Toxic Roleplayers

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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby Aickavon12 » Wed Dec 25, 2019 8:40 pm

Hooo boy. I know this all too well. When I was younger I was cringy and had... well. I had been horrible to people before. I now make every step I can to avoid this. I mean, sometimes I catch myself being overly excited to rp with great folks but I curb it by making sure to be never passive aggressive or too clingy. If they didn't have the time to do it today, I probably shouldn't message them tomorrow. Wait a few days or what not.

EDIT: On the reverse side of things, I have experienced this too... some people becoming immediately clingy though it is often indeed the submissive people. Even in MMO rp. I tend to rp either switch or more dominant characters with only one submissive character I can think of. I think this is due to the whole rarity complex and perhaps also because most dom players have plenty of fish to choose from.
Last edited by Aickavon12 on Wed Dec 25, 2019 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby luvidicus » Wed Dec 25, 2019 8:41 pm

Indighost wrote:Then I'm not sure what caused that in particular. I think you are absolutely correct that roleplaying as a hobby tends to attract socially inept and toxic people as it's a way to "be someone you're not", although I'd like to better understand why and why it's a worse experience for some than others. As for myself my worst experiences were earlier on, these days I feel like I can see a players "red flags" from a further distance--which seems to be an experience similar to yours as you described above.

Red flags include Shitposting/meme posting, attention whoring, minimal-efforting, paperthin characters, excessive obsequiousness, "I'll change for you"-ing, "account vore"-ing, begging/poking, bitching/ranting in the character page, etc. What red flags do you use to avoid drama?

I cant say for sure whether there is anything particularly risky about subs. As a dominant I typically only interact with switches and subs except for a few platonic dom-friends.

Typically when someone demands a lot from you and isn't willing to give anything in return. People who get overly attached too quickly, like if they regard you as a friend within just days of knowing them. If they obsessively spam you every day, don't let up and get pissy with you if you're AFK for too long. People who start to show far too much interest in a character, or who can't separate the roleplayer from the character themselves. People who expect you to know something about them and get uncomfortable but refuse to express it OOC and then get pissed at you because it 'went too far'. People who start to ask for personal information when you haven't known them for a while are a huge red flag. I usually refuse to hand out the contact info of my other platforms, just to keep someone from stalking me obsessively like that one asshole did. People who try and guilt you into something should immediately be shot down, especially if you don't really know them. I do have a few friends that ask for pity rps every now and again to cheer them up, yet they have also offered to do the same for me when I've expressed frustration or I'm feeling especially horrible...but they never sit there and beg and moan, they just politely ask to blow off some stress.

If someone uses their mental state as a crutch and a hook to keep you around because you're afraid they'll do something if you leave are also pretty toxic, because in my experience they drag you down with them and just make you more and more miserable. There's nothing wrong with being there for someone who's depressed, but if they use that as a weapon or a threat, then they're a danger to your own mental health. In my experience, those people usually aren't actually depressed and are just using the thought of it as a means to manipulate you.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby petitbiche » Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:48 pm

I think that at the end of the day, the anonymity that the internet grants us tempts people that otherwise wouldn't dream of behaving so uncouthly into forgetting their manners, and a lot of that comes down to what empathy you have for your potential partners.

I can understand having high hopes for a roleplay, but how we react to disappointment says an awful lot about our maturity. This is a hobby. This is for fun. And above all else, behind your partner's messages is a person who deserves flexibility, kindness, and respect. If both parties aren't enjoying themselves, then an adjustment needs to be made!

Unfortunately, I'm willing to bet that most of the time, we aren't cognizant of the times we're being hurtful or pushy. I definitely recommend that, regardless of our experience and perception of how we come off, we all take the time every now and then to consider the writer behind the computer, and ask ourselves if our actions are helpful or hurtful. If you're not sure, it never hurts to check in and ask how the other person's doing!

Common decency goes a long way, and someone's feelings are far more important than a satisfying scene! :)
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby MrGrimlock » Thu Dec 26, 2019 9:29 am

In terms of actual toxicity? Had this one guy on deviantart who wouldn't leave me alone after deciding to drop a couple roleplays that involved me playing a female character, with him solely playing a pred role. Went as far as block/ban-evading, which he's been doing for a long time, long before I even met him. Like, dude: if it's obvious I'm not comfortable playing a female for you, maybe DON'T ask for it all the time? Now the dude's excuse was that he wasn't a switch and doesn't like male prey or m/m, and here he is pushing me out of my comfort zone while being unwilling enough to step out of his own, bear in mind that he approached me first every single time, so I have a reason to say something about it.

Slightly unrelated note, there's quite a few partner qualities that kinda skeeve me off in some way or another, so no offense but no thanks if any of these statements apply to anyone reading this thread:

-Prudes: People who pretty much require people to be one thing or another behind the screen (as in irl) and exclude anyone who fails to meet their requirements. Kind of a creeper move that screams "massive insecurity", isn't it? To be fair though, I only require anyone seeking 18+ to be 18+ themselves. Not too strict, right?

-People who can't go more than an hour or less without replies: Hell, it sometimes takes me days, even a week or so just to get another roleplay post in. I kinda prefer some downtime idle chatter in between posts, talking about whatever and stuff (mainly on Discord).

-Non-switches: Getting stuck playing only one role gets pretty boring after a short while, so I do encourage being able to play any role with any pairing (meaning m/m, m/f, f/m and f/f).

-People who don't read rp seeking page rules: I've already had several people asking me about female-only rps or rps asking me to play a female. Even went as far as writing my dislikings at the top of my own seeking page in big letters and it still got ignored.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby Doku » Thu Dec 26, 2019 1:00 pm

Toxicity is a thing that is not relegated to the social corners of RP, but can be found in various forms in almost any setting. As a rule, I do not believe that I would agree that "Roleplaying" in general calls together the socially awkward or inept as some above have indicated. Such individuals are common-place throughout most hobbies, though their forms tend to be different depending upon the medium of exchange that is involved. One reason that, here at Eka's, F-List and Second Life (three of the common but not universal vessels for the fetish play conducted here) you may find what appears to be a bit more toxicity at times is a minor error of perception. Because the content shared is not something normally possible to share intimately in the physical world or in other roleplaying venues, there is a concentration of participants within limited regions: Specific discords, smaller numbers of chatrooms. When you have a body of people confined to a geographically (virtually in this case) limited number of regions globally, you are going to have a far greater likelihood of encountering most or all of the toxicity available within the body at any one time.

Similarly, if you lived say in a 50k or smaller town, and participated in RPG gaming pursuits, but there were perhaps 2-3 venues and a limited body of local RP'ers, you would have an increased likelihood of encountering all of the local toxicity. Given the sheer and globally miniscule size of the 'vore' community compared to global internet populations, and the limited number of venues available, you're going to encounter most of the toxic players within these limited venues. They (and you) only have so many places to go, and as long as toxicity does not reach rules violation (and not all toxicity is a rules violation in every venue), these players may remain and linger for months, years or even decades, complete with their own set of issues. This does not mean that RP breeds socially inept individuals or attracts them. If you were to attend GenCon Indy, you would encounter a fair number of socially inept people, several completely sane, normal and well-adjusted souls with jobs, families, kids, goals, lives outside of their hobbies and literally no issues with interacting with others. You'll also find people with a mix of anywhere. Stop by a Raider's fan convention, and you'll get the same. There's always some yahoo idiot screaming in black and silver body paint that makes everyone roll their eyes, and completely normal and civilized people. The maladjusted and toxic are everywhere, and they choose their venues appropriately.

Toxicity breeds in several different forms. Those who know me may have encountered that I've spoken on the topic... a lot of times. I don't know that I would boil it down into anything in particular, as there are several different breeds of internet toxicity, but within roleplaying communities, three particular types of toxic behavior stand out to me, mostly because the media naturally perpetuates them, particularly in internet cultures where people do not meet personally normally:

1) Demands/Expectations/Assumptions/Selfishness - Some will blame Subs. Some will blame Doms. I've seen toxic varieties of both in basically equal portions. The only reason subs seem to get noticed more may be because I usually see more subs in general, so there are statistically more toxic subs that I see, but that's all a perception bias and not really helpful. Outside of the realm of actual statistics, I would hazard to make the guess at the risk of an egocentric bias that there is no marked tendency towards either sub or doms being more toxic. The only real difference I see is how they manipulate, given that one is submissive while the other dominant (Note I do not use the word prey or predator. There are submissive predators and dominant prey out there. Social interaction here is more important).

Ultimately, toxicity of demand boils down to the assumption that the other person in an RP session is more there for your pleasure than you are for theirs. This can take countless different forms. I've personally spoken about several in my blogs I've personally encountered, and others have shared their thoughts here and elsewhere, but in any situation (as it boils down to its basics), when two or more are interacting and one demands or expects to get their way either without compromise, or with a significant and perceived unfair amount of minimal compromise, you're likely to encounter this kind of toxicity. This is generally the most common and the easiest to address in general. If someone is demanding all the toys, as it were, simply take them away. Many of these individuals rely upon the fact that they offer a 'commodity' that is hard to find: A character rarely played, a willingness to perform a hard to find kink competently, etc... Ultimately, however, all RP requires the participation of two or more people, and is experienced best when all parties are fulfilled and fully engaged with the scene. Communication, compromise when necessary and mutual agreement build better scenes in general. An acceptance that sometimes what you want isn't for them and going to find someone else helps to get better scenes for everyone. Patience if you don't find what you want in a given night/week/month/year/decade can lead to far more fulfilling scenes (yes, I've waited a decade for material that was very specific. It was worth the wait rather than trying to force the matter which never did well.).

2) Possessiveness/Ownership - Vore RP tends to get tied in with BDSM play and possession play rather commonly. Toxicity can come into existence very easily when one person feels that they have 'ownership' over something or someone else in the RP community, and the other does not share this view. As a rule, relationships online of possession are not something I recommend to people. They usually end poorly because of differing perspectives and the simple fact that none of you are in the same room as each other (usually) at any point in your life. Establishing safe, sane rules of possessive relationships online frequently proves to be difficult and toxicity is often a completely unintended consequence. One night, two people establish a 'you're my pet' thing and two months later, the pet gets eaten by someone else and it happens to get back around to the 'owner,' and even if nothing changed on the profile and they're still their pet, jealousy spikes, feelings get hurt, people start accusing, assuming, venting, voices get raised (or all caps used) and it just balloons from there.

90% of the time, again in my own egocentric experience, issues of Possessive Toxicity are not generally intended by any party involved. Where issues of Demand frequently involve someone being a selfish prick, most of the people involved in a possessive kerfluffle of minor or major regard tend not to plan to cause actual out of character drama. This means that it can be harder to avoid these when they happen (other than taking the rule of "I don't establish relationships ever, deal with it" which is something I partially ascribe to. I do it occasionally, but I avoid them normally because inevitably the above happens and after 16 years of online RP I just don't have the patience for the drama). Communication is key. Establishing of ground rules is key. Being aware of your own issues of jealousy, and how free you are as an RP'er is extremely key. Know what you want. Know what they want. Be clear with each other. And if things change, be understanding, because again. You are not in the same room. You will not get up, walk downstairs, have breakfast together and kiss each other goodbye as the other goes to work in 99.9% of our situations, and that's 99.9% unlikely to EVER change, so accept this, and be tolerant that moods will vary and things here aren't truly permanent unless they become permament.

3) Getting Personal and Real about this & Making this place too much one's only social outlet - This kind of Toxicity is one of the most dangerous, shatters willingness to engage in known locations and wrecks drive of multiple people to RP when it crops up. I would argue that in my experience it is the rarest to actually happen because, as already stated we aren't in each other's day to day lives. However, sometimes we let things get personal. We get involved with people in our hobbies. And, for one reason or another, perhaps we have made this particular hobby our primary or almost our only form of social interaction. There are times and places and reasons that this happens that are tragic or less avoidable. For those who, for one physical or social reason, only limited avenues exist, I do have a lot of sympathy. Many are mature about it and handle things well. For some, however, who (usually by choice) make this place their primary or sole socialization sometimes problems crop up. They become personally invested beyond the norm in the other people they RP with. This can become intensely demanding, and at times it can lead to stalking issues that can transcend the venue itself.

Generally, my advise is don't. If you have the means to, even if you're physically limited, keep multiple social circles online and hopefully offline that have next to nothing to do with each other. Spread your time around among friends and family of different stripes. Don't become hyper-focused upon one location, and the likelihood of toxicity reduces. In venues like Eka's, don't give out unnecessary personal information as a rule. We barely know each other. The few times I've shared personal information? I've frequently come to regret it, almost without fail. This issue is not on its own a 'Toxicity creator.' It is not toxic behavior itself. However, what it is is a toxicity magnifier. It can make the highs even higher, but the lows can be earth shattering and may even threaten the integrity of your day to day life outside of Eka's. My council here in general is to be careful not to become too deeply invested in any one venue online or offline. It generally ends badly.

Just a few of my thoughts. Take them with a grain of salt. I'm a jaded, bitter old creature with a lot of chips on my shoulder after decades+ of this on the side. I'm relatively sure I'd even be fairly accused of being toxic myself with some people. God knows I've not always been the most civil person here or elsewhere. If you really want more of my opinions, my blog's full of them. Some are dated, but for the most part I still stand by the thoughts posted there and I know people still occasionally read them because they come to me about it every once in a while.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby Indighost » Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:37 pm

Doku, that just may be one of the most sane and reasonable posts I've ever read on this forum :)
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby Jayezox » Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:28 am

Aickavon12 wrote:Hooo boy. I know this all too well. When I was younger I was cringy and had... well. I had been horrible to people before. I now make every step I can to avoid this. I mean, sometimes I catch myself being overly excited to rp with great folks but I curb it by making sure to be never passive aggressive or too clingy. If they didn't have the time to do it today, I probably shouldn't message them tomorrow. Wait a few days or what not.

EDIT: On the reverse side of things, I have experienced this too... some people becoming immediately clingy though it is often indeed the submissive people. Even in MMO rp. I tend to rp either switch or more dominant characters with only one submissive character I can think of. I think this is due to the whole rarity complex and perhaps also because most dom players have plenty of fish to choose from.

This would explain why I don't experience this. I tend to play prey most of the time. Switching and being somewhat open and lenient with things I can tolerate (Playing predator or female prey for a male predator through NPC's for example) really helps as does being literate. It would probably be different if I advertised myself as a female predator looking for male prey with all the needy preys out there.

Another common theme I'm seeing is submissive players being a problem. That's not true. I think it's more of a lack of confidence. I play submissive preys all the time and have grown to make them more and more confident with better and better results. As a sub your role is to invite the dom, not just passively expect them to take you.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby luvidicus » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:29 pm

Jayezox wrote:
Aickavon12 wrote:Hooo boy. I know this all too well. When I was younger I was cringy and had... well. I had been horrible to people before. I now make every step I can to avoid this. I mean, sometimes I catch myself being overly excited to rp with great folks but I curb it by making sure to be never passive aggressive or too clingy. If they didn't have the time to do it today, I probably shouldn't message them tomorrow. Wait a few days or what not.

EDIT: On the reverse side of things, I have experienced this too... some people becoming immediately clingy though it is often indeed the submissive people. Even in MMO rp. I tend to rp either switch or more dominant characters with only one submissive character I can think of. I think this is due to the whole rarity complex and perhaps also because most dom players have plenty of fish to choose from.

This would explain why I don't experience this. I tend to play prey most of the time. Switching and being somewhat open and lenient with things I can tolerate (Playing predator or female prey for a male predator through NPC's for example) really helps as does being literate. It would probably be different if I advertised myself as a female predator looking for male prey with all the needy preys out there.

Another common theme I'm seeing is submissive players being a problem. That's not true. I think it's more of a lack of confidence. I play submissive preys all the time and have grown to make them more and more confident with better and better results. As a sub your role is to invite the dom, not just passively expect them to take you.

It's not so much that submissive players in general are a problem, it's just that many toxic people are Subs. As Doku pointed out however, it might very well be perception bias given the ratios between Subs, Doms and Switches and in my time I've come across far more Subs than either of the other categories. As such, I'm more likely to run into toxic people in that range. However, as others have pointed out it might very well be an issue with some people's mentality. Not all subs lack self confidence and a social life, but the ones that I've met that match that description are usually the ones who was to drag you down and drown you. Whatever passive fantasies they have about someone granting them the affection they so eagerly desire, even for a moment from behind a screen keeps them constantly refreshing their screen as they wait for your response. It doesn't matter if it's only temporary or if the Dom doesn't actually give a shit, it makes them feel wanted in some capacity, any capacity. It may be unintentional, it may simply be an act of desperation, but when people who are lonely, clingy and lack self awareness latch onto you...they have a very hard time letting go. Couple that with an obsession towards an idea of something they'll never be able to have or aren't willing to work towards and you get people who will stalk you for months because you stopped RPing with them and they were overly attached to your characters, or you in general.

I think that part of the reason why Doms don't catch as much flak is simply due to how few there are, and how many options they have to choose from. However, I have heard stories from my friends about Doms who have very specific kinks that few people are willing to entertain, and when they find someone who'll give it a chance they'll strike and latch on just as hard if they've been desperate for long the point where they might even declare that they're entitled to you and your time because nobody else wants to deal with them.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby Cowrie » Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:24 pm

The closest experience I've ever had to stalking is when certain people regularly prod at me to try and get me to RP while I'm going through a period of no interest in RPing. However, my personal experiences with such behavior tend to involve people with at least enough restraint to limit their messages to a "hi" or something every few days on one specific site, which is really more "mildly annoying" than truly toxic. Even so, that behavior has been known to keep me out of a mood for RPing for much longer than I would be otherwise. I eventually cut those people off, but I tend to be slow to do so.

As far as other toxic behavior? I've experienced a lot more of that, mostly in isolated incidents, due to me immediately ending things with that person. I'm a predator only player, though in terms of dom/sub behavior I can enjoy playing either side. When I was new to the community, there was a public RP I was part of where this one guy pressured me into playing prey for him. He pushed the issue, saying I was the only person in the scene who wasn't doing it and "it would be more fun" if I let his character eat mine. I relented, but after the fact had a flat-out panic attack, which is the reason I made a rule: Anyone who even looks at any of my characters like they might me prey gets the character doing the looking disemboweled. The experience scarred me that much. There is exactly one exception to this rule, when me and the other player have in advance planned a role-reversal scenario where my character is the pred, despite what their character thinks at first.

Since then, toxic behavior I've gotten from other players comes from prey, but not always submissive prey. There was one guy I encountered who threw a fit when I told him not to control my character (he had just done so) because "he and his friends control each other's characters all the time". I've also had several people make threats when I told them that RPing with them wasn't going to work out, or otherwise acted entitled when I told them I was calling things off. I've also gotten some very entitled approaches, including one person who in their first message to me, told me what scenario from my seeking post they wanted to play, as well as informing me very bluntly of what they would play and what I was supposed to play. This was not written as a request or suggestion, but they put it all down as if it were a statement of fact. HELL NO! Not to mention, any person who does in in character approach comes off as entitled, toxic and creepy as fuck to me.

In terms of toxic behavior in contexts other than RP, as a vore artist, I've gotten a lot of very toxic people asking or demanding me to do free art for them, in two cases (who may have actually been the same person in two different accounts) asking me to do stuff of someone else's character without their permission. Also, one person who tried to lay a guilt trip on me after I cancelled their commission when it seemed like they were pulling some sort of scam.

On a final note:

MrGrimlock wrote:-Prudes: People who pretty much require people to be one thing or another behind the screen (as in irl) and exclude anyone who fails to meet their requirements. Kind of a creeper move that screams "massive insecurity", isn't it? To be fair though, I only require anyone seeking 18+ to be 18+ themselves. Not too strict, right?

The feeling I get from these people is the exact opposite of them being prudes, personally. I always got the feeling that people like this are wanting to get off to their partners as much as or more so than the RP.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby Thibs » Sun Dec 29, 2019 6:08 pm

I've had exactly one experience with role-play in this community and it was negative enough for me to never go back. The person I was RPing with started to make weird demands. He wanted me to change my profile pic to pictures he chose(Pictures of men he said were his exes.), play the person he chose, started talking to me like I was actually the person that he was creating. The RP's we did were never satisfying for me because they were entirely focused on him and how he felt about this character he was creating. I ghosted him when he started talking to me like we were dating out of the blue. We only RP'ed like 3 times and it devolved into this weird possessive/creepy dynamic. Maybe it was my fault for not being clearer with what we were doing but it really creeped me out how fast he got overly attached to a person who wasn't even actually me.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby MaxTwenty » Sun Dec 29, 2019 7:23 pm

Some people have already said that roleplaying attracts people who are socially awkward, for understandable or less reasons, and coming from that place I do think it's a double edged sword. On the one hand, RP environments and chats can be a place to go from absolutely zero ability to function socially to nonzero, trying out approaches and handling situations and whatnot. On the other, it's very, very safe. Possibly too safe, like a simulation. If what you try ends up being creepy, aggressive, or just uninteresting, there's no real repercussion besides not getting what you want right away sometimes, and all it can take to convince you to keep doing it is to get what you want even once. I do think it's a thing more correlated with sub players mostly because there are more, and it's easier to mistake 'playing a sub role' with only being acted upon or having to do none of the work, making a lower barrier to entry - naturally, this isn't how to play a sub well.

Not sure there's much to be done about it besides reporting obviously not-okay behavior (actually reporting if you're seriously being creeped on, nobody seems to do this), and blocking (seriously, report for getting around blocks, that is actually a hard rule here at least).
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby WankersCramp » Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:38 am

Yea, I now only RP with people I have known for a while on Discord.

Though this isn't toxic, more irritating. People who reply with say a few words or just don't put any effort in and expect you to do all the work and world building. When this happens I complete the RP but then I just don't RP with them again.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby fixated1 » Mon Dec 30, 2019 2:22 pm

Wow, I count myself really lucky. I've never encountered any toxic roleplayers. The way it's talked about it feels like the odds of staying dry while standing in the rain. I've had people disappear and I have a few times too, but I don't hold that against anyone, and when I did I wasn't harassed.

The worst behavior I've done is i have gotten excited and sent requests in ooc notes too much. I learned my lesson from that. It's hard to say I'm ashamed of it now after reading these accounts though.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby VoidicFang » Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:50 am

I had an rp partner force the topic into politics after we made small talk about the news. I made a snyde comment about people who drag politics into other conversations. They told me I was part of a problem (?) and that they would regret having to block me because they "really liked me OOC" and wanted to get to know me." I had never shared real life details other than small talk.

I dunno, you got some whackjobs out there. Just gotta keep on keeping on.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby VoidicFang » Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:54 am

MaxTwenty wrote:Some people have already said that roleplaying attracts people who are socially awkward, for understandable or less reasons, and coming from that place I do think it's a double edged sword. On the one hand, RP environments and chats can be a place to go from absolutely zero ability to function socially to nonzero, trying out approaches and handling situations and whatnot. On the other, it's very, very safe. Possibly too safe, like a simulation. If what you try ends up being creepy, aggressive, or just uninteresting, there's no real repercussion besides not getting what you want right away sometimes, and all it can take to convince you to keep doing it is to get what you want even once. I do think it's a thing more correlated with sub players mostly because there are more, and it's easier to mistake 'playing a sub role' with only being acted upon or having to do none of the work, making a lower barrier to entry - naturally, this isn't how to play a sub well.

Not sure there's much to be done about it besides reporting obviously not-okay behavior (actually reporting if you're seriously being creeped on, nobody seems to do this), and blocking (seriously, report for getting around blocks, that is actually a hard rule here at least).

Smart observation, and it's the same reason discord mods have a reputation for toxicity and grooming. Because if you select people based on their activity level and seniority in a server, you select for people with no life and people often have no life for a reason.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby MrGrimlock » Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:53 pm

VoidicFang wrote:I had an rp partner force the topic into politics after we made small talk about the news. I made a snyde comment about people who drag politics into other conversations. They told me I was part of a problem (?) and that they would regret having to block me because they "really liked me OOC" and wanted to get to know me." I had never shared real life details other than small talk.

I dunno, you got some whackjobs out there. Just gotta keep on keeping on.

This. Big fucking mood.

Been talking to some gal that found me on dA for a little over a year or so, shifted over to Discord, had a decent friendship-y thing going (despite myself being a dude and her being a lesbian). Wouldn't ya fuckin know it, I bring up something political briefly (forgot when), she got irritated and asked that we don't talk about that stuff again, which I obliged. Guess what she does next? Brings up shit twice, first sometime before or during the election, THEN after the bullshit on the 6th last month. Yet I'm automatically the bad guy for repeating my question of "if you knew I wasn't going to want to talk about it, why did you bring it up?", which is when she removed me off Discord without even answering the damn question.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby TSaPA » Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:56 pm

reading some of these makes me feel better about not having attempted RP here when I had the time for it.

then again considering I was planning primarily on 'test-driving' a pred character with some rather niche appeals I worry that RP wasn't the best place to start anyway.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby quickcrunch » Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:29 pm

Had an ex who would force a lot of no's onto me. Dated this chick for four years, she pressured me to roleplay with her often, daily even. All of the roleplays tended to be the same with uninteresting vore, and all of her characters were very flat, one dimensional, and normally very abusive towards my characters, and if they weren't abusive they were just bland soft pussywillows. She's why I roleplay only when I'm ready, I learned to pace myself after getting so worn down by her, and her characters. Her kinks were pretty bad too, she would publicly talk about how she pressured me into having adult characters date minors to other people, and she guilted me into doing an incest roleplay that still haunts me to this day. It was all so miserable, and I could never focus on what I wanted to in my stories because of it. I was a serious world builder, and still am, and I really couldn't make any story since she thought those roleplays took much too long, so she preferred to stick to forcing our ocs into couples. So I could barely story build, she often appeared uninterested in many of my creations, and the stories we did make were as simple as writing a quick forgettable tale, and then tossing it out. I always tried to spice it up with new characters that were different from the normal humanoids we often did, but she still managed to suck the fun out by making every character nearly identical. There were times where I tried to put my foot down, and say no, just for her to guilt me, and make me feel like the bad guy, and because at the time I was just a child who barely knew jack squat about myself, I fell for it.
Because of my experiences with her I don't let people pressure me into things I do not like just to make them happy, nor do I start a roleplay until I'm ready which is why I tell people to be patient when they wish to roleplay.
My picky choices come part in partial to my experiences with her, or other roleplayers who did slightly similar things, as well as my own self criticism since my old roleplay style was pretty abysmal I can admit. I've had plenty of other people try to force kinks, or sex on me, or into roleplays I do, and I just block them now, same goes with overly jealous folks who don't know when to stop. Not worth my time, especially if they can't be creative enough to make a coherent tale before moving onto the extra stuff.
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Re: Toxic Roleplayers

Postby VoraciousVie » Thu Mar 11, 2021 4:30 pm

I believe Toxic Roleplayers are simply something that is unavoidable with the atmosphere that many of these sites, particularly when the action of RP is involved, are unavoidable in as a whole. I think it's just the benefits of anonymity, as well as the desire to be rewarded or at least get some form of benefit that drives people to highly toxic and desperate behavior.

I've unfortunately experienced AND been this type of person before; who would leave people on silent or even be a bit rude when I wouldn't get something I wanted. This is something I've worked my hardest to try and improve as a whole about myself. But there are also plenty of interactions I've had in the far past before this site that have resulted in miserable, toxic experiences. Luckily I've never had any particularly troublesome encounters due to my outspokeness and general refusal to put up with bullshit, not to mention I try my best to avoid the "weirdos" who might just be insane stalkers.

Still, in the end, those good RPs I have are what drive me back to this site despite the painful toxicity that some people express. I can only be thankful that I haven't had the experiences that many others have had in their pursuit of fun.
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