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Nerdy gay Observer LF cute gluttonous twink pred!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:25 pm
by AshLovehart
Hi everyone!
Revamping my wording a bit here:

Hoping to find someone interested in RPing as my small twink boyfriend who becomes a pred via magic, science, or, my favorite, an alien parasite.

Needing a cute, feminine (but not crossdressing) twink to be my boyfriend in romance-focused vore scenes in which you swallow massive amounts of people while I, your loving boyfriend, encourage you and make love to you as a reward for you being the good greedy boy you are! You'll be my gluttonous pred boyfriend, just BEGGING to be filled with endless amounts of people~! Same size MASS vore, digestion, and massive bulgy bellies! LOVE romance-focused scenes!

PM me if interested so we can plan something out!

Here is my F-List with all my kinks!

Hope to hear from you soon!!