Almost Outing Yourself
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Almost Outing Yourself
Interested to hear about moments where you’ve caught yourself talking about vore adjacent stuff with non-vorephiles, and only realizing it when the other person has reacted weirded out.
For example- I really love biology and zoology, and love basing characters off of animals, whether it’s for vore content or non-fetish content. Because I’m a vore-loving fuck though, I can’t help getting more excited or invested when learning details about an animal’s dietary habits. I remember talking with some friends about a snail-based character I’d made, before excitedly sharing the fact that some snails are able to survive the digestive tract of birds and wind up using it as a means of travel. Suffice to say, they were not as fascinated by this fact as I was ^^’ another time, I was making a duo of fireflies who were in a relationship ship, and while researching learned that there’s a species of firefly where the females will eat the males of a different species in order to make themselves taste bad to predators. I was instantly excited to make the couple based on those two different species, in order to add a bit of spice and forbidden love to the dynamic, but when I shared this fact with my friend they were weirded out by my excitement and I quickly had to backtrack and try to reframe my interest.
Anyone else have moments like this, where they just kind of… forget that the stuff they’re talking about is probably still weird to outsiders, even if it’s not Inherently vore related?
For example- I really love biology and zoology, and love basing characters off of animals, whether it’s for vore content or non-fetish content. Because I’m a vore-loving fuck though, I can’t help getting more excited or invested when learning details about an animal’s dietary habits. I remember talking with some friends about a snail-based character I’d made, before excitedly sharing the fact that some snails are able to survive the digestive tract of birds and wind up using it as a means of travel. Suffice to say, they were not as fascinated by this fact as I was ^^’ another time, I was making a duo of fireflies who were in a relationship ship, and while researching learned that there’s a species of firefly where the females will eat the males of a different species in order to make themselves taste bad to predators. I was instantly excited to make the couple based on those two different species, in order to add a bit of spice and forbidden love to the dynamic, but when I shared this fact with my friend they were weirded out by my excitement and I quickly had to backtrack and try to reframe my interest.
Anyone else have moments like this, where they just kind of… forget that the stuff they’re talking about is probably still weird to outsiders, even if it’s not Inherently vore related?
chewchulainn - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
A long time ago, when I was just a little lad, I had an incident like that. I had that classic interest in dinosaurs and their bellies. I'm sure someone on here remembers the Dinotopia picture books with the great art they had. Anyway, I remember professing to another kid at the time that it would be super interesting to be swallowed by a Brachiosaurus. I think this kid was a bit older, and he looked at me like I was insane. He pointed out that stomachs are full of puke, and it would be disgusting and painful and you would quickly suffocate.
I was mortified. It's one of those incidents that you look back on and cringe, and then eventually look back on and laugh and cringe at the same time. Now I think it was a useful calibration moment. It was a reminder that the fantasy is indeed a fantasy, where elements of reality are ignored. A normie who doesn't have those almost built-in constraints in their conception of vore scenarios simply doesn't feel the appeal.
I was mortified. It's one of those incidents that you look back on and cringe, and then eventually look back on and laugh and cringe at the same time. Now I think it was a useful calibration moment. It was a reminder that the fantasy is indeed a fantasy, where elements of reality are ignored. A normie who doesn't have those almost built-in constraints in their conception of vore scenarios simply doesn't feel the appeal.
Achille - New to the forum
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
It was only when I talked about it with a friend of mine when I was a teen. It involved Dark Magician Girl as a pred. He thought it was gross. Then I saw how scarce it was on the internet. It was then I knew that vore was a very niche thing not to be discussed with other "normal" people. Since then, I've taken care not to out myself to people IRL. Online is fine. Real life is forbidden.
Miridium - Advanced Vorarephile
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
chewchulainn wrote:Interested to hear about moments where you’ve caught yourself talking about vore adjacent stuff with non-vorephiles, and only realizing it when the other person has reacted weirded out.
For example- I really love biology and zoology, and love basing characters off of animals, whether it’s for vore content or non-fetish content. Because I’m a vore-loving fuck though, I can’t help getting more excited or invested when learning details about an animal’s dietary habits. I remember talking with some friends about a snail-based character I’d made, before excitedly sharing the fact that some snails are able to survive the digestive tract of birds and wind up using it as a means of travel. Suffice to say, they were not as fascinated by this fact as I was ^^’ another time, I was making a duo of fireflies who were in a relationship ship, and while researching learned that there’s a species of firefly where the females will eat the males of a different species in order to make themselves taste bad to predators. I was instantly excited to make the couple based on those two different species, in order to add a bit of spice and forbidden love to the dynamic, but when I shared this fact with my friend they were weirded out by my excitement and I quickly had to backtrack and try to reframe my interest.
Anyone else have moments like this, where they just kind of… forget that the stuff they’re talking about is probably still weird to outsiders, even if it’s not Inherently vore related?
Yes, although less specifically about digestives, and more that it leaks into my interests in biology. While working on a piece of world building, I ended up finding myself working quite hard on designing an anatomically-accurate physiology, which is almost certainly more detailed than most would want or expect it to be.
Going by the "suspiciously detailed" rule when it comes to art, someone could probably go over my world building, and find out that I'm weirdly obsessed and particular about insides and anatomy. I'm almost certain that friends who've also had a look at my world building either suspect something, or are being intentionally ignorant, because unexpectedly finding out a friend's fetishes is a bit on the weird side.
Most of my friends don't tend to look at an alien species and go "I wonder how their insides work", at the very least.
- T145
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
The closest that I ever came was when I was discussing Dragon Ball Z with some coworkers. I'm really into Absorption/merging, and I flat out said that DBZ was super gay because of all the absorption/merging. They didn't understand what I meant until I was like "They're literally sharing the body with another dude." At which point they seemed to understand what I was talking about. Even crossing that gap was a bit dangerous, never even got close to the vore side of that equation.
Thibs - Been posting for a bit
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Achille wrote:I was mortified. It's one of those incidents that you look back on and cringe, and then eventually look back on and laugh and cringe at the same time. Now I think it was a useful calibration moment. It was a reminder that the fantasy is indeed a fantasy, where elements of reality are ignored. A normie who doesn't have those almost built-in constraints in their conception of vore scenarios simply doesn't feel the appeal.
For sure. Moments like that have definitely helped me keep myself in check moving forward haha, and given me a better sense of limits. My own experiences I always found embarrassing because I was so enraptured by the knowledge I'd learned, I failed to take into account that a large reason WHY I was fascinated was because of my interest in vore, and it was only after I'd already shared these facts that I made the connection haha. Now I'm a lot better at gauging when something appeals to me for fetishy reasons, and making sure not to overshare with people I don't think would be interested.
chewchulainn - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
So I purposely avoid making monsters with bite and swallow attacks after one incident when running dnd with my friends after one of them made a vore joke. This resulted in a good three to four minute joke fest of the shit we have all seen. Still awkward as fuck, so I have just have set a hard rule to avoid it. To be fair I didn't make the scene in anyway sexual so it wasn't like they thought I was into it, just really god damn awkward.
Grimoutsider - Been posting for a bit
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Not sure for me other than a time back when was an elementary student, back before I even knew or was even aware of 'vore' being a thing, let alone even fetishes/kinks as a whole were. Aside from some other things remember seeing back then, I remember at recess there were a few times I told my friend that we'd pretend haven't been eaten by Leia and flying our tiny ships in her body (or she was massive, not sure).
Or maybe this other time when stayed over at another friend's place and we stayed in these sleeping bags that made us look like peas in a pod. That time I remember just the food comparison, not making any other joke or comparison to some giant girl (likely a sailor scout if so) compared to us coming along and eating me/us.
Otherwise can't think of any other incidents myself.
Or maybe this other time when stayed over at another friend's place and we stayed in these sleeping bags that made us look like peas in a pod. That time I remember just the food comparison, not making any other joke or comparison to some giant girl (likely a sailor scout if so) compared to us coming along and eating me/us.
Otherwise can't think of any other incidents myself.
Sitharc - ---
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Yeah, I accidentally told a very untrustworthy person that I was into vore when I was young-ish. I didn't get why I liked it or why it was taboo, he didn't understand, and in the end, it dawned on me later that I made a massive mistake. So, I had to come up with this total gaslight explanation which was that I didn't really trust him at the time and that I occasionally fed him specific lies to see if they'd come back to me from other people, indicating that he was gossiping about my private life. He would go on to gossip and lie about me, ruining a few relationships and seriously hurting me, but not about the vore. I am very lucky he either believed me or forgot. That was my closest call besides accidentally opening Twitter and being on the wrong account. Thank God for low brightness.
Always either cold or tired. Unsure whether to blame the phenomenon on vorarephilia or not. Probably looking into it too much.
thirdaltaccount - Been posting for a bit
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Not... Really? It might be because I'm a young millenial/old gen Z, but vorarephilia is known among my peers to be a harmless kink that people have, like hair-pulling and feet. My friend group knows I'm into it, and they don't really care, aside from the occasional wink-nudge jokes when incidental vore scenes happen in something we're watching/playing together.
Hedgie - New to the forum
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Hedgie wrote:Not... Really? It might be because I'm a young millenial/old gen Z, but vorarephilia is known among my peers to be a harmless kink that people have, like hair-pulling and feet. My friend group knows I'm into it, and they don't really care, aside from the occasional wink-nudge jokes when incidental vore scenes happen in something we're watching/playing together.
This brightened my day. I have a similar dynamic with some online friends of mine.
People with kinks... are still people, not lewd woodland creatures whose entire personality revolves around being "weirdos" or "degenerates".
Of course, I'd still be waay more careful about dropping mentions of kinks with IRL people than online friends, and even with the latter it requires trust.
IddlerItaler - Intermediate Vorarephile
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Hedgie wrote:Not... Really? It might be because I'm a young millenial/old gen Z, but vorarephilia is known among my peers to be a harmless kink that people have, like hair-pulling and feet. My friend group knows I'm into it, and they don't really care, aside from the occasional wink-nudge jokes when incidental vore scenes happen in something we're watching/playing together.
That’s really nice to hear! I’m glad you’ve got a supportive friend group when it comes to that stuff. At this point in my life I’ve found myself with friends who are understanding of the kink even if they don’t like it themselves, and are supportive and we joke about it with each other. The events I described in the starting post happened a good ten or so years ago, and were more scenarios where I myself failed to realize my interest in certain topics was informed by vore and non vorephiles probably didn’t find my fun facts quite as fun haha.
chewchulainn - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Well besides the time I accidentally posted a drawing on the wrong social media account and deleted it 30 seconds later... I don't recall any incidents, I was always quite private with what I enjoyed as a kid and it was not a huge thing at all for me at the time. Now, I have rl friends who know and don't mind; although I'd also not be surprised if they forgot about it amidst discussion of everyone else's fetishes and kinks.
Warning: parental controls severed. User working as an autonomous agent.
Gallery (content warning for gory digestion)
Gallery (content warning for gory digestion)
Cynofade - New to the forum
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
About a few months ago I was with my partner and they said. "If they don't have the cherry cream slushy then what would you like?" and I as the idiot said "The cashier" and realizing I said that I was very embarrassed but they just laughed and said, "be serious". I don't know if they understood me or not however they have been saying "I'll eat you" a lot when someone annoys them as a joke. And one time they said "I'll eat you and not in the hot way... well someone may find that hot" and then looked at me. So I don't know if they know or not, but either way, they still love me and I am not bringing it up if they ask about it lol.
- OliverTheWitch
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
OliverTheWitch wrote:About a few months ago I was with my partner and they said. "If they don't have the cherry cream slushy then what would you like?" and I as the idiot said "The cashier" and realizing I said that I was very embarrassed but they just laughed and said, "be serious". I don't know if they understood me or not however they have been saying "I'll eat you" a lot when someone annoys them as a joke. And one time they said "I'll eat you and not in the hot way... well someone may find that hot" and then looked at me. So I don't know if they know or not, but either way, they still love me and I am not bringing it up if they ask about it lol.
They might suspect, but the phrase could also be interpreted in the non-vore way.
- T145
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
As a kid, I use to to say “eat you” a lot to people, half insult really. This was before I found myself deep driving into the topic of vore. As of right now though I say vore, or say other things that raises eyebrows. But since I am seem as a weird person, people just think of it as a quirk. The only person who might be suspicious is one my friends, in which I keep bringing it up randomly, or get detailed when the topic of consumption comes up.
MasterOfTheBaguette - New to the forum
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
In my case, there's no "almost" about it. There's a friend of mine (an evangelical, funnily enough) that I talk with fairly regularly about media, current events, etc. On one occasion, we were discussing anime and I think Monster Musume came up. He's not a big fan of monster girls as a concept, so when I expressed a liking for Rachnera, he told me something along the lines of "She seems like she might eat you" to which I half-jokingly responded "But that's the best part".
Apparently, he didn't realise it was supposed to be a joke and that lead to some awkward questions down the road. He took it fairly well though and I doubt he's told anyone else.
Apparently, he didn't realise it was supposed to be a joke and that lead to some awkward questions down the road. He took it fairly well though and I doubt he's told anyone else.
Fritzchen - Been posting for a bit
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
I'm a really, really bad liar, so I just tell people.
When it's appropriate, of course.
When it's appropriate, of course.
GabeSArt - Been posting for a bit
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
Happened to me once,
I shared a folder of some stuff with a friend quite a few years ago, mostly game mods and I'd completely forgotten that the entire contents of my vore folder were buried in an innocuous folder called something like ''texturepack_0072 'hidden within a load of sub-folders full of legitimate game textures.
After realising what I'd done I panicked and prayed he wouldn't notice this 'ticking time bomb',
But obviously he did, Next time we spoke I got a whole bunch of questions about the 'weird shit' he'd found and some very strange looks.
I did my best to shrug it off completely, denying all knowledge of it, and telling him I'd just downloaded all those mods from a bittorrent and the folder must have been buried inside for whatever reason - I'd not even bothered to check all the contents and this was the first I'd heard about this 'weird shit'. "Just delete it" I told him, and hoped that was the end of it.
Still not sure to this day if he believed me or not, but since then I've been ultra-careful, keeping all my vore stuff on an external HD, buried within dozens of innocuous subfolders, inside a RAR folder that's password locked.
I shared a folder of some stuff with a friend quite a few years ago, mostly game mods and I'd completely forgotten that the entire contents of my vore folder were buried in an innocuous folder called something like ''texturepack_0072 'hidden within a load of sub-folders full of legitimate game textures.
After realising what I'd done I panicked and prayed he wouldn't notice this 'ticking time bomb',
But obviously he did, Next time we spoke I got a whole bunch of questions about the 'weird shit' he'd found and some very strange looks.
I did my best to shrug it off completely, denying all knowledge of it, and telling him I'd just downloaded all those mods from a bittorrent and the folder must have been buried inside for whatever reason - I'd not even bothered to check all the contents and this was the first I'd heard about this 'weird shit'. "Just delete it" I told him, and hoped that was the end of it.
Still not sure to this day if he believed me or not, but since then I've been ultra-careful, keeping all my vore stuff on an external HD, buried within dozens of innocuous subfolders, inside a RAR folder that's password locked.
- JackFrost
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Re: Almost Outing Yourself
JackFrost wrote:Happened to me once,
I shared a folder of some stuff with a friend quite a few years ago, mostly game mods and I'd completely forgotten that the entire contents of my vore folder were buried in an innocuous folder called something like ''texturepack_0072 'hidden within a load of sub-folders full of legitimate game textures.
After realising what I'd done I panicked and prayed he wouldn't notice this 'ticking time bomb',
But obviously he did, Next time we spoke I got a whole bunch of questions about the 'weird shit' he'd found and some very strange looks.
I did my best to shrug it off completely, denying all knowledge of it, and telling him I'd just downloaded all those mods from a bittorrent and the folder must have been buried inside for whatever reason - I'd not even bothered to check all the contents and this was the first I'd heard about this 'weird shit'. "Just delete it" I told him, and hoped that was the end of it.
Still not sure to this day if he believed me or not, but since then I've been ultra-careful, keeping all my vore stuff on an external HD, buried within dozens of innocuous subfolders, inside a RAR folder that's password locked.
Honestly, the folder-chain isn't that effective as it once was (if it was ever effective to begin with). Any gallery software would automatically probe them (and you could open them up by clicking the wrong thing), and file listing utilities, like OSX's find utility, would scan through until it found a hit, and list out the long, meandering path.
- T145
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