This section is for any artist, writer, animator, or any form of creation to share their work in order to receive comment to improve themselves better. if you have something to share, post it here. You are free to post anonymously. Simply upload the image on using the "add an attachment" box. For story, simply copy and paste. Our board member will do our best on commenting on your creation.
One thing to be warned, as with the rest of the forum, the moderator here are free to delete any post that seem edge toward insulting or any form of flaming. However, as a submitter, you should be ready to receive harsh comment/critic. Beside that, please keep any debate not related to drawing/composition skill or artistic value out of here. We are certainly not here to debates on personal preferences.
Finally, if you feel like you have something to add to the rule of this section. Please let me know
Read this before you post in this section please!
Forum rules
This section is for any artist, writer, animator, or any form of creation to share their work in order to receive comment to improve themselves better.
Read the rules in detail here
Read the Critiquing suggestion here
Please open only one thread per person. Detail here.
This section is for any artist, writer, animator, or any form of creation to share their work in order to receive comment to improve themselves better.
Read the rules in detail here
Read the Critiquing suggestion here
Please open only one thread per person. Detail here.
1 post
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Read this before you post in this section please!
Last edited by Eka on Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Eka - Administrator
- Posts: 4542
- Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 10:59 pm
- Location: Canada
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