(The art of my crowsona in the banner is by RichardVRP.)
TastyAce - Somewhat familiar
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Re: New free Vore anthology
TastyAce wrote:This looks really cool! I'll try to check it out. What kind of reviews/critique are you looking for? I'd be happy to DM you my detailed thoughts on the anthology if you're up for that.
pm reviews are good but also reviews on amazon will be helpful. I am preparing a second anthology so any feedback will be helpful
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
You should come visit sometimes
You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
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- Location: Greensboro NC
Re: New free Vore anthology
I've published a couple furry vore anthologies, one by myself and another with a dozen other writers ... 07GDB3SMV/ ... 08TWXFB8F/ ... 07GDB3SMV/ ... 08TWXFB8F/
zarpaulus - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: New free Vore anthology
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
You should come visit sometimes
You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 53
- Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 9:28 am
- Location: Greensboro NC
Re: New free Vore anthology
Just published the second part of this anthology. Please check it out and let me know what you think. If you like BBW F/M and morphs to go along then its a great deal. Also if you have kindle prime its free.
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
You should come visit sometimes
You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 53
- Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 9:28 am
- Location: Greensboro NC
Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
The swallowing Gene
By: Erovia
Chapter 1
Ben walked hastily down the suburb side walk. He wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Ijah had invited him over. The girl at school with the seemingly endless throat thought enough of him to invite him over to play video games. There was no guarantee anything else would happen but he was at least about to be in the position for something else to happen.
Ijah was a nice girl tall, tan skinned, plump, and pretty. All the guys would gather around her at lunch and beg for her do the trick. After much pestering she would eventually give in and take the hot dog they were serving at lunch and slowly slide the whole thing down her throat without chewing it and swallow it.
The impossible feat motivated the young mens imagination and suddenly every guy in the school was inquiring her for oral sex. She never obliged and ignored all of their advances. Ben tried a different approach. He got to know her found out she enjoyed playing video games so they would talk everyday about video games and anything else she wanted to talk about. She came to trust him and eventually invited him over to her house after school to play a new game she just bought.
He walked up to the front door of the house and knocked. He waited excitedly at the door until suddenly it swung open. He smiled expecting to see Ijah open it, but was astounded by what he saw instead. At the door stood humongous women that closely resembled Ijah.
“You must be Ben” the women said her face not yielding a smile. “I am Ijah`s mother Tiffany. Come on in.”
Ben followed her in, nervously not expecting to meet her mother at the door and not expecting her to be so large. They walked into the kitchen table that was covered in fruits and vegetables and she invited him to have a seat with her.
“I`ll go get Ijah in a minute” Ijahs mother started. “I just wanted to take the time to meet the young man my daughters been talking to at school and has taken a liking to. Do you like my daughter?”
“Uhh yes” Ben responded quickly to the question. “She’s cool and I enjoy talking to her.”
“Calm down sweetie” Tiffany said with a chuckle. “She has told me a lot about you. She seems to like you, and from what she has told me you seem to be a fine young man.”
“Thank you” Ben replied with a slight smile.
“I do worry about her a lot you know” Tiffany continued. “She did something I told her not to and showed off her special ability at school. Now all the little boys seem to have lost their minds and keep harassing her about it. She says that you are different. Is that true Ben?”
“Well yes” Ben said. “I think there’s more to her than some little trick she does.”
“Well that’s nice.” Tiffany said smiling warmly at him. “You know that’s not some trick she learned on her own. She inherited that ability from me. It’s kind of something that has run in the family for generations.”
Tiffany grabbed an eggplant from a bowl in the middle of the table and slowly looked it over before putting into her mouth and slowly sliding it in. The eggplant was at least five times the size of the hotdog her daughter had swallowed but she was doing it just as effortlessly. Tiffany`s eyes turned to Ben for a second, observing the entranced look on his face before unceremoniously swallowing the eggplant whole.
“You see?” Tiffany said after the eggplant bulge disappeared down her throat. “It’s nothing really. It gets to be kind of fun. Especially with the attention guys give you. They think that having a mouth and throat so capable means they can do things with their little boy parts. She will not be taking part in such activity. Do we have an understanding?”
“Yes ma`am” Ben said still astonished from the eggplant that disappeared in her mouth.
“I like you Ben” Tiffany said. “You are just as great as she made you out to be. I wish we had a man around to have a man to man conversations when someone took a liking to my daughter. Her father you know, things just didn’t work out you know and he is no longer with us.”
She said this seemingly unaffected, and running her fingers around a large long green watermelon.
“This reminds me” Tiffany said inspired by the watermelon. “As we get older and more experienced we can swallow bigger things than little hotdogs and eggplants. Even things five times the size of this watermelon. I know this is kind of hard to believe.”
Tiffany stopped speaking for a moment and held up the watermelon towards Ben as if comparing the size.
“Wow” Tiffany said holding the watermelon beside Ben. “You aren’t much bigger around than this watermelon are you?”
“Not much bigger” Ben said, eyeing the watermelon.
“You are probably not believing what I am saying then are you.” Tiffany said, rolling the watermelon around on the table. “Because if I were able to swallow this watermelon like I did the eggplant then that would mean I could do the same to you wouldn’t it? That would be a scary thought if I were somehow able swallow this watermelon whole then I could do the same thing to you, at any time for any reason I deemed fit.”
Ben sat searching for the right words.
“Only one way to find out” Tiffany said, grabbing the large watermelon with a playful chuckle.
She shuffled the watermelon around in her hand like an oval bowling ball. She handled it confidently as if experienced. She placed the tip of the watermelon in her mouth. Her lips parted slowly and normally seemed unfit for such and overwhelming task. Slowly her mouth stretched wider, better able to accommodate the large fruit. Slowly the watermelon entered her mouth.
She made no indication that she struggled or that it was uncomfortable. Actually her demeanor indicated that she enjoyed it. She didn’t gag or choke, she took her time swallowing it, every now and then checking to see if Ben was still watching. Ben sat watching in amazement and somewhat fear. There was a look of satisfaction in Tiffany’s eyes from observing Bens demeanor.
“Mom!!!” A voice shouted in anger.
Ben spun around to see Ijah standing on the stairs observing the spectacle her mother was putting on at the kitchen table.
Ben turned back just in time to watch as the watermelon disappeared after a quick gulp. Tiffany let out a large belch and rubbed her slightly larger than normal stomach.
“Hey Ijah” Tiffany said. “I was just getting to know your friend Ben here and showing him a few tricks. I was going to come tell you he was here in a minute.”
Ijah breathed heavily.
“Hey Ben” Ijah said, visibly annoyed by her mother. “Come on upstairs, the game is in my room.”
Ben stood up from his chair and quickly went to the stairs.
“Great meeting you Ben” Tiffany said patting her tummy. “I just put a lot in here didn’t I? But I can always make room for more if need be.
Chapter 2
“Sorry about my mom” Ijah said, shaking her head as she closed her bedroom door. “I am so embarrassed.”
“Don`t be” Ben said, sitting down on her bed. “Nothing wrong with a mother being protective of her daughter.”
“Wanting to protect me is one thing,” Ijah said walking over to the television and video game system in front of the bed. “But making my friends uncomfortable is another.”
Ijah bent over to put the game into the system. The tight biker shorts she wore showed off the outline of her big beautiful butt. It jiggled some as her weight shifted and exposed the top of her lace panties just a bit. Thoughts filled Bens head, and in moments he had pitched a tent in his pants from the arousal. He tried to hide it from her. She stood up and turned around to hand him the controller.
“I want to play on battle mode for a second” she said, handing him the controller and sitting down beside him. “I want to see how good you are before….. Woooooah!!!”
Ijah looked down in Bens lap to see his erection. Her eyes widened.
“I am so sorry” Ben said, trying to lean forward to hide it. “I really don`t know what’s gotten into me. I didn’t mean to. Please just ignore it and let’s play. It will go away.”
“Ok” Ijah said, with a sly grin as she started the game.
They played a few matches and his erection never went down. He tried to think of something else but it didn’t help. They sat close together on the bed and every now and then her big soft arm would brush up against him. The smell of her perfume filled the room and every so often he would look over and see the way her lips shined from her lip gloss. Suddenly Ijah paused the game.
“Are you ok?” she asked abruptly, and making eye contact with him.
“Yes of course” Ben said leaning forward as if stretching. “Why do you ask?”
“Because” Ijah started. “You have lost all five games, and you are still hard.”
“I`m sorry” Ben said, looking away. “I think it might have happened on the walk over or something.”
“Be serious Ben” Ijah said laughing. “You`re attracted to me and that’s ok.”
“I don`t want to make this weird” Ben said, still refusing to make eye contact. “I really want to be your friend and not like the other guys.”
“I know” Ijah said, placing her hand on his knee. “To be honest we are going to need to do something about that. It’s messing up your concentration in the game. I`d be willing to help you out so we can get back into the game.”
“No,” Ben said. “Don`t feel like you have to do that. I`ll be fine. I can leave and come over some other time.”
“Look” Ijah said moving her hand up Bens thigh. “I know men have needs, I`m not stupid. I am willing to satisfy those needs when you need me too.”
“Really” Ben said, beginning to relax.
“Really” Ijah said, running her hands over his hard on. “It’s between me and you when you need it I got you. Pull your pants down let’s take care of this real quick.”
Ben did as he was told. Quickly standing up and dropping his pants his dick standing at attention for her before he sat down. She eyed it with a slight smile before taking her hand a rubbing it gently. Ben moaned in ecstasy, trying not to be too loud. Ijah`s soft hands gently stroked his cock attempting to relieve his tension.
“Am I doing it right?” Ijah asked, whispering in his ears.
“Yes perfect,” Ben said. “You know that swallowing thing that you can do?”
“Yes” Ijah giggled. “You must want me to put it in my mouth.”
“No” Ben said. “You don`t have too. I was just wondering how it would feel if you did.”
“Right” Ijah said, laying down on the bed her head pointed towards him. “You’ve been looking at my lips since you walked into the house. I know that’s why you are so hard. So maybe if you experience it, it won’t be on your mind so much.”
“Maybe not” Ben said agreeing.
“We will just have to see then” Ijah said, opening her mouth wide over Bens throbbing cock.
The door to the room swung opened. There stood Ijah`s mom, Tiffany catching her daughter about to suck his dick. The two froze on the bed.
“I warned you” Tiffany said, with sinister grin shaking her head with her hands on her hips.
“Mom, no” Ijah said. Jumping up from the bed. “I can explain.”
“Nothing to explain” Tiffany said, walking in the room past her daughter. You had his little boy parts in your mouth. If he wants to be in someone’s mouth so bad I’ll save you the trouble and put him in my mouth.”
Chapter 3
Tiffany grabbed been by the shirt his pants still down.
“Mom please” Ijah screamed.
Tiffany turned to her daughter to reply. Ben used that chance to escape her grasp and run. He ran as fast as he could with his pants on his ankles through the doorway before tripping and falling in the hallway. He tried to crawl away but he couldn’t move. Ben looked back at what had halted his escape attempt and there was Tiffany towering above him with her foot and all of her weight on his pants.
“Where do you think you’re going Ben?” Tiffany said chuckled. “You wanted to be in a ladies mouth and I am going to help you with that.”
Tiffany kneeled down on to the floor with Ben and pulled his shoes and then pants off. Holding him firmly by the ankle so he couldn’t get away.
“You`ll have to forgive me Ben.” Tiffany said, tossing his pants and underwear down her hallway. “My daughter had planned to start with another part of you but I plan to put you in my mouth feet first.”
With that she opened her mouth and took bens feet into it. Her lips easily accommodated both of his feet. She grabbed him further up on his body pulling his shins into her mouth. Ben panicked and struggled to get away. He fought off her strong grip on to his waist and attempted to crawl out her mouth.
Just when Ben made a little progress on his escape, Tiffany inhaled deeply, sucking him further into her mouth than he was before. His legs were down here throat and he wiggled them around attempting to fit her off. The kicking and in her throat didn`t help him, she demonstrated the power of her throat by gulping hard. Her throat constricted tightly around his legs, and pulled him deeper into her mouth.
Ben was still hard. His stiff cock slapped her right in the face after her hard gulp. His hard penis seemed to have saved him. No way she could get her mouth around it. She crossed her eyes to see penis resting right on her nose. Her mouth quivered, and her fat body jiggled. She was giggling as he filled her mouth.
With ease she opened her mouth wide overtaking his penis and getting back to the business of
Swallowing him. She look him in the eyes as she gulped hard and sucked him down to his torso. He panicked, grabbing at the floor trying to pull away from her mouth that slowly sucked him in. Her sensual eyes enjoyed the expressions on the scared face of her prey. She was enjoying toying with him, prolonging the inevitable complete consumption of him. Ben did all that he knew to do and swung hard at her, hitting her in the face.
His hit startled her for a bit. She loosened her lips a bit, giving Ben a little room to wiggle free. She regained her composure quickly. Moaning playfully as Ben attempted another escape. She was enjoying the game but did not take kindly to the slap, and resolved to finish him quickly. Ben felt her giggle again. A different giggle, more devious, and expecting.
“Mom, no please.” Ijah begged, watching her mother swallow her friend. She knew what was about to happen.
Just then Tiffany pushed her big body off of the floor, sitting back on her knees, still holding Bens body halfway out her mouth. At this point most of his body was in her mouth, his legs entering her stomach. She could feel his feet wiggling around in his eventual destination. She tilted her head back, her long black hair hanging from her head, and Ben waist deep in her mouth. Her throat stretched to accommodate his body. Ben looked at Ijah fearfully, reaching for her to save him from her mothers mouth and eventual fate in her belly.
Suddenly Tiffany gulped real hard, sucking most of Ben into her mouth. His head disappeared into her lips. All that remained out of her lips were his arms that flailed around wildly in a last desperate effort to escape. Tiffany slurped his helpless arms in her mouth like spaghetti noodles, and with one hard gulp swallowed him completely.
The large bulge in her mouth disappeared into a huge lump in her throat that traveled down her esophagus. Eventually what was once a fat pudgy tummy turned into a big round belly that now contained Ben. Tiffany let out a load belch, and looked down rubbing her huge belly as it wiggled. She consumed Ben, completely dominated him, swallowed him whole and alive.
“I warned him” Tiffany said rubbing her massive belly with both hands. “He didn`t believe me.”
“Mom!!!” Ijah screamed.
“Mom what!!!” Tiffany responded. “He can`t seduce my daughter while he’s inside my belly now can he.”
“He’s my friend” Ijah said with tears in her eye.
“Well” Tiffany said struggling to stand up. “You can still be his friend while he in your mommy belly. Come over here and rub my belly let him know you still here.”
Tiffany took her shirt off exposing her big yellow belly that jiggled from Bens struggles. She sat on her daughter’s bed. Ijah walked over and calmly laid her hands on her mother’s belly to calm her friend down who was imprisoned inside it.
“He’s in there and its your fought” Tiffany said looking at her daughter who caressed her massive stomach. “You put him in there. I had to teach you a lesson. I told you about these boys, all they want is one thing. I gave him what he wanted and then some. Now I need to take you school tomorrow, show them other boys at school where they will end up when they try messing with my daughter.”
“Mom please no” Ijah begged.
“I`m really not done teaching Ben a lesson” Tiffany said, slapping her belly sending Ben into a wiggling frenzy. “Since hes so into oral sex why don’t I show him how I do it. Invite a man over, suck him off until he cums right in my mouth and I swallow it all down with Ben in my belly. Hmmm. Or I could just let the man pound my from behind. How you think that will make Ben feel?
“Moooom” Ijah said, holding her mother’s belly tightly as if it would protect her friend.
“Though I would let him out under one condition” Tiffany said, rubbing her daughters back. “If you swallowed him right afterwards. Would you rather he stay in my belly or would you feel better with him in yours?”
“Mom you know I can`t do that to him.” Ijah said, gasping at the suggestion. “He is my friend, plus I have never done that, to a person. I don’t know if I can.”
“Ijah I believe in you. You can do anything you set your mind to.” Tiffany said, lovingly to her daughter. “Plus if you don`t I will do everything I said I would do, plus you will have to rub my belly while I digest him, and then be in the bathroom with me while I shit him out. It’s your decision.”
Tiffany smiled and looked at her daughter. She enjoy the helpless horny boy struggling from inside her stomach. She taught him a lesson, and she was teaching her daughter a lesson. She put that perverted boy right where he belonged, and it was time her daughter learned to do the same.
Tears filled Ijahs eyes as she rested her hands on her mother belly. She felt the kicks from her friend within as she considered the ultimatum.
Chapter 4
Ben was curled up in a ball in Tiffany’s belly. It was dark, wet, and warm. The sound of her stomach churning him, and her heart beat, were interrupted from time to time by murmurs outside of stomach walls. He had wiggled and kicked all he could. Her stomach would not give way. He knew he wasn’t going anywhere. He resolved to accept his fate.
Her stomach juices seemed to have a sweet smell and taste assumedly from the watermelon she had swallowed before him. Her walls were slippery and soft. It’s as if her belly was designed to sooth him. Make him surrender to her. There was no point in not giving in. She had swallowed him whole, her stomach was the prison he was in. They said keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, and they can`t be any closer than in your stomach. That’s where Tiffany had him. As close as possible. In her belly he could do no harm to Ijah.
Suddenly the walls of her stomach began to constrict. He didn’t know what was going on. He thought at first the digestion process was speeding up but it didn’t make sense. Her stomach constricted tightly around him pushing him upward back up towards her throat which he had only recently traveled down. His body straightened up as he was pushed back up her throat. As he was being pushed through her tight esophagus he looked up and saw a light shining down. He was almost free again???
His head slid slowly out of her mouth. He was covered by Tiffany’s saliva and stomach juices and could not see anything. Someone started whipping his face and head with a towel. Afterwards with his face clear he opened his eyes and saw Ijah smiling at him.
“Ijah!” Ben exclaimed. “You rescued me.”
Ijahs smile turned solemn. She moved close to him and grabbed his head as if ready to kiss him.
“I`m sorry Ben” Ijah said. “This is for the best.”
She shoved his head in her mouth. Soon Bens screams became muffled inside her mouth. Tiffany continued the process of regurgitating Ben while Ijah began to swallow him. It went easy as most of this body was still constricted tightly in Tiffanys throat. He went head first into the deep unexplored abyss of Ijahs throat. He had hoped to find himself here just not like this.
Ijah swallowed him up to his torso and Tiffany spit the rest of him out. The rest of his soaked body feel out of her mouth. She sighed with relief. Most of the things that went into her mouth went on a one way trip, but this was a special occasion.
Ijah breathed through her nose. Her mouth and throat full of her new best friend whose legs kicked desperately outside of her mouth. It wasn’t as challenging to swallow a man as she thought it would be. It was almost coming naturally to her. He fought as hard as he could but he was no match to her swallowing abilities. If he would just relax she would make him as comfortable as possible.
“Go ahead sweetie” Tiffany said, coaching her daughter on how to swallow the boy whole. “Leaning back and tilt your head back just like momma and make quick work of him.”
Ijah did as she was told, tilting her head back and lifting Ben straight up in the air. Gravity took over and Ben slide down her throat. Until Bens pesky erection got in the way again.
“Awww” Tiffany said, watching Bens hard on stop her daughter from swallowing him. “His little penis is trying to save him again. Well it won`t. Open wide just do like momma did.”
Ijah opened her mouth as wide as she could but couldn’t get it wide enough to engulf his cock with the rest of his body. The only thing saving Ben from being consumed again was his dick. His arms were pinned in her esophagus and his head had already entered her stomach. The inside of Ijah`s stomach was dark and wet just like her mothers. It was full of the sounds of her body trying to pull him into her stomach and the murmurs of Tiffany coaching her daughter to finish him from the outside.
“Hmmmm” Tiffany said, looking at the Dick on her daughters face. “This is a lesson, where there is a will there is a way. You wanted to play with his little boy parts now is your chance. Go ahead and rub his shaft.”
Ijah followed directions and rubbed Bens penis as it rested firmly on her face. Ben felt it and the pleasure overwhelmed him. He knew what she was trying to do but did his best to resist. Ijah could feel his attempts to struggle in her throat with every caress of his cock.
“Good girl” Tiffany said, watching her daughter jerk the boy off. “Now I`ll show you another trick tickle the under part of his balls with your tongue. You might as well make it special for him.”
Ijah took her tongue and licked his taint and the under side of his balls. That along with the rubbing of his dick sent Ben into a frenzy. It was as if he was tied down and receiving the best oral sex ever. Ijah really got into it. If she had to swallow him she was going to make sure he felt the most pleasure possible beforehand.
“That’s my girl” Tiffany said, watching with pride as her daughter pleasured the pulsating cock of the boy she was swallowing. “You are a natural at this just like your mom. I`m not going to watch you do this to the boy but what I will do is show you one of my little tricks that will make this really quick. Keep licking and stroking like you doing.”
As her daughter licked the underside of his balls and rubbed his shaft and head, Tiffany began to caress his balls. Her soft skilled hands massaged his balls in a sensual rhythm, helping her daughter satisfy the boy’s urges so that she could finish swallowing him. She could see the way he jerked around in her daughter’s throat and smiled.
“Yes he likes this.” Tiffany said, feeling the tension and pulsating in his balls. Keep on rubbing and licking and we can make him cum really hard.”
Ben was overcome with pleasure. The feeling of being completely engulfed in a warm and wet place, and having his dick and balls played with. He couldn’t imagine it getting any better. Tiffany watched the way his body reacted and felt the pulsating in his balls from her touch. She knew he was very close. She was starting to enjoy this. He was enjoying this, her daughter was enjoying this. She had to end this quickly and definitely.
Tiffany bent over and took his balls in her mouth. Completely engulfing them in her lips and dancing her tongue all over them. Ben screamed hard from the pleasure. Ijah felt his body jerk in her throat and was surprised by what her mother was doing. Tiffany enjoyed the feeling of his pulsating balls in her mouth and hummed and moaned as she sucked and licked on them.
Ben couldn’t take it anymore, a shock went through his body as the hard on he had for what seemed to be hours was relieved. Tiffany felt the huge jerk in her mouth as his balls shot cum out. Ijah was caught by surprise as the cum shot from Bens dick all over her face. Tiffany saw her daughter stop rubbing his dick and grabbed it continue stroking it as she kept his balls in her mouth.
Ben kept cumming as Tiffany made sure he drained his balls out on her daughters face. The struggle and wiggles from Ben trying to escape ended as Tiffany kept sucking his balls and stroking his dick. She kept going and didn’t stop until she made sure his balls were completely drained and his dick was limp.
Tiffany let out a satisfied sigh as she released his balls from her mouth and let go of his dick. She stood up to observe her work. Bens legs no longer moved and his cum covered Ijah`s face completely. Tiffany laughed seeing that she made the poor boy blast her daughters face with his boy goo. She took her finger and wiped some cum off her daughters forehead and put it in her mouth.
“Mmmm” Tiffany said, tasting Bens nut. “Never let good cum go to waste, its very good sauce to swallow a boy with. Finish the job baby girl.”
Chapter 5
Ijah slowly sucked Ben into her mouth. Her lips glided effortlessly past his now limp dick and now there was no obstacle to sending all of him into her stomach. Tiffany watched proudly as her daughter swallowed her first man. Yes there were a few speed bumps but this wasn’t bad for a first time. She got down on her knees with her daughter rubbing her slowly extending belly as Ben slid into it.
“Good girl” Tiffany said, feeling bens shoulders slide into the bottom of her belly. “Take your time, he isn’t going nowhere. We got him right where he want him. Enjoy him, he’s all yours.”
Ijah had swallowed him up to his knees and his lower legs were all that was left outside of her mouth. She paused for moment as if having second thoughts. Tiffany looked at her daughter puzzled and realized what was going own.
“Ohhh no you don`t” Tiffany said, grabbing Ijah by her hair. “Don`t you back out now. We are almost there. Here let me help.”
Tiffany grabbed Bens feet and slowly pushed them into Ijahs mouth. Ijah could hardly gasp with such a full mouth. She was horrified as what she was being forced to do to her friend.
“There you go.” Tiffany said, preparing to shove him down her daughter’s throat. “Just like a mother bird feeding her babies.”
Tiffany pushed the last of his toes into Ijahs mouth.
“Good job” Tiffany said, let go of Ijahs hair putting one hand on her back and the other on her growing belly. “Now you know what to do.”
Ijah closed her eyes and then her mouth. She mustered the courage and strength, then swallowed as hard as she could. Taken the weakened Ben quickly down her throat into her belly where he curled up again.
Ben was still overcome by post orgasm euphoria. There he was curled up like a little ball in Ijahs belly. This felt different. In her mother’s belly he felt captured, and conquered, as if her stomach was his prison. Ijahs belly felt safe loving even, like he was in there because she cared for him. He didn`t know what would happen to him next but if he had to be in anyone’s belly he was glad it was Ijahs.
Tiffany sat there with her daughter rub her belly full beyond capacity. Ijahs face was wet, she didn’t know if it was from tears, saliva, or Bens cum. She was proud of her daughter swallowing her first man. She knew Ben was was somewhere she couldn’t hurt her. Ijah had to learn quickly that men don’t belong in your heart they belong in your belly. Tiffany learned this tough lesson years ago. She learned it with Ijahs father.
“I am so proud of you” Tiffany said, patting Ijahs belly. “I know you may not feel good about this right now, but you will understand it soon. All men are going to do is try to get inside you so they can shot that same baby batter he shot all over your face into your lady parts. You can always put them inside you completely. He wants his babies in your belly put him in your belly until you ready to have kids. Get lay down on your bed and momma will rub your belly until you go to sleep. I know he’s probably kicking around in there. Me rubbing your belly will put you to sleep.”
Ijah struggled to get off the floor with her mothers help. Bens cum layered thick and wet on her face. She could’ve washed it off by now but she realized that it was the last part of him she had left of him outside of her stomach. She was going to savor the feeling of his satisfaction on his face for a while. She felt bad about doing but she knew it was the best option for him. Still he was in her belly and he didn`t kick or fight. She could feel him in there but he was at peace. She felt one with him, he belonged to her now completely. No one else would ever have him. They were together for ever.
Ijah laid down on her bed. Tiffany sat on the edge of the bed pulling her daughters shirt up exposing her massive belly. She smiled with pride as her daughter closed her eyes. She rubbed her hand over the big mound belly with the horny boy within.
If you are interested in more vore stories check out my Vore anthology ... ype=ebooks
Interested in a BBW spy novel with vore and feederism in it? check this out
Please comment below what you think of the story
By: Erovia
Chapter 1
Ben walked hastily down the suburb side walk. He wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Ijah had invited him over. The girl at school with the seemingly endless throat thought enough of him to invite him over to play video games. There was no guarantee anything else would happen but he was at least about to be in the position for something else to happen.
Ijah was a nice girl tall, tan skinned, plump, and pretty. All the guys would gather around her at lunch and beg for her do the trick. After much pestering she would eventually give in and take the hot dog they were serving at lunch and slowly slide the whole thing down her throat without chewing it and swallow it.
The impossible feat motivated the young mens imagination and suddenly every guy in the school was inquiring her for oral sex. She never obliged and ignored all of their advances. Ben tried a different approach. He got to know her found out she enjoyed playing video games so they would talk everyday about video games and anything else she wanted to talk about. She came to trust him and eventually invited him over to her house after school to play a new game she just bought.
He walked up to the front door of the house and knocked. He waited excitedly at the door until suddenly it swung open. He smiled expecting to see Ijah open it, but was astounded by what he saw instead. At the door stood humongous women that closely resembled Ijah.
“You must be Ben” the women said her face not yielding a smile. “I am Ijah`s mother Tiffany. Come on in.”
Ben followed her in, nervously not expecting to meet her mother at the door and not expecting her to be so large. They walked into the kitchen table that was covered in fruits and vegetables and she invited him to have a seat with her.
“I`ll go get Ijah in a minute” Ijahs mother started. “I just wanted to take the time to meet the young man my daughters been talking to at school and has taken a liking to. Do you like my daughter?”
“Uhh yes” Ben responded quickly to the question. “She’s cool and I enjoy talking to her.”
“Calm down sweetie” Tiffany said with a chuckle. “She has told me a lot about you. She seems to like you, and from what she has told me you seem to be a fine young man.”
“Thank you” Ben replied with a slight smile.
“I do worry about her a lot you know” Tiffany continued. “She did something I told her not to and showed off her special ability at school. Now all the little boys seem to have lost their minds and keep harassing her about it. She says that you are different. Is that true Ben?”
“Well yes” Ben said. “I think there’s more to her than some little trick she does.”
“Well that’s nice.” Tiffany said smiling warmly at him. “You know that’s not some trick she learned on her own. She inherited that ability from me. It’s kind of something that has run in the family for generations.”
Tiffany grabbed an eggplant from a bowl in the middle of the table and slowly looked it over before putting into her mouth and slowly sliding it in. The eggplant was at least five times the size of the hotdog her daughter had swallowed but she was doing it just as effortlessly. Tiffany`s eyes turned to Ben for a second, observing the entranced look on his face before unceremoniously swallowing the eggplant whole.
“You see?” Tiffany said after the eggplant bulge disappeared down her throat. “It’s nothing really. It gets to be kind of fun. Especially with the attention guys give you. They think that having a mouth and throat so capable means they can do things with their little boy parts. She will not be taking part in such activity. Do we have an understanding?”
“Yes ma`am” Ben said still astonished from the eggplant that disappeared in her mouth.
“I like you Ben” Tiffany said. “You are just as great as she made you out to be. I wish we had a man around to have a man to man conversations when someone took a liking to my daughter. Her father you know, things just didn’t work out you know and he is no longer with us.”
She said this seemingly unaffected, and running her fingers around a large long green watermelon.
“This reminds me” Tiffany said inspired by the watermelon. “As we get older and more experienced we can swallow bigger things than little hotdogs and eggplants. Even things five times the size of this watermelon. I know this is kind of hard to believe.”
Tiffany stopped speaking for a moment and held up the watermelon towards Ben as if comparing the size.
“Wow” Tiffany said holding the watermelon beside Ben. “You aren’t much bigger around than this watermelon are you?”
“Not much bigger” Ben said, eyeing the watermelon.
“You are probably not believing what I am saying then are you.” Tiffany said, rolling the watermelon around on the table. “Because if I were able to swallow this watermelon like I did the eggplant then that would mean I could do the same to you wouldn’t it? That would be a scary thought if I were somehow able swallow this watermelon whole then I could do the same thing to you, at any time for any reason I deemed fit.”
Ben sat searching for the right words.
“Only one way to find out” Tiffany said, grabbing the large watermelon with a playful chuckle.
She shuffled the watermelon around in her hand like an oval bowling ball. She handled it confidently as if experienced. She placed the tip of the watermelon in her mouth. Her lips parted slowly and normally seemed unfit for such and overwhelming task. Slowly her mouth stretched wider, better able to accommodate the large fruit. Slowly the watermelon entered her mouth.
She made no indication that she struggled or that it was uncomfortable. Actually her demeanor indicated that she enjoyed it. She didn’t gag or choke, she took her time swallowing it, every now and then checking to see if Ben was still watching. Ben sat watching in amazement and somewhat fear. There was a look of satisfaction in Tiffany’s eyes from observing Bens demeanor.
“Mom!!!” A voice shouted in anger.
Ben spun around to see Ijah standing on the stairs observing the spectacle her mother was putting on at the kitchen table.
Ben turned back just in time to watch as the watermelon disappeared after a quick gulp. Tiffany let out a large belch and rubbed her slightly larger than normal stomach.
“Hey Ijah” Tiffany said. “I was just getting to know your friend Ben here and showing him a few tricks. I was going to come tell you he was here in a minute.”
Ijah breathed heavily.
“Hey Ben” Ijah said, visibly annoyed by her mother. “Come on upstairs, the game is in my room.”
Ben stood up from his chair and quickly went to the stairs.
“Great meeting you Ben” Tiffany said patting her tummy. “I just put a lot in here didn’t I? But I can always make room for more if need be.
Chapter 2
“Sorry about my mom” Ijah said, shaking her head as she closed her bedroom door. “I am so embarrassed.”
“Don`t be” Ben said, sitting down on her bed. “Nothing wrong with a mother being protective of her daughter.”
“Wanting to protect me is one thing,” Ijah said walking over to the television and video game system in front of the bed. “But making my friends uncomfortable is another.”
Ijah bent over to put the game into the system. The tight biker shorts she wore showed off the outline of her big beautiful butt. It jiggled some as her weight shifted and exposed the top of her lace panties just a bit. Thoughts filled Bens head, and in moments he had pitched a tent in his pants from the arousal. He tried to hide it from her. She stood up and turned around to hand him the controller.
“I want to play on battle mode for a second” she said, handing him the controller and sitting down beside him. “I want to see how good you are before….. Woooooah!!!”
Ijah looked down in Bens lap to see his erection. Her eyes widened.
“I am so sorry” Ben said, trying to lean forward to hide it. “I really don`t know what’s gotten into me. I didn’t mean to. Please just ignore it and let’s play. It will go away.”
“Ok” Ijah said, with a sly grin as she started the game.
They played a few matches and his erection never went down. He tried to think of something else but it didn’t help. They sat close together on the bed and every now and then her big soft arm would brush up against him. The smell of her perfume filled the room and every so often he would look over and see the way her lips shined from her lip gloss. Suddenly Ijah paused the game.
“Are you ok?” she asked abruptly, and making eye contact with him.
“Yes of course” Ben said leaning forward as if stretching. “Why do you ask?”
“Because” Ijah started. “You have lost all five games, and you are still hard.”
“I`m sorry” Ben said, looking away. “I think it might have happened on the walk over or something.”
“Be serious Ben” Ijah said laughing. “You`re attracted to me and that’s ok.”
“I don`t want to make this weird” Ben said, still refusing to make eye contact. “I really want to be your friend and not like the other guys.”
“I know” Ijah said, placing her hand on his knee. “To be honest we are going to need to do something about that. It’s messing up your concentration in the game. I`d be willing to help you out so we can get back into the game.”
“No,” Ben said. “Don`t feel like you have to do that. I`ll be fine. I can leave and come over some other time.”
“Look” Ijah said moving her hand up Bens thigh. “I know men have needs, I`m not stupid. I am willing to satisfy those needs when you need me too.”
“Really” Ben said, beginning to relax.
“Really” Ijah said, running her hands over his hard on. “It’s between me and you when you need it I got you. Pull your pants down let’s take care of this real quick.”
Ben did as he was told. Quickly standing up and dropping his pants his dick standing at attention for her before he sat down. She eyed it with a slight smile before taking her hand a rubbing it gently. Ben moaned in ecstasy, trying not to be too loud. Ijah`s soft hands gently stroked his cock attempting to relieve his tension.
“Am I doing it right?” Ijah asked, whispering in his ears.
“Yes perfect,” Ben said. “You know that swallowing thing that you can do?”
“Yes” Ijah giggled. “You must want me to put it in my mouth.”
“No” Ben said. “You don`t have too. I was just wondering how it would feel if you did.”
“Right” Ijah said, laying down on the bed her head pointed towards him. “You’ve been looking at my lips since you walked into the house. I know that’s why you are so hard. So maybe if you experience it, it won’t be on your mind so much.”
“Maybe not” Ben said agreeing.
“We will just have to see then” Ijah said, opening her mouth wide over Bens throbbing cock.
The door to the room swung opened. There stood Ijah`s mom, Tiffany catching her daughter about to suck his dick. The two froze on the bed.
“I warned you” Tiffany said, with sinister grin shaking her head with her hands on her hips.
“Mom, no” Ijah said. Jumping up from the bed. “I can explain.”
“Nothing to explain” Tiffany said, walking in the room past her daughter. You had his little boy parts in your mouth. If he wants to be in someone’s mouth so bad I’ll save you the trouble and put him in my mouth.”
Chapter 3
Tiffany grabbed been by the shirt his pants still down.
“Mom please” Ijah screamed.
Tiffany turned to her daughter to reply. Ben used that chance to escape her grasp and run. He ran as fast as he could with his pants on his ankles through the doorway before tripping and falling in the hallway. He tried to crawl away but he couldn’t move. Ben looked back at what had halted his escape attempt and there was Tiffany towering above him with her foot and all of her weight on his pants.
“Where do you think you’re going Ben?” Tiffany said chuckled. “You wanted to be in a ladies mouth and I am going to help you with that.”
Tiffany kneeled down on to the floor with Ben and pulled his shoes and then pants off. Holding him firmly by the ankle so he couldn’t get away.
“You`ll have to forgive me Ben.” Tiffany said, tossing his pants and underwear down her hallway. “My daughter had planned to start with another part of you but I plan to put you in my mouth feet first.”
With that she opened her mouth and took bens feet into it. Her lips easily accommodated both of his feet. She grabbed him further up on his body pulling his shins into her mouth. Ben panicked and struggled to get away. He fought off her strong grip on to his waist and attempted to crawl out her mouth.
Just when Ben made a little progress on his escape, Tiffany inhaled deeply, sucking him further into her mouth than he was before. His legs were down here throat and he wiggled them around attempting to fit her off. The kicking and in her throat didn`t help him, she demonstrated the power of her throat by gulping hard. Her throat constricted tightly around his legs, and pulled him deeper into her mouth.
Ben was still hard. His stiff cock slapped her right in the face after her hard gulp. His hard penis seemed to have saved him. No way she could get her mouth around it. She crossed her eyes to see penis resting right on her nose. Her mouth quivered, and her fat body jiggled. She was giggling as he filled her mouth.
With ease she opened her mouth wide overtaking his penis and getting back to the business of
Swallowing him. She look him in the eyes as she gulped hard and sucked him down to his torso. He panicked, grabbing at the floor trying to pull away from her mouth that slowly sucked him in. Her sensual eyes enjoyed the expressions on the scared face of her prey. She was enjoying toying with him, prolonging the inevitable complete consumption of him. Ben did all that he knew to do and swung hard at her, hitting her in the face.
His hit startled her for a bit. She loosened her lips a bit, giving Ben a little room to wiggle free. She regained her composure quickly. Moaning playfully as Ben attempted another escape. She was enjoying the game but did not take kindly to the slap, and resolved to finish him quickly. Ben felt her giggle again. A different giggle, more devious, and expecting.
“Mom, no please.” Ijah begged, watching her mother swallow her friend. She knew what was about to happen.
Just then Tiffany pushed her big body off of the floor, sitting back on her knees, still holding Bens body halfway out her mouth. At this point most of his body was in her mouth, his legs entering her stomach. She could feel his feet wiggling around in his eventual destination. She tilted her head back, her long black hair hanging from her head, and Ben waist deep in her mouth. Her throat stretched to accommodate his body. Ben looked at Ijah fearfully, reaching for her to save him from her mothers mouth and eventual fate in her belly.
Suddenly Tiffany gulped real hard, sucking most of Ben into her mouth. His head disappeared into her lips. All that remained out of her lips were his arms that flailed around wildly in a last desperate effort to escape. Tiffany slurped his helpless arms in her mouth like spaghetti noodles, and with one hard gulp swallowed him completely.
The large bulge in her mouth disappeared into a huge lump in her throat that traveled down her esophagus. Eventually what was once a fat pudgy tummy turned into a big round belly that now contained Ben. Tiffany let out a load belch, and looked down rubbing her huge belly as it wiggled. She consumed Ben, completely dominated him, swallowed him whole and alive.
“I warned him” Tiffany said rubbing her massive belly with both hands. “He didn`t believe me.”
“Mom!!!” Ijah screamed.
“Mom what!!!” Tiffany responded. “He can`t seduce my daughter while he’s inside my belly now can he.”
“He’s my friend” Ijah said with tears in her eye.
“Well” Tiffany said struggling to stand up. “You can still be his friend while he in your mommy belly. Come over here and rub my belly let him know you still here.”
Tiffany took her shirt off exposing her big yellow belly that jiggled from Bens struggles. She sat on her daughter’s bed. Ijah walked over and calmly laid her hands on her mother’s belly to calm her friend down who was imprisoned inside it.
“He’s in there and its your fought” Tiffany said looking at her daughter who caressed her massive stomach. “You put him in there. I had to teach you a lesson. I told you about these boys, all they want is one thing. I gave him what he wanted and then some. Now I need to take you school tomorrow, show them other boys at school where they will end up when they try messing with my daughter.”
“Mom please no” Ijah begged.
“I`m really not done teaching Ben a lesson” Tiffany said, slapping her belly sending Ben into a wiggling frenzy. “Since hes so into oral sex why don’t I show him how I do it. Invite a man over, suck him off until he cums right in my mouth and I swallow it all down with Ben in my belly. Hmmm. Or I could just let the man pound my from behind. How you think that will make Ben feel?
“Moooom” Ijah said, holding her mother’s belly tightly as if it would protect her friend.
“Though I would let him out under one condition” Tiffany said, rubbing her daughters back. “If you swallowed him right afterwards. Would you rather he stay in my belly or would you feel better with him in yours?”
“Mom you know I can`t do that to him.” Ijah said, gasping at the suggestion. “He is my friend, plus I have never done that, to a person. I don’t know if I can.”
“Ijah I believe in you. You can do anything you set your mind to.” Tiffany said, lovingly to her daughter. “Plus if you don`t I will do everything I said I would do, plus you will have to rub my belly while I digest him, and then be in the bathroom with me while I shit him out. It’s your decision.”
Tiffany smiled and looked at her daughter. She enjoy the helpless horny boy struggling from inside her stomach. She taught him a lesson, and she was teaching her daughter a lesson. She put that perverted boy right where he belonged, and it was time her daughter learned to do the same.
Tears filled Ijahs eyes as she rested her hands on her mother belly. She felt the kicks from her friend within as she considered the ultimatum.
Chapter 4
Ben was curled up in a ball in Tiffany’s belly. It was dark, wet, and warm. The sound of her stomach churning him, and her heart beat, were interrupted from time to time by murmurs outside of stomach walls. He had wiggled and kicked all he could. Her stomach would not give way. He knew he wasn’t going anywhere. He resolved to accept his fate.
Her stomach juices seemed to have a sweet smell and taste assumedly from the watermelon she had swallowed before him. Her walls were slippery and soft. It’s as if her belly was designed to sooth him. Make him surrender to her. There was no point in not giving in. She had swallowed him whole, her stomach was the prison he was in. They said keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, and they can`t be any closer than in your stomach. That’s where Tiffany had him. As close as possible. In her belly he could do no harm to Ijah.
Suddenly the walls of her stomach began to constrict. He didn’t know what was going on. He thought at first the digestion process was speeding up but it didn’t make sense. Her stomach constricted tightly around him pushing him upward back up towards her throat which he had only recently traveled down. His body straightened up as he was pushed back up her throat. As he was being pushed through her tight esophagus he looked up and saw a light shining down. He was almost free again???
His head slid slowly out of her mouth. He was covered by Tiffany’s saliva and stomach juices and could not see anything. Someone started whipping his face and head with a towel. Afterwards with his face clear he opened his eyes and saw Ijah smiling at him.
“Ijah!” Ben exclaimed. “You rescued me.”
Ijahs smile turned solemn. She moved close to him and grabbed his head as if ready to kiss him.
“I`m sorry Ben” Ijah said. “This is for the best.”
She shoved his head in her mouth. Soon Bens screams became muffled inside her mouth. Tiffany continued the process of regurgitating Ben while Ijah began to swallow him. It went easy as most of this body was still constricted tightly in Tiffanys throat. He went head first into the deep unexplored abyss of Ijahs throat. He had hoped to find himself here just not like this.
Ijah swallowed him up to his torso and Tiffany spit the rest of him out. The rest of his soaked body feel out of her mouth. She sighed with relief. Most of the things that went into her mouth went on a one way trip, but this was a special occasion.
Ijah breathed through her nose. Her mouth and throat full of her new best friend whose legs kicked desperately outside of her mouth. It wasn’t as challenging to swallow a man as she thought it would be. It was almost coming naturally to her. He fought as hard as he could but he was no match to her swallowing abilities. If he would just relax she would make him as comfortable as possible.
“Go ahead sweetie” Tiffany said, coaching her daughter on how to swallow the boy whole. “Leaning back and tilt your head back just like momma and make quick work of him.”
Ijah did as she was told, tilting her head back and lifting Ben straight up in the air. Gravity took over and Ben slide down her throat. Until Bens pesky erection got in the way again.
“Awww” Tiffany said, watching Bens hard on stop her daughter from swallowing him. “His little penis is trying to save him again. Well it won`t. Open wide just do like momma did.”
Ijah opened her mouth as wide as she could but couldn’t get it wide enough to engulf his cock with the rest of his body. The only thing saving Ben from being consumed again was his dick. His arms were pinned in her esophagus and his head had already entered her stomach. The inside of Ijah`s stomach was dark and wet just like her mothers. It was full of the sounds of her body trying to pull him into her stomach and the murmurs of Tiffany coaching her daughter to finish him from the outside.
“Hmmmm” Tiffany said, looking at the Dick on her daughters face. “This is a lesson, where there is a will there is a way. You wanted to play with his little boy parts now is your chance. Go ahead and rub his shaft.”
Ijah followed directions and rubbed Bens penis as it rested firmly on her face. Ben felt it and the pleasure overwhelmed him. He knew what she was trying to do but did his best to resist. Ijah could feel his attempts to struggle in her throat with every caress of his cock.
“Good girl” Tiffany said, watching her daughter jerk the boy off. “Now I`ll show you another trick tickle the under part of his balls with your tongue. You might as well make it special for him.”
Ijah took her tongue and licked his taint and the under side of his balls. That along with the rubbing of his dick sent Ben into a frenzy. It was as if he was tied down and receiving the best oral sex ever. Ijah really got into it. If she had to swallow him she was going to make sure he felt the most pleasure possible beforehand.
“That’s my girl” Tiffany said, watching with pride as her daughter pleasured the pulsating cock of the boy she was swallowing. “You are a natural at this just like your mom. I`m not going to watch you do this to the boy but what I will do is show you one of my little tricks that will make this really quick. Keep licking and stroking like you doing.”
As her daughter licked the underside of his balls and rubbed his shaft and head, Tiffany began to caress his balls. Her soft skilled hands massaged his balls in a sensual rhythm, helping her daughter satisfy the boy’s urges so that she could finish swallowing him. She could see the way he jerked around in her daughter’s throat and smiled.
“Yes he likes this.” Tiffany said, feeling the tension and pulsating in his balls. Keep on rubbing and licking and we can make him cum really hard.”
Ben was overcome with pleasure. The feeling of being completely engulfed in a warm and wet place, and having his dick and balls played with. He couldn’t imagine it getting any better. Tiffany watched the way his body reacted and felt the pulsating in his balls from her touch. She knew he was very close. She was starting to enjoy this. He was enjoying this, her daughter was enjoying this. She had to end this quickly and definitely.
Tiffany bent over and took his balls in her mouth. Completely engulfing them in her lips and dancing her tongue all over them. Ben screamed hard from the pleasure. Ijah felt his body jerk in her throat and was surprised by what her mother was doing. Tiffany enjoyed the feeling of his pulsating balls in her mouth and hummed and moaned as she sucked and licked on them.
Ben couldn’t take it anymore, a shock went through his body as the hard on he had for what seemed to be hours was relieved. Tiffany felt the huge jerk in her mouth as his balls shot cum out. Ijah was caught by surprise as the cum shot from Bens dick all over her face. Tiffany saw her daughter stop rubbing his dick and grabbed it continue stroking it as she kept his balls in her mouth.
Ben kept cumming as Tiffany made sure he drained his balls out on her daughters face. The struggle and wiggles from Ben trying to escape ended as Tiffany kept sucking his balls and stroking his dick. She kept going and didn’t stop until she made sure his balls were completely drained and his dick was limp.
Tiffany let out a satisfied sigh as she released his balls from her mouth and let go of his dick. She stood up to observe her work. Bens legs no longer moved and his cum covered Ijah`s face completely. Tiffany laughed seeing that she made the poor boy blast her daughters face with his boy goo. She took her finger and wiped some cum off her daughters forehead and put it in her mouth.
“Mmmm” Tiffany said, tasting Bens nut. “Never let good cum go to waste, its very good sauce to swallow a boy with. Finish the job baby girl.”
Chapter 5
Ijah slowly sucked Ben into her mouth. Her lips glided effortlessly past his now limp dick and now there was no obstacle to sending all of him into her stomach. Tiffany watched proudly as her daughter swallowed her first man. Yes there were a few speed bumps but this wasn’t bad for a first time. She got down on her knees with her daughter rubbing her slowly extending belly as Ben slid into it.
“Good girl” Tiffany said, feeling bens shoulders slide into the bottom of her belly. “Take your time, he isn’t going nowhere. We got him right where he want him. Enjoy him, he’s all yours.”
Ijah had swallowed him up to his knees and his lower legs were all that was left outside of her mouth. She paused for moment as if having second thoughts. Tiffany looked at her daughter puzzled and realized what was going own.
“Ohhh no you don`t” Tiffany said, grabbing Ijah by her hair. “Don`t you back out now. We are almost there. Here let me help.”
Tiffany grabbed Bens feet and slowly pushed them into Ijahs mouth. Ijah could hardly gasp with such a full mouth. She was horrified as what she was being forced to do to her friend.
“There you go.” Tiffany said, preparing to shove him down her daughter’s throat. “Just like a mother bird feeding her babies.”
Tiffany pushed the last of his toes into Ijahs mouth.
“Good job” Tiffany said, let go of Ijahs hair putting one hand on her back and the other on her growing belly. “Now you know what to do.”
Ijah closed her eyes and then her mouth. She mustered the courage and strength, then swallowed as hard as she could. Taken the weakened Ben quickly down her throat into her belly where he curled up again.
Ben was still overcome by post orgasm euphoria. There he was curled up like a little ball in Ijahs belly. This felt different. In her mother’s belly he felt captured, and conquered, as if her stomach was his prison. Ijahs belly felt safe loving even, like he was in there because she cared for him. He didn`t know what would happen to him next but if he had to be in anyone’s belly he was glad it was Ijahs.
Tiffany sat there with her daughter rub her belly full beyond capacity. Ijahs face was wet, she didn’t know if it was from tears, saliva, or Bens cum. She was proud of her daughter swallowing her first man. She knew Ben was was somewhere she couldn’t hurt her. Ijah had to learn quickly that men don’t belong in your heart they belong in your belly. Tiffany learned this tough lesson years ago. She learned it with Ijahs father.
“I am so proud of you” Tiffany said, patting Ijahs belly. “I know you may not feel good about this right now, but you will understand it soon. All men are going to do is try to get inside you so they can shot that same baby batter he shot all over your face into your lady parts. You can always put them inside you completely. He wants his babies in your belly put him in your belly until you ready to have kids. Get lay down on your bed and momma will rub your belly until you go to sleep. I know he’s probably kicking around in there. Me rubbing your belly will put you to sleep.”
Ijah struggled to get off the floor with her mothers help. Bens cum layered thick and wet on her face. She could’ve washed it off by now but she realized that it was the last part of him she had left of him outside of her stomach. She was going to savor the feeling of his satisfaction on his face for a while. She felt bad about doing but she knew it was the best option for him. Still he was in her belly and he didn`t kick or fight. She could feel him in there but he was at peace. She felt one with him, he belonged to her now completely. No one else would ever have him. They were together for ever.
Ijah laid down on her bed. Tiffany sat on the edge of the bed pulling her daughters shirt up exposing her massive belly. She smiled with pride as her daughter closed her eyes. She rubbed her hand over the big mound belly with the horny boy within.
If you are interested in more vore stories check out my Vore anthology ... ype=ebooks
Interested in a BBW spy novel with vore and feederism in it? check this out
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In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
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erovia - Been posting for a bit
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Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
In Gospel Girls Gut
He usually stayed away from church girls. They were usually boring, and complained about wanting to get married but this one was different. She was easily approachable and even brought up a few times how it had been so long since she had had a man in her and how she wanted to change that soon. Tevin wanted to help her change that.
He had laid it on her thick telling her exactly what she wanted to hear. Telling her about his years growing up in the church and how he wanted to accept his call to be a minister soon. He threw in parts about wanting to find a wife, she was eating it all up to the point that she had agreed to meet him at a coffee shop across from the Christian book store.
He had gone into the store earlier and bought a bible study guide to make his story all the more believable. He dressed like the typical church boy wearing his sweater vest and ripped jeans. All the while in his back left pocket he had his condoms, hoping to use them if the night went as planned.
Through the window of the coffee shop he could see the large black woman he had been expecting walking across the grass. A few inches over five feet tall, and a few pounds over 400, she had long braids, shades and a green sleeveless jumper.
She swung open the coffee shop door and barely fit through the door way. Tevin stood up to great her. She walked over with a smile.
“Tequla, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person,” Tevin said reaching out his hand to shake hers. “Since we first began to talk I felt it in my spirit that this was going to turn into a wonderful thing. Seeing you in person for the first time confirms that.”
Tequla pushed his hand away and embraced him in an engulfing hug.
“No need for that baby” Tequla said loudly. “No point in shaking hands, from talking to you it almost feels like we were meant to be joined together as one.”
“Yes” Tevin said attempting to sound convinced. “Have a seat my dear.”
They sat and talked for hours. She talked about how she had released a gospel album and she was hoping to make it big one day. Apparently she had a big gospel concert tomorrow that she had to get ready for. She invited Tevin back to the studio so she could prepare for her big day, and of course he was excited to assist in her ministry in any way that he could.
He followed her in his car to the studio across town and walked in behind her. The studio was simple but state of the art. Recording booth, bathroom, and a backroom with a couch and TV.
“This is where the magic happens” Tequla said, twirling around. “I recorded my album in here.”
“How are your album sales?” Tevin asked, attempting to sound interested.
“I have a few.” Tequla said, sounding slightly disappointed. “Mostly friends and family. But I think that will change tomorrow if the concert goes well.”
“Well we should make sure you are ready for it then?” Tevin said, sounding motivated. “I`ve never even heard you sing before. Let me hear you.”
“I can`t” Tequla said, acting shy and humble. “You got me nervous, I don`t want to sound bad.”
“I know you won`t.” Tevin said with confidence. “One of my favorite singers is Lashun Pace, do you know anything by here?”
“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHAAAAAII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII” Tequla started off singing. “Know I`ve been chaaaanged.”
“Stop right there” Tevin said, in shock. “That was amazing.”
“I don`t know” Tequla said, pretending to be disappointed. “That sounded a little flat in my opinion.”
“That filled my spirit” Tevin said, pretending to wipe a tear from his eyes. “But if you think it can be better how can we improve it.”
“I just need a little inspiration” Tequla said, walking into the room with the couch.
“What kind of inspiration?” Tevin said, following her.
“I don`t know, I feel like I`m missing something.” Tequla said, sitting down on the couch, making it squeak loudly under her heavy weight. “There’s an emptiness in me I can`t explain. A hole, a hole that needs to be filled.”
If she needed her hole filled, Tevin knew he was the man for the job.
“I want to help your ministry anyway that I can” Tevin said, sitting down beside Tequla, and place his hand firmly on her large thigh.
“Really?” Tequla asked, staring dreamily into his eyes.
“Really.” Tevin confirmed moving in slowly to kiss her.
She moved in real fast. Their lips met for a slow sensual kiss. They stopped and looked into each other’s eyes and he could see she was ready for me, almost hungry for him. They kissed again, this time their tongues danced and he grabbed her hips and helped himself to the largeness of her body.
Suddenly her kisses became more passionate, more powerful. There wasn’t so much tongue now as it was her mouth sucking his face. She moaned as if enjoying its taste. She grabbed him and pulled him in closer to her. Tevin had always known church girls were closet freaks but had never experienced anything like this.
Then things got weird. Her mouth began to engulf his face. He knew she had a really wide mouth to sing the way she did and to get the size she was you had to have a really big mouth to eat all that food. He was beginning to get a little uncomfortable and started to pull away slightly hoping that she would get the hint. Suddenly her mouth slowly started engulfing his head. Before he knew it his whole head was completely in her mouth.
He panicked trying to pull for her. He wanted his head in her mouth but not this way. He couldn’t get away her hands held his shoulders firmly. His head was trapped her big mouth, he did his best not to drown in all the saliva, and his ears were filled with her moans, as her tongue licked all over his head.
Tevin felt her throat constrict and pull him in deeper and her hands reached down his body to shove him in deeper. Tevin kicked his legs, this wasn’t cool any more. With one hard gulp Tequla swallowed him down to his waist. Tevin legs kicks frantically, what was she doing? This wasn’t possible? He had to make her stop.
Tequla grabbed his legs held them firmly, using them to shove him deeper down her throat. She stopped when she felt his hardness on his lips. She let go of his legs and gently rubbed the erection, and moaned seductively, knowing that the man going down her throat could feel her moans through her vocal cords, and feel her hands on his cock. He was gifted but it would not slow her down. Opening her mouth wider she his bulge disappeared in her lips and down her throat. The bulge of his cock poking the inside of her throat. She stopped for a moment to have some fun. She began to moan.
Tevin had gone had first down Tequila’s throat. His arms to his side, and his legs held tightly by her. He was helpless, somehow he was still erect from the initially kissing and thought that my slow her down but to no avail. She was swallowing him effortlessly. His erect penis was pressed against the walls of her throat when he felt her begin to hum. The way her throat walls vibrated on his body and erect penis created an amazing sensation.
Tevin had never felt anything like it. It pleasured him and made him feel helpless at the same time. Tequla changed the power of her humming increasing the sensations that Tevin felt. It was too much for Tevin he gave in, his head and shoulders had entered her stomach, and the rest of his body was engulfed in the walls of her throat, and the vibrations of her hums. The vibrations and the soft wetness of her throat took him over the top. His body writhed as much as it could in her throat.
Tequla moaned slyly as she felt the man orgasm in her throat. The fun was over time to finish him. Laying back on the couch with one hard slurp his limp legs disappeared into her lips and with a hard gulp the rest of his body slid down her throat into her big belly. Her once huge belly was now gigantic and tested the fabric of her green jumper.
Tevin struggled from inside her belly. He couldn’t believe it, she had literally put him in her stomach. He was weak after what was one of the weirdest orgasms he had ever had but he pushed and kicked against her soft stomach walls hoping that he would find a way out. Tequla enjoyed the feelings of her prey fighting within her stomach to no avail. She let out aloud burp to relieve the pressure he was making.
“Stop that!” Tequla snapped, as she slapped her belly causing the wiggling to cease. “Now you are in my belly and there’s nothing you can do about it. I told you there was an emptiness I felt and now look you really helped me fill it. I believe you were sent to me for a purpose to help me minister to everyone tomorrow and help me sing so well that everyone the world around will know my name. The best way you could do that was from inside my belly. I always sing better with a full belly and it doesn’t get any fuller than it is now. Just accept that you are being used to spread the gospel from inside of my stomach.”
Tevin heard Tequla and began to kick and fight again. He just wanted to get laid he didn’t care about ministering to anybody. He just said all the things he knew church girls wanted to hear so that he could get laid. He wanted out of her. It tight, wet, warm, stinky and smelly.
“Well suit yourself” Tequla said, observing her belly began to wiggle again. “Remember no matter what you do you aren’t getting out. Now i`m going to sleep, you keep struggling all you want to it doesn’t matter to me, I`ve got to rest for my big day tomorrow.”
Tequla laid down on the couch as her belly bounced around, and feel asleep rubbing her full stomach and dreaming about her impending musical stardom.
“Coming to the stage, the new big name of gospel music” the announcer said, as the crowd cheered. “Fresh off of the release of her debut album, Tequla Wilson.”
The crowd went wild as Tequla walked on to the stage. Her belly was humongous and appeared to wiggle uncontrollably but the crowd pretended not to notice, she was always a big girl but they couldn’t remember her being that big. Despite her large stomach she looked stunning in her blue skirt. The music blared behind her as she hollered a beautiful melody into the microphone that filled the auditorium. The crowd went wild…
After the concert her she walked through the adoring audience all of who gave raving reviews of her performance. Many vowing to purchase her new album and even a few inviting her to perform at their churches and concerts. They noticed her gut seemed to decrease in size since the beginning of the concert still they didn’t mention it. At the corner watching her was a man in a clergy collar shirt. She made her way over towards him smiling.
“You did a wonderful job honey” the preacher said, hugging her. “You brought down the house and ministered to the saints.”
“Thank you daddy” Tequla said, hugging him tightly. “I did the best I could.”
“Well I was a proud father as always” the preacher, said smiling at this daughter. “I noticed you didn’t come home last night. I stayed late at our studio practicing for today.”
“I see” the preacher said. “Well one of the women of the church saw you out with a handsome young man. Said they saw you going into the studio together.”
“Yes daddy” Tequla said, stuttering to make an excuse. “It was a new friend I met.”
“O, I see” the preacher said, looking down at his daughters large belly, but smaller than earlier belly. “Any of me meeting this young man? And when did he leave the studio?”
“He left when I left” Tequla said, rubbing on her belly. “No I don`t think you will meet him. I just lacked the inspiration for today, and he filled that void.”
He usually stayed away from church girls. They were usually boring, and complained about wanting to get married but this one was different. She was easily approachable and even brought up a few times how it had been so long since she had had a man in her and how she wanted to change that soon. Tevin wanted to help her change that.
He had laid it on her thick telling her exactly what she wanted to hear. Telling her about his years growing up in the church and how he wanted to accept his call to be a minister soon. He threw in parts about wanting to find a wife, she was eating it all up to the point that she had agreed to meet him at a coffee shop across from the Christian book store.
He had gone into the store earlier and bought a bible study guide to make his story all the more believable. He dressed like the typical church boy wearing his sweater vest and ripped jeans. All the while in his back left pocket he had his condoms, hoping to use them if the night went as planned.
Through the window of the coffee shop he could see the large black woman he had been expecting walking across the grass. A few inches over five feet tall, and a few pounds over 400, she had long braids, shades and a green sleeveless jumper.
She swung open the coffee shop door and barely fit through the door way. Tevin stood up to great her. She walked over with a smile.
“Tequla, it’s a pleasure to meet you in person,” Tevin said reaching out his hand to shake hers. “Since we first began to talk I felt it in my spirit that this was going to turn into a wonderful thing. Seeing you in person for the first time confirms that.”
Tequla pushed his hand away and embraced him in an engulfing hug.
“No need for that baby” Tequla said loudly. “No point in shaking hands, from talking to you it almost feels like we were meant to be joined together as one.”
“Yes” Tevin said attempting to sound convinced. “Have a seat my dear.”
They sat and talked for hours. She talked about how she had released a gospel album and she was hoping to make it big one day. Apparently she had a big gospel concert tomorrow that she had to get ready for. She invited Tevin back to the studio so she could prepare for her big day, and of course he was excited to assist in her ministry in any way that he could.
He followed her in his car to the studio across town and walked in behind her. The studio was simple but state of the art. Recording booth, bathroom, and a backroom with a couch and TV.
“This is where the magic happens” Tequla said, twirling around. “I recorded my album in here.”
“How are your album sales?” Tevin asked, attempting to sound interested.
“I have a few.” Tequla said, sounding slightly disappointed. “Mostly friends and family. But I think that will change tomorrow if the concert goes well.”
“Well we should make sure you are ready for it then?” Tevin said, sounding motivated. “I`ve never even heard you sing before. Let me hear you.”
“I can`t” Tequla said, acting shy and humble. “You got me nervous, I don`t want to sound bad.”
“I know you won`t.” Tevin said with confidence. “One of my favorite singers is Lashun Pace, do you know anything by here?”
“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHAAAAAII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII” Tequla started off singing. “Know I`ve been chaaaanged.”
“Stop right there” Tevin said, in shock. “That was amazing.”
“I don`t know” Tequla said, pretending to be disappointed. “That sounded a little flat in my opinion.”
“That filled my spirit” Tevin said, pretending to wipe a tear from his eyes. “But if you think it can be better how can we improve it.”
“I just need a little inspiration” Tequla said, walking into the room with the couch.
“What kind of inspiration?” Tevin said, following her.
“I don`t know, I feel like I`m missing something.” Tequla said, sitting down on the couch, making it squeak loudly under her heavy weight. “There’s an emptiness in me I can`t explain. A hole, a hole that needs to be filled.”
If she needed her hole filled, Tevin knew he was the man for the job.
“I want to help your ministry anyway that I can” Tevin said, sitting down beside Tequla, and place his hand firmly on her large thigh.
“Really?” Tequla asked, staring dreamily into his eyes.
“Really.” Tevin confirmed moving in slowly to kiss her.
She moved in real fast. Their lips met for a slow sensual kiss. They stopped and looked into each other’s eyes and he could see she was ready for me, almost hungry for him. They kissed again, this time their tongues danced and he grabbed her hips and helped himself to the largeness of her body.
Suddenly her kisses became more passionate, more powerful. There wasn’t so much tongue now as it was her mouth sucking his face. She moaned as if enjoying its taste. She grabbed him and pulled him in closer to her. Tevin had always known church girls were closet freaks but had never experienced anything like this.
Then things got weird. Her mouth began to engulf his face. He knew she had a really wide mouth to sing the way she did and to get the size she was you had to have a really big mouth to eat all that food. He was beginning to get a little uncomfortable and started to pull away slightly hoping that she would get the hint. Suddenly her mouth slowly started engulfing his head. Before he knew it his whole head was completely in her mouth.
He panicked trying to pull for her. He wanted his head in her mouth but not this way. He couldn’t get away her hands held his shoulders firmly. His head was trapped her big mouth, he did his best not to drown in all the saliva, and his ears were filled with her moans, as her tongue licked all over his head.
Tevin felt her throat constrict and pull him in deeper and her hands reached down his body to shove him in deeper. Tevin kicked his legs, this wasn’t cool any more. With one hard gulp Tequla swallowed him down to his waist. Tevin legs kicks frantically, what was she doing? This wasn’t possible? He had to make her stop.
Tequla grabbed his legs held them firmly, using them to shove him deeper down her throat. She stopped when she felt his hardness on his lips. She let go of his legs and gently rubbed the erection, and moaned seductively, knowing that the man going down her throat could feel her moans through her vocal cords, and feel her hands on his cock. He was gifted but it would not slow her down. Opening her mouth wider she his bulge disappeared in her lips and down her throat. The bulge of his cock poking the inside of her throat. She stopped for a moment to have some fun. She began to moan.
Tevin had gone had first down Tequila’s throat. His arms to his side, and his legs held tightly by her. He was helpless, somehow he was still erect from the initially kissing and thought that my slow her down but to no avail. She was swallowing him effortlessly. His erect penis was pressed against the walls of her throat when he felt her begin to hum. The way her throat walls vibrated on his body and erect penis created an amazing sensation.
Tevin had never felt anything like it. It pleasured him and made him feel helpless at the same time. Tequla changed the power of her humming increasing the sensations that Tevin felt. It was too much for Tevin he gave in, his head and shoulders had entered her stomach, and the rest of his body was engulfed in the walls of her throat, and the vibrations of her hums. The vibrations and the soft wetness of her throat took him over the top. His body writhed as much as it could in her throat.
Tequla moaned slyly as she felt the man orgasm in her throat. The fun was over time to finish him. Laying back on the couch with one hard slurp his limp legs disappeared into her lips and with a hard gulp the rest of his body slid down her throat into her big belly. Her once huge belly was now gigantic and tested the fabric of her green jumper.
Tevin struggled from inside her belly. He couldn’t believe it, she had literally put him in her stomach. He was weak after what was one of the weirdest orgasms he had ever had but he pushed and kicked against her soft stomach walls hoping that he would find a way out. Tequla enjoyed the feelings of her prey fighting within her stomach to no avail. She let out aloud burp to relieve the pressure he was making.
“Stop that!” Tequla snapped, as she slapped her belly causing the wiggling to cease. “Now you are in my belly and there’s nothing you can do about it. I told you there was an emptiness I felt and now look you really helped me fill it. I believe you were sent to me for a purpose to help me minister to everyone tomorrow and help me sing so well that everyone the world around will know my name. The best way you could do that was from inside my belly. I always sing better with a full belly and it doesn’t get any fuller than it is now. Just accept that you are being used to spread the gospel from inside of my stomach.”
Tevin heard Tequla and began to kick and fight again. He just wanted to get laid he didn’t care about ministering to anybody. He just said all the things he knew church girls wanted to hear so that he could get laid. He wanted out of her. It tight, wet, warm, stinky and smelly.
“Well suit yourself” Tequla said, observing her belly began to wiggle again. “Remember no matter what you do you aren’t getting out. Now i`m going to sleep, you keep struggling all you want to it doesn’t matter to me, I`ve got to rest for my big day tomorrow.”
Tequla laid down on the couch as her belly bounced around, and feel asleep rubbing her full stomach and dreaming about her impending musical stardom.
“Coming to the stage, the new big name of gospel music” the announcer said, as the crowd cheered. “Fresh off of the release of her debut album, Tequla Wilson.”
The crowd went wild as Tequla walked on to the stage. Her belly was humongous and appeared to wiggle uncontrollably but the crowd pretended not to notice, she was always a big girl but they couldn’t remember her being that big. Despite her large stomach she looked stunning in her blue skirt. The music blared behind her as she hollered a beautiful melody into the microphone that filled the auditorium. The crowd went wild…
After the concert her she walked through the adoring audience all of who gave raving reviews of her performance. Many vowing to purchase her new album and even a few inviting her to perform at their churches and concerts. They noticed her gut seemed to decrease in size since the beginning of the concert still they didn’t mention it. At the corner watching her was a man in a clergy collar shirt. She made her way over towards him smiling.
“You did a wonderful job honey” the preacher said, hugging her. “You brought down the house and ministered to the saints.”
“Thank you daddy” Tequla said, hugging him tightly. “I did the best I could.”
“Well I was a proud father as always” the preacher, said smiling at this daughter. “I noticed you didn’t come home last night. I stayed late at our studio practicing for today.”
“I see” the preacher said. “Well one of the women of the church saw you out with a handsome young man. Said they saw you going into the studio together.”
“Yes daddy” Tequla said, stuttering to make an excuse. “It was a new friend I met.”
“O, I see” the preacher said, looking down at his daughters large belly, but smaller than earlier belly. “Any of me meeting this young man? And when did he leave the studio?”
“He left when I left” Tequla said, rubbing on her belly. “No I don`t think you will meet him. I just lacked the inspiration for today, and he filled that void.”
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
You should come visit sometimes
You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 53
- Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 9:28 am
- Location: Greensboro NC
Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
Wow Erovia! That Swallowing Gene story of yours I just read, Is the first of your stories I have read so far and probably one of the hottest best stories I have ever read! especially me being a huge SSBBW and BBW fan I was like turned on from the very beginning, and started experiencing the same problem Ben had from about the Time the Mother started comparing the watermelons size to Ben's own circumference! And then imposing a obvious warning to him by swallowing it down!From that time on it just kept getting better, and you have kept me captivated and very aroused from beginning to end with this erotic story! I really kind of could feel like Ben innocently being sucked into temptation and Tiffany's Belly by not being able to resist that temptation or her powerful mouth. And then the bonus surprise of being double devoured by Ijah at the twist ending put me over! I can't wait to read your other stories, and will also become a customer of your Amazon stories and would love to commission a story from you too!
Thank you for sharing this great story!
Thank you for sharing this great story!
- bellybound
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- Location: Chi Town
Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
bellybound wrote:Wow Erovia! That Swallowing Gene story of yours I just read, Is the first of your stories I have read so far and probably one of the hottest best stories I have ever read! especially me being a huge SSBBW and BBW fan I was like turned on from the very beginning, and started experiencing the same problem Ben had from about the Time the Mother started comparing the watermelons size to Ben's own circumference! And then imposing a obvious warning to him by swallowing it down!From that time on it just kept getting better, and you have kept me captivated and very aroused from beginning to end with this erotic story! I really kind of could feel like Ben innocently being sucked into temptation and Tiffany's Belly by not being able to resist that temptation or her powerful mouth. And then the bonus surprise of being double devoured by Ijah at the twist ending put me over! I can't wait to read your other stories, and will also become a customer of your Amazon stories and would love to commission a story from you too!
Thank you for sharing this great story!
I am glad you enjoyed. as soon as you figure out what kind of commission you want let me know i will get it started.
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
You should come visit sometimes
You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 53
- Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 9:28 am
- Location: Greensboro NC
Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
Alright Erovia! That's Great! I want to put some careful thought into a good plot and will present it to you when I have come up with a good one, But I definitely will commission this through You!
Thanks Erovia!
Thanks Erovia!
- bellybound
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- Joined: Sun May 24, 2009 11:41 pm
- Location: Chi Town
Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
I Sent it over to you, Erovia!
- bellybound
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- Joined: Sun May 24, 2009 11:41 pm
- Location: Chi Town
Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
I recieved it and replied. excited about moving forward
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
You should come visit sometimes
You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
- Posts: 53
- Joined: Sat May 15, 2021 9:28 am
- Location: Greensboro NC
Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
Swallow You Up Volume 3
in the belly of the welfare queen
Jamal looked down at the giantess on her knees sucking him off. Well she wasn’t quite a giantess, more like an amazon. She was much taller than the average woman and much bigger all around. Her name was Alycya and she could have thrown Jamal like a ragdoll. But at this moment she was on her knees letting Jamal enjoy her mouth.
It was a good deal for both of them. Alycya allowed Jamal to enjoy her mouth until he busted a nut and Jamal would give her forty dollars so she could buy formula for her baby. Everyone got what they wanted. Everyone would be happy.
But…. The problem was Jamal didn’t have the forty dollars he promised. He had twenty though she wouldn’t have agreed to do all of this for just twenty so he just fibbed a little and said he had forty. He figured after he blew his load in her mouth she would just take the twenty and be happy or yell at him or whatever and he would leave. He was still fucking her mouth like he had always wanted. He figured she was probably going to use the money for drugs anyway so he was doing her a favor.
He looked down at her. She was a big powerful women on her knees before him. She had brown skin braids and wore black tits and a purple bra. Her pudgy belly poked out prominently. Even on her knees her height was evident. She had a large nose and big lips. Calling her an amazon may not have been accurate. She was more like an ogre. A big ogre whose mouth he was having his way with.
He was naked and holding on to her braids to hold her head steady as he fucked her mouth. He wasn’t kidding himself she was a big strong girl capable of imposing her will on him at any point but at this moment because he agreed to pay her she allowed him to impose his will on her and that meant shoving his dick down her throat.
She handled it scarily well. The way he was fucking her throat would usually cause most women to gag and choke but she took the rapid mouth fucking as if it were nothing. Her large body barely budged as he stroked his dick in and out of her mouth. A girl as tall as she would have a deeper throat no doubt. Her mouth was bigger so while most women would struggle to accommodate him she did so with very little effort. Alycya`s warm big wet mouth began to get the best of him and pretty soon he felt himself losing control.
“Ohhh fuck!” Jamal exclaimed. “I`m about to cum.”
“Mhmmmm” Alycya moaned with a slurp in expectation of his orgasm.
She opened her mouth wide and shoved Jamal as deep down her throat as she could. If she was going to do this she wanted to make sure it would be so good he would keep coming back for more.
Jamal`s body convulsed giving into the pleasures of Alycyas big wet warm mouth. His cum shot into her mouth. He kept cumming and cumming. Most women would have retreated in disgust from so much cum filling their mouth. Not Alycya she took it down her big deep throat gulping it down like it was nothing.
She kept his pulsating dick in her mouth until Jamal released her braids. She looked up to see the dreary eyes normal for the men whose energy and cum she had drained. She opened her mouth and his saliva drenched dick fell limply from her mouth. She closed her mouth and took one more powerful gulp swallowing the remaining cum in her mouth sending it unceremoniously down into her pudgy tummy. She whipped the saliva from her lips.
“So wheres my money?” Alycya said holding her hand out.
Jamal collapsed onto the couch his energy spent. He was overwhelmed with euphoria but knew it was time to execute the plan just as he had prepared. He reached for his pants beside him on the coach and pulled out his wallet. He opened it as if expecting to remove money. He looked in it and a concerned look came over his face. He pulled a twenty dollar bill out and looked in it again. He reached for his pants searched the pocket as if looking for the rest of the money.
“Dang all I have is twenty” Jamal said pretending to be angry at himself. “I`m sorry but ill give you double next time.”
He offered her the twenty dollar bill. Alycya looked down at the twenty a blank look on her face. It wasn’t the look he had expected it wasn’t angry disappointed or sad. It was blank almost like she was expecting this might happen. It was then that even while still on her knees it became more visible just how big was. On her knees she towered above him as he sat on the couch.
The blank look on her face turned to a grin. As if she was at a restaurant and had something delightful brought to her plate by the waiter. It was like she could gobble him up at any moment. That was because she was good. She was a really big girl many time his site. His body could fit easily into hers. She eaten men before. Swallowed them whole actually. Sometimes they were in situations like this. Once it was a boyfriend she was tired of. Once it was a man that had a watch she wanted. She just ate him and kept his watch. She hadn’t done it in a while. She had changed and didn’t want to do things like that anymore. She had made an honest deal with Jamal and had kept her end of a bargain and expected him to do the same. The fact that he wasn’t would make her revert back to her old dietary habits.
Read the rest in Swallow You up Volume 3
Also check out volume 1&2 ... LQRM&psc=1
in the belly of the welfare queen
Jamal looked down at the giantess on her knees sucking him off. Well she wasn’t quite a giantess, more like an amazon. She was much taller than the average woman and much bigger all around. Her name was Alycya and she could have thrown Jamal like a ragdoll. But at this moment she was on her knees letting Jamal enjoy her mouth.
It was a good deal for both of them. Alycya allowed Jamal to enjoy her mouth until he busted a nut and Jamal would give her forty dollars so she could buy formula for her baby. Everyone got what they wanted. Everyone would be happy.
But…. The problem was Jamal didn’t have the forty dollars he promised. He had twenty though she wouldn’t have agreed to do all of this for just twenty so he just fibbed a little and said he had forty. He figured after he blew his load in her mouth she would just take the twenty and be happy or yell at him or whatever and he would leave. He was still fucking her mouth like he had always wanted. He figured she was probably going to use the money for drugs anyway so he was doing her a favor.
He looked down at her. She was a big powerful women on her knees before him. She had brown skin braids and wore black tits and a purple bra. Her pudgy belly poked out prominently. Even on her knees her height was evident. She had a large nose and big lips. Calling her an amazon may not have been accurate. She was more like an ogre. A big ogre whose mouth he was having his way with.
He was naked and holding on to her braids to hold her head steady as he fucked her mouth. He wasn’t kidding himself she was a big strong girl capable of imposing her will on him at any point but at this moment because he agreed to pay her she allowed him to impose his will on her and that meant shoving his dick down her throat.
She handled it scarily well. The way he was fucking her throat would usually cause most women to gag and choke but she took the rapid mouth fucking as if it were nothing. Her large body barely budged as he stroked his dick in and out of her mouth. A girl as tall as she would have a deeper throat no doubt. Her mouth was bigger so while most women would struggle to accommodate him she did so with very little effort. Alycya`s warm big wet mouth began to get the best of him and pretty soon he felt himself losing control.
“Ohhh fuck!” Jamal exclaimed. “I`m about to cum.”
“Mhmmmm” Alycya moaned with a slurp in expectation of his orgasm.
She opened her mouth wide and shoved Jamal as deep down her throat as she could. If she was going to do this she wanted to make sure it would be so good he would keep coming back for more.
Jamal`s body convulsed giving into the pleasures of Alycyas big wet warm mouth. His cum shot into her mouth. He kept cumming and cumming. Most women would have retreated in disgust from so much cum filling their mouth. Not Alycya she took it down her big deep throat gulping it down like it was nothing.
She kept his pulsating dick in her mouth until Jamal released her braids. She looked up to see the dreary eyes normal for the men whose energy and cum she had drained. She opened her mouth and his saliva drenched dick fell limply from her mouth. She closed her mouth and took one more powerful gulp swallowing the remaining cum in her mouth sending it unceremoniously down into her pudgy tummy. She whipped the saliva from her lips.
“So wheres my money?” Alycya said holding her hand out.
Jamal collapsed onto the couch his energy spent. He was overwhelmed with euphoria but knew it was time to execute the plan just as he had prepared. He reached for his pants beside him on the coach and pulled out his wallet. He opened it as if expecting to remove money. He looked in it and a concerned look came over his face. He pulled a twenty dollar bill out and looked in it again. He reached for his pants searched the pocket as if looking for the rest of the money.
“Dang all I have is twenty” Jamal said pretending to be angry at himself. “I`m sorry but ill give you double next time.”
He offered her the twenty dollar bill. Alycya looked down at the twenty a blank look on her face. It wasn’t the look he had expected it wasn’t angry disappointed or sad. It was blank almost like she was expecting this might happen. It was then that even while still on her knees it became more visible just how big was. On her knees she towered above him as he sat on the couch.
The blank look on her face turned to a grin. As if she was at a restaurant and had something delightful brought to her plate by the waiter. It was like she could gobble him up at any moment. That was because she was good. She was a really big girl many time his site. His body could fit easily into hers. She eaten men before. Swallowed them whole actually. Sometimes they were in situations like this. Once it was a boyfriend she was tired of. Once it was a man that had a watch she wanted. She just ate him and kept his watch. She hadn’t done it in a while. She had changed and didn’t want to do things like that anymore. She had made an honest deal with Jamal and had kept her end of a bargain and expected him to do the same. The fact that he wasn’t would make her revert back to her old dietary habits.
Read the rest in Swallow You up Volume 3
Also check out volume 1&2 ... LQRM&psc=1
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
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erovia - Been posting for a bit
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Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
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You should come visit sometimes
erovia - Been posting for a bit
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Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
a little cock vore and female vore at the same time. let me know what you think.
“He wanted to fuck you” Jerome said looking down and the tiny man. “Well i`m going to fuck him infront of you.”
Jerome turned the blonde around and pushed her against the wall. He dropped his pants exposing a big hard long cock. He looked down at Aaron as he slid it into Jessica. The sounds of her gasp as he entered her echoed down to Aaron. He watched as he pounded Jessica relentlessly. Jerome turned his attention from Aaron to concentrate on fucking Jessica.
Aaron watched as he pounded her from behind. He realized the giants weren’t paying attention to him. He took off attempting to hide. He ran with all his might. He thought he might have made it until Jerome looked down to see him attempting to scamper away. He pulled his cock out to Jessicas disappointment and took off across the room. Before Aaron could dive under the couch Jerome reached down and grabbed him.
“Where you think you going?” Jerome asked him picking him up. “Think you about to get away that easily?”
“Let me go” Aaron yelled.
“Ooooh” Jerome mocked him im so scared. “You come to fuck my girl and you think you gonna just walk out here. You got another thing coming little fella. You wanted to fuck her so I should just shove you in her pussy and fuck her. But that’s to good I got a better idea.”
Jerome lowered Aaron down on his hard rigid cock. He slid the small man on the shaft of his dick.
“You wanted to get in her wet pussy” Jerome rub his cock with the small man. “Why don’t you lick her juices off my dick then.”
Jerome took his little body and rubbed it up down his big black dick all the way to his scrotum. Smearing him with Jessicas pussy juices. He slid him up to the head of dick and laid him on the tip.
“Now look at you” Jerome said looking at the small man. “Sitting on top of my dick. I was talking about putting you in her pussy why don’t I put you in my dick?”
With that Jerome pushed Aaron down into his urethra. Aaron was waist deep in Jeromes urethra. He began jerking his big black dick.
“Yea how you like being in my dick bitch” Jerome said moaning as he jerked off.
As he stroked Aaron began to slide deeper in his urethra. He attempted to pull himself out but to no avail.
“Yea” Jerome said rubbing harder. “Get sucked in my dick bitch.”
Aaron began being sucked into it faster. He tried wiggling but it didn’t help it only intensified the sensation for Jerome. Aaron had almost been completely engulfed by Jeromes cock. Jessica came over to watch the man pursuing her disappear into her boyfriends cock.
“Bye” Jessica waved as Aaron disappeared into his dick.
With that Aaron was completely swallowed by Jeromes cock. He slide down his shaft slowly. There was almost no wiggle room. Just tight firm rubbery flesh squeezing him.
“All gone” Jessica said taking over rubbing Jeromes cock. “Lets send that weirdo into your balls.”
“O fuck” Jerome said. “I can feel him wiggling in my dick. It feels so good. Suck my dick bitch.”
With that Jerome grabbed Jessica by the back of her head and shoved his throbbing dick in her mouth. Jessica opened wide to accommodate. The taste of Jeromes dick and her pussy juices filled her mouth. Jessica sucked it and stroked it trying to send Aaron into Jeromes ball sack.
Aaron stuck in Jeromes shaft felt the pressure around jeromes shaft as Jessica sucked her him off. He had no idea what was going on but knew it wasn’t good for him. He wiggled as hard as he could.
Jerome could feel Aaron wiggling in his cock. The sensation was overwhelming . He began fucking Jessicas mouth. Jessica trained for this relaxed her jaw as his big black cock slammed into the back of her throat. She wanted to gag but controlled her breathing as her boyfriend used her mouth for his pleasure.
Jerome kept fucking her mouth. Between her wet throat and Aaron wiggling inside it was to much. His balls tensed up and his dick throbbed on the verge of exploding.
Aaron could feel the pressure building up but there was nothing he could do. Suddenly he felt a powerful wet force shoot from underneath him driving him upward with a force he had never experienced.
Jessica felt Jerome erupting in her mouth. She sat there and took his cum in her mouth like a good girl. Gulping down as it gushed out. She listened to the sound of Jerome moaning as he climaxed. She kept sucking to ensure he sucked his cum out.
Aaron shot out of Jeromes cock expecting to see the light of day but was shoot into more darkness. A wet soft wide open room. Suddenly light came through and he realized it was a mouth and he was swimming in a load of cum. He attempted to swim towards the mouths opening. But Jessica swallowed hard. Gulping him down her throat. He and all of Jerome cum slid down Jessicas gullet into her waiting stomach.
Jessica stood up from infront of Jerome. Whipping her mouth off.
“Is he in your balls?” she asked hopefully.
“Nope” Jerome said. “Felt him shoot out with my cum.”
“I swallowed all your cum” Jessica said.
“Yep” Jersome said with a laugh.
“So hes in my stomach” Jessica said looking down at her belly.
“Yep” Jerome said enjoying his post orgasmic bliss.
“Good” Jessica said patting her tummy. “He can`t bother me in there.”
“He wanted to fuck you” Jerome said looking down and the tiny man. “Well i`m going to fuck him infront of you.”
Jerome turned the blonde around and pushed her against the wall. He dropped his pants exposing a big hard long cock. He looked down at Aaron as he slid it into Jessica. The sounds of her gasp as he entered her echoed down to Aaron. He watched as he pounded Jessica relentlessly. Jerome turned his attention from Aaron to concentrate on fucking Jessica.
Aaron watched as he pounded her from behind. He realized the giants weren’t paying attention to him. He took off attempting to hide. He ran with all his might. He thought he might have made it until Jerome looked down to see him attempting to scamper away. He pulled his cock out to Jessicas disappointment and took off across the room. Before Aaron could dive under the couch Jerome reached down and grabbed him.
“Where you think you going?” Jerome asked him picking him up. “Think you about to get away that easily?”
“Let me go” Aaron yelled.
“Ooooh” Jerome mocked him im so scared. “You come to fuck my girl and you think you gonna just walk out here. You got another thing coming little fella. You wanted to fuck her so I should just shove you in her pussy and fuck her. But that’s to good I got a better idea.”
Jerome lowered Aaron down on his hard rigid cock. He slid the small man on the shaft of his dick.
“You wanted to get in her wet pussy” Jerome rub his cock with the small man. “Why don’t you lick her juices off my dick then.”
Jerome took his little body and rubbed it up down his big black dick all the way to his scrotum. Smearing him with Jessicas pussy juices. He slid him up to the head of dick and laid him on the tip.
“Now look at you” Jerome said looking at the small man. “Sitting on top of my dick. I was talking about putting you in her pussy why don’t I put you in my dick?”
With that Jerome pushed Aaron down into his urethra. Aaron was waist deep in Jeromes urethra. He began jerking his big black dick.
“Yea how you like being in my dick bitch” Jerome said moaning as he jerked off.
As he stroked Aaron began to slide deeper in his urethra. He attempted to pull himself out but to no avail.
“Yea” Jerome said rubbing harder. “Get sucked in my dick bitch.”
Aaron began being sucked into it faster. He tried wiggling but it didn’t help it only intensified the sensation for Jerome. Aaron had almost been completely engulfed by Jeromes cock. Jessica came over to watch the man pursuing her disappear into her boyfriends cock.
“Bye” Jessica waved as Aaron disappeared into his dick.
With that Aaron was completely swallowed by Jeromes cock. He slide down his shaft slowly. There was almost no wiggle room. Just tight firm rubbery flesh squeezing him.
“All gone” Jessica said taking over rubbing Jeromes cock. “Lets send that weirdo into your balls.”
“O fuck” Jerome said. “I can feel him wiggling in my dick. It feels so good. Suck my dick bitch.”
With that Jerome grabbed Jessica by the back of her head and shoved his throbbing dick in her mouth. Jessica opened wide to accommodate. The taste of Jeromes dick and her pussy juices filled her mouth. Jessica sucked it and stroked it trying to send Aaron into Jeromes ball sack.
Aaron stuck in Jeromes shaft felt the pressure around jeromes shaft as Jessica sucked her him off. He had no idea what was going on but knew it wasn’t good for him. He wiggled as hard as he could.
Jerome could feel Aaron wiggling in his cock. The sensation was overwhelming . He began fucking Jessicas mouth. Jessica trained for this relaxed her jaw as his big black cock slammed into the back of her throat. She wanted to gag but controlled her breathing as her boyfriend used her mouth for his pleasure.
Jerome kept fucking her mouth. Between her wet throat and Aaron wiggling inside it was to much. His balls tensed up and his dick throbbed on the verge of exploding.
Aaron could feel the pressure building up but there was nothing he could do. Suddenly he felt a powerful wet force shoot from underneath him driving him upward with a force he had never experienced.
Jessica felt Jerome erupting in her mouth. She sat there and took his cum in her mouth like a good girl. Gulping down as it gushed out. She listened to the sound of Jerome moaning as he climaxed. She kept sucking to ensure he sucked his cum out.
Aaron shot out of Jeromes cock expecting to see the light of day but was shoot into more darkness. A wet soft wide open room. Suddenly light came through and he realized it was a mouth and he was swimming in a load of cum. He attempted to swim towards the mouths opening. But Jessica swallowed hard. Gulping him down her throat. He and all of Jerome cum slid down Jessicas gullet into her waiting stomach.
Jessica stood up from infront of Jerome. Whipping her mouth off.
“Is he in your balls?” she asked hopefully.
“Nope” Jerome said. “Felt him shoot out with my cum.”
“I swallowed all your cum” Jessica said.
“Yep” Jersome said with a laugh.
“So hes in my stomach” Jessica said looking down at her belly.
“Yep” Jerome said enjoying his post orgasmic bliss.
“Good” Jessica said patting her tummy. “He can`t bother me in there.”
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
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erovia - Been posting for a bit
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Re: BBW F/M vore stories I wrote
Kappa Delta Theta
A secretive sorority, in order to be admitted women must learn to swallow people whole. The last test for admission is swallowing their boyfriend whole. While Angelique be admitted?
If you read it please let me know what you think. Leave a review as well.
Thank You
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
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A secretive sorority, in order to be admitted women must learn to swallow people whole. The last test for admission is swallowing their boyfriend whole. While Angelique be admitted?
If you read it please let me know what you think. Leave a review as well.
Thank You
In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
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In my big belly is a world called Erovia.
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erovia - Been posting for a bit
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