Male Prey Looking for Male Predator for Hard Vore Hoedown

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Male Prey Looking for Male Predator for Hard Vore Hoedown

Postby TogashiFan » Thu Dec 15, 2022 8:58 am

Hello, hello, hello! Name's TogashiFan, please DM me if you'd like to get something going. I'm looking to write on a gdoc, but we can use Discord for OOC and plotting fun.

I'm looking for a non-con plot containing hard vore (cooking and eating, please, or just biting chunks off), encompassing the following:


Fae have true names, their most jealously guarded secret. With the possession of their true name, they can be held in thrall, forced to do anything within their power. To have a fae's true name is to control them completely. YC, a changeling, was taken by the fae centuries ago [or years; you do you]. Those centuries ain't passed easily; they ain't passed quietly. Honestly? Hell has a name, and it's Beyond the Veil. He was turned into a monster by the fae, and tortured, day in / day out he was tortured. Made a hellhound, a creature with teeth for tearing and claws for ripping, his body was for one purpose: to protect the fae.

And then he destroyed them instead. Well, his Master/Mistress at least; and he finally escaped.

That should have been the end of it.

Only nothing was the same, he didn't fit anywhere, everything was noisy and smelled awful and food tasted like ash in comparison. There were other changelings, a whole society of free changelings, but fuck if he fit in there, either. Most were so tender-hearted with each other and help me help you and touchy-feely. He wanted to hunt. He didn't want to help humans, he wanted to eat them. Whatever he was now, whoever he was, he wasn't this weak little soft loud bad-smelling thing infesting the once-green planet anymore.

Then he got one very, very interesting scent.

Fae. Fae playing human. Fae living with humans. He was going to crush their sculls. Drink their spinal fluids from the tap. See if they could heal that. No; too fast. He'd regretted killing his master fast, regretted it deeply, it had torn him apart!

He had suffered centuries.

So would this.


Anyway, yadda yadda, he finds out Crow's true name the old fashioned way: by threatening his family. Now, unimaginable power—and a beautiful but unwilling faerie—is held in YC's grasp.

Vore aspects: I was hoping that YC had a real taste for both human and fae meat, and Crow sacrifices his own body to YC to feed him in return for no longer eating humans, since Crow can regenerate lost flesh.

Scenes like, for example, YC forcing Crow to cook his own hand while it's still attached, set the table, and when he sits there, hold it out and let him feast. Hard vore, with cooking, and a lot of pain, torture, and non-con on the way. I am not looking for soft vore, where things are ever painless or someone goes inside a belly whole and comes back out. Lookin' something more along the lines of realistic cannibalism.

Possible plot addition: He also took Crow's sister Hana - and to punish Crow, he rapes her, creating a child this fucked up family ends up raising. (This plot possibility can also work with Crow being pimped out to a woman to be raped and knocking her up, and her abandoning the child when it looks nothing like her husband with Crow, OR I accept an mpreg version, if you like it, where once every century fae of certain pure bloodlines have been spelled with a fertility spell passed down from mother to child. This spell creates a period of massive fertility/essentially a heat, and for a week a male fae of those precious bloodlines will gain the ability to make a child via a pussy that grows below his sack. Cue one confused fae boy and a hellhound taking advantage. Neither of them really expects it'll end in a baby, maybe YC even took him in human form and used a condom, but the condom broke - the fertility spell won't suffer attempts to remain childless lightly. Crow, meanwhle, has no idea what's happening, since he was 99 when YC took him, and this is his first ever rodeo with this particular part of being a fae.

Three variations of this plot up for grabs, and other riffs on it perfectly acceptable.

Version One: Historical fantasy, set in India in the year about 1508. Early age of the sail. Historical accuracy is neither needed nor desired! I welcome historical laymen!

Version Two: Modern day, set in Maine in the US in cabins on the edge of a national forest. As much as he's motivated by revenge, your character is probably younger—if you'd like, maybe centuries passed beyond the veil, but only a few years over here, or it was just a few years all-told—and he'd like to Get Rich Quick, and Crow is the ticket. Very Rags to Riches tale, except a very bad bad person becomes rich. Have you ever wanted to build a manor with a secret, very bad room? "This is my personal assistant Crow. No, don't offer him a seat. He'll be kneeling." Also, Crow would make a terrible PA. He has severe dyslexia and nobody's bothered to take the time or assistive technology or teaching so he can read or write.

That only makes it better, in my mind. For example, imagine someone with a library telling Crow, "Beast, go back to my room and get the book x."

They realize they haven't seen him for three hours and go to find him for a Very Special Trip to the Very Special Room and find him crying in frustration, with every book in the entire room in piles around him and the one he asked for right on the top of a nearby pile as Crow is trying hard to concentrate and sound out the first word "the" in the book he's holding's title when his ass never got far enough into hooked on phonics Hana got him for the day they use to celebrate his birthday to get to th = thhh because everything kept jumping around no matter how hard he tried and it gave him a wicked headache trying to concentrate and he decided he really was just too stupid to learn, felt acceptance with that, and got up to do something else which was probably work three jobs to put food on the table as an illiterate adult without abusing his magic to manipulate global stock markets, forge documents so nobody could ever tell they were forgeries, spelled so anyone suspicious who reads them is immediately convinced they're perfectly legitimate, including the person they're forged as being from, and skiv from major banks with technopathy as YC has him do.

Anyway. Apropos of nothing. That 'un would be probably more the flavor of rich and lavish lifestyle for your character who probably would be something like was born dirt poor and has suffered deeply and views it as Crow's fault. Faes' fault. Whatever.

Version Three: This was something I did with someone that was kind of fun and with the same sort of vein, it was werewolves but I'd probably flip it to be changelings. Gang of dudes who don't like fae. Fae gets dragged in after losing dudes someone they wanted to kill. Hi 911 my name's Crow and I'm in distress.

Basically, dude was hurt by faes, finds a fae's name, now has control over a fae, bad days ahead for that fae. Take that formula and do whatever with it.

Last bumped by TogashiFan on Thu Dec 15, 2022 8:58 am.
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