New Macro/Micro Writer Here!

Are you looking for a place to post your work, hoping to receive comments, suggestions and criticisms? If so, this forum is for you! Showcase your stories, drawings, animations, and anything else you have created here. You can even upload your files directly to our site! Note: Everyone is free to share opinions of anything here. If you can't handle criticism, refrain from posting here!
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This section is for any artist, writer, animator, or any form of creation to share their work in order to receive comment to improve themselves better.

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New Macro/Micro Writer Here!

Postby SlanneshOnTuesdays » Mon Mar 22, 2021 5:11 pm

Hello there Eka's!

I'm afraid I've been a bit of a lurker for a while now. I made an initial attempt to write vore-centered Macro/Micro content on this website a few years ago; but managed to get burned out on a job that ran me into the ground for 68 hours a week. Between that and COVID hitting last year, I haven't had much time to write after switching to an essential career track. However, I am back and looking to share my work and possibly make some new friends!

Here is a general guideline as to what to expect from me in terms of content:

Gentle, Willing, Unwilling, Safe Vore, Endo, Sex, General Lewdness, Wholesomeness, Dark Themes, F/F, F/M, Vore of all kinds, Original Characters, Canon Characters, Monster Girls, Descriptive Scenes and Lots of Story. I am willing to branch out into other categories of content like Futa and Anthro, though I'll probably keep those in a separate folder in my gallery. I hope to have a long and prosperous time posting here on Eka's! I'll post updates here regularly as they come, I'm here to stay this time around~

I do take requests, no commissions yet though. I need to iron out my writing process and make sure I can actually pump stories out consistently enough to make a paid obligation before I actually open those up.

Newest Story: Spirit Lands: Prologue
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Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:18 pm

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