Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preferences?
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
idk i guess i've been lucky so far. the closest i've gotten to being shamed for preferences is someone informing me that my disliking of preds who always seem cruel and amoral and have absolutely no consequences for their actions was stupid and unrealistic *cue eye roll*
- BelleJar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
I can enjoy M/M, but then again, I'm not straight (I'm not anything actually)...
It makes the whole community better when people are accepting of one another.
It makes the whole community better when people are accepting of one another.
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GBBG - Participator
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
GBBG wrote: (I'm not anything actually)...
*Wince* Please don't phrase it that way. I'm asexual, too, and saying things like that make us seem like less of a legitimate sexuality. People who are comepletely accepting of gay marriage have given me a spiel that basically amounted to, "'have you tried not being asexual?" We get thought of as irrelevant or nonexistent often enough as is.
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Cowrie - ???
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Numerous times, yes. And it mainly boils down to my three preferences, male predators, child prey and nonfatal. I have caught a decent amount of flak from here, there, discord, DA, FA, but mainly here and in the chat. Titles such as me being sexist, a pedophile and my vore preferences being boring, pointless and some even flat out saying 'that's not what vore is about'.
I could explain each and every one of them, or even just the worse ones, but in the end they never prevented me from doing what I love, they never made me stop and doubt myself, call it me having too much pride if you will, or just being sure enough that what I do is not hurting anybody so I have nothing to be ashamed of.
I have felt alone though, lots of times, still do in the vore community. I'm apologetic to say sometimes I am at the most uncomfortable when on vore sites, because my preferences are so alien like to everyone.I have received kinder, but more confused, reactions from normies than vore people, because too many of the vore community are quick to get hostile to defend what they enjoy and belittle anyone not in their circle. Being asexual also doesn't help, as the vore community is packed with horny men (c'mon let's be honest) so that will always raise eyebrows from those quicker to judge.
I could explain each and every one of them, or even just the worse ones, but in the end they never prevented me from doing what I love, they never made me stop and doubt myself, call it me having too much pride if you will, or just being sure enough that what I do is not hurting anybody so I have nothing to be ashamed of.
I have felt alone though, lots of times, still do in the vore community. I'm apologetic to say sometimes I am at the most uncomfortable when on vore sites, because my preferences are so alien like to everyone.I have received kinder, but more confused, reactions from normies than vore people, because too many of the vore community are quick to get hostile to defend what they enjoy and belittle anyone not in their circle. Being asexual also doesn't help, as the vore community is packed with horny men (c'mon let's be honest) so that will always raise eyebrows from those quicker to judge.
Writer of wholesome fandom M/F vore.
Current character focus: Chris Redfield!
Current character focus: Chris Redfield!
coop500 - ???
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
I think it is a good time to remind everyone that this site operates on the principle of preference equality. No preferences (kink, fetish, etc.) are considered bad, or good for that matter. Generally speaking, the only reason individual who has this shaming tendency is here because nobody reports their behavior.
If you run into those incidents. I strongly recommend that you report it (By clicking the report button. Or send an anonymous feedback using the feedback forum so something can be done about these people and stop them from populating a website like this.
There are no such thing as bothering the administrator or moderator. That is what they are here for. If they are busy, they can always prioritize issue on their own or pass them off to someone else.
If you run into those incidents. I strongly recommend that you report it (By clicking the report button. Or send an anonymous feedback using the feedback forum so something can be done about these people and stop them from populating a website like this.
There are no such thing as bothering the administrator or moderator. That is what they are here for. If they are busy, they can always prioritize issue on their own or pass them off to someone else.
Eka - Administrator
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Licklash wrote:Now, this is probably going to be my first real thread that takes a more serious turn. If this accidently turns into a clusterfuck, then mods, smack it out of existence.
Has anybody ever been told that their Vore preferences are unnatural/ weird/ gross/ bad/ ammoral/ etc? I'm quite curious to see what I get in terms of responses but I'll also be more than happy to make sure that this thread is a positive place for people to feel validated in.
I'll also be very interested in hearing any stories or general thoughts on the matter as a whole, as long as conversation is civil and organised; I don't want to accidentally create a Battle Royale.
Well, I have been told that my preferences were not "real" Vore three times since I joined this site. Not exactly "shame" but it is insulting when people try to deny that you actual have a fetish, when you DO have that fetish.
EnderDracolich - Advanced Vorarephile
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
jaggedjagd wrote:Me personally? Not really, thankfully. Been pretty lucky at dodging trolls so far. I think one guy once called me gay cause I did an M/m piece. Because you know, women don't exist on the internet. :U Sadly you'll have people insult each other's prefs constantly over who's fapping material is more acceptable even in the forums here. Pointless debates on what is more natural and normal and what is taboo. Classics include: Human VS Furry. Fatal VS Non-fatal. Female pred VS Male pred. Anything involving underaged characters. Any negativity i've directly received has been pretty tame compared to horror stories on what some people have to put up with in RPs and the chat here. Tumblr & DA also tend to get really ugly in that regard.
Debates are good as long as things don't get out of hand, but when the subject of these debates of what's better, then they're bound to end as fiery shitstorms.
You're very lucky, Jagd, and I hope you don't run into any horror story worthy encounters anytime soon.
Tumblr and dA are awful places for not only finding quality Vore content and ideas, but also due to their very toxic userbases. Eka's has been kind of conditioned to be accepting of preferences and to clamp down on any preference dissing, but tumblr (Which is ironically supposed to be a "safe space".) and dA (Which people solve problems in by blocking instead of talking.) are absolutely awful in terms of not only their general userbases, but also their Vore communities. Fatal Vs Non Fatal is an especially big topic on there, with artists of either sides either pressuring those on the other side to draw what they like or guilting others for drawing what they don't like. Things like this is why I'm primarily on Eka's and now and again, dabbling in furry sites for good Vore content and ideas.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
fieldmousse wrote:Licklash wrote: they would say that the pieces weren't good because they were "Not natural" and that they would be much better with a more bestial predator.
I expected this thread to be more about non-vore people shaming vore people. Is the vore community eating itself?
I can see why, but a majority of this userbase is so adjusted to people asking us if Attack on Titan is a hentai for us or if we would try and swallow goldfishes that it just goes right over our heads.
I think so, at times, how ironic!

Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
minakotomoka14 wrote:I have been lucky enough to not hear any nonsense from people about my preferences so far, but if that ever were to happen, I`d just ignore them. Let`s face it, some people are trolls, and it`s better off not to feed them. They`ll die off soon enough.
Naturally so, ignore and report is the best way to go with these people.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
doltonutani wrote:There's nothing funnier than someone getting all upset and going "incest is gross and wrong, you're disgusting!" on communities about eating people.
It takes a special lack of self awareness honestly.
Found the thread winner.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Last edited by jaggedjagd on Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
jaggedjagd - Advanced Vorarephile
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Chameleonette wrote:Countless times.
When I first delved into the fetish about four years ago, M/F vore was pretty much non-existent. At the time, I didn't understand why, since I was new to the vore community, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. As I was soon to find, liking male preds and especially M/F vore was largely unwelcome, looked down upon, spoken out against spitefully, made fun of, etc. And instead of turning tail and leaving (though I did consider it at the time), I decided to grab the bull by the horns. I questioned the lack and immediately decided that I was going to start creating the content I wanted to see, not just for myself, but for others like me who might come into the fetish and see that their preferences are not embraced and have trouble finding people to enjoy them with.
Well, being outspoken and loud about my interests in M/F vore turned me into something of a target. It was especially bad on tumblr. Although there were also people here who would also complain---including someone who would post in the threads that I made about male preds and complain that I made 'too many threads about it', when I made literally 3 in a whole year, and one who eventually got banned for publicly harassing me and saying he even created a new account just for the sake of said harassment. I had some past issues with people posting rude comments on my art at times, too, and being laughed out of Eka's chat years ago when I was looking for male preds to play with my female prey character. But the anonymity that tumblr supplies basically became a platform for people to ridicule me and accuse me of all sorts of things, including things like 'breeding rapists' with my content, being sexist/misogynist, countless complaints and even citings of 'proof' of why female preds should be the only 'true' preds, claims that I'm against women, a gross and terrible person, and someone who even said they would imagine me in vore scenarios as a pred and get off to it. Needless to say, it wasn't a very fun time. I left my vore tumblr and Eka's several times for several months at a time during some of the rougher bouts. Eventually, I got to the point where I just started to sass everyone who sent me nasty messages or delete them entirely. And at that point, I was committed. What these people aimed to do was to discourage me and likely stop my content flow of the things they didn't like or want to see. Giving them that would a major mistake, especially since I had a lot of fun making said content and getting all that M/F out there for the niche group of people that enjoyed it.
Things have gotten a lot better since then, although that did go on for several years. But now I know quite a few people who enjoy the same sort of content as me and things are a lot warmer in those groups and in a discord group that a friend of mine created. Now the most discourse I get on tumblr is occasionally someone who takes issue with me liking fatal vore. And that tends to be more of a passive-aggressive thing than the hostility that I met previously for my preferences of M/F.
But yeah, it was a big issue for me when I was first getting started here and for several years after. As a woman who enjoys fantasies of dominant men and loves and enjoys fatal and rather darker aspects of M/F vore (and humanoid preds), my preferences didn't fit very well in a community like this. A lot of people can't differentiate fantasy from reality and thus relate things like enjoying M/F (especially on the fatal side) to things like sexism, anti-feminism, etc. But with perseverance, I've made my place and found other people to enjoy that space with and I enjoy making and sharing content. I don't let the crap get to me anymore, the few times I'm faced with it any longer. And although I have also heard from several people over the years who struggled to get out of lurking because they were afraid of backlash and being unwelcome for M/F prefs, things have gotten infinitely better.
The real key is, when someone shames you for your prefs and what you like---love it harder. Make more content. Discuss it more. Ignore them, sass them, let them know that they can't stop you from enjoying what you enjoy. Eventually they're going to give up and move on. For anyone that has dealt with any type of hostility or rudeness like that, the best thing you can do is not give them what they want. Don't let them have power over you and your actions or to chase you out or stop you from being vocal about what you like. Yeah, it sucks when people send you nasty messages or parade around loudly about disliking what you like, etc. But they can't stop you. And you can and will find other people that enjoy what you enjoy if you look hard enough. Keep your head up!
That is an absolutely wonderful speech and I am genuinely proud for you that you've pulled through all of that mess, especially on tumblr where it seems that anything you do ends in "ist" and "phobic". As someone also shares your preferences (I like all gender pairings but Male preds, I seem to gravitate to especially), I can't bear to imagine how much the constant harassment and assusations of sexist would be like and I'm happy that you've managed to get into a nicer place. But isn't it funny how if it's a male eating a female (And in your preferences, digesting her) is problematic but if it's a female eating the female and doing the same thing with her, it's suddenly okay?
Anyone who is having issues with being shamed, please read the last paragraph of this gal's reply, it's one of the most helpful things you're ever going to hear, but not just in Vore, but in general.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Cowrie wrote:I haven't ever been shamed per se, but I have had people in RPs basically try and bully me into doing things I don't like. When I was new here I had a particularly bad experience with someone who kept insisting my character was a "giant" when I'd outright stated her height at five feet and on top of that added scat-play without asking me. I've also experienced people trying to bully me into RPing on a chat when I'm not comfortable with that.
It still counts as people not respecting your preferences, and it's absolutely (Take a shot every time I say this in this thread) not okay for them to do that. I'm sorry for what's happened and I hope you've been able to find better role players.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
MidnightRose wrote:On here, yeah. I've basically been told that M/F is "wrong" and was nearly chased out of a thread some years back because the OP took my preferences as a personal insult. There have also been some passive-aggressive people trying to guilt trip me, as well as others, for liking what we like.
Ohhhh dear, more people getting on their moral high-horses. That seems to be a recurring theme in M/F hate. I hope you're not having any issues like this any more, I can't imagine almost getting forced out from a thread.
Guilting is honestly, really low and I don't understand how others can believe that this is an okay thing to do. People can't help what they like.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Borealis wrote:Directly, once.
I received a rather nasty PM a couple of years back. My feral she-wolf shenanigans really rubbed this lovely person up the wrong way. The words "just fuck off and join a bestiality forum" were used. I just deleted it.
I've seen grumblings about ferals in vore here and elsewhere on other occasions too. There's a real doozy of a toxic thread on that macrophile.com forum when some poor guy starts the conversation and a few people go on about how wrong it is too, it's eye-opening when you see some of these peoples opinions on your fetish bread and butter :/
I like to think that this sort of thing represents less than 0.01% of the community, though. A community that I think is superb, on the whole. The breadth of all of our preferences is wonderful!
I don't see much shaming about ferals, and I'm quite surprised, who knew simple wolfesses can set people off? Quite frankly, I'm not quite sure how it can do so.
Yikes...Poor guy...
It is so! I'm very happy to see that not only is Eka's alive and kicking, but also with a very healthy community! I'm glad to be here

Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
deathknight wrote:meh honestly I ignore them and move on. or I would be happy to point out that fetishes are porn fantasies and engaging in them in real life is disgusting. That's why fantasies need to stay as a fantasy. Makes for some good reads too when people write them down as a story.
People seem to forget that we don't actually wish to die IRL this way or eat smaller creatures whole, this is merely fantasy and I wish more people could acknowledge that before they jump to conclusions. I'm surprised that shaming happens in fetish communities, but the way they deal with them is quick and professional, especially on Eka's from what I've seen.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Komsomol wrote:There's one guy, I know him for a very long time. For a majority of that time, he made an impression of 100% "normal" person, in fact he was so "normal" that I would never ever speak about vore in his presence, he probably wouldn't understand such a bizarre fetish, right? Well, as it turns out, he is (and always was) a fetishist much worse than me. Unlike vore, his sexual interests are found in the real world, but I cannot express here how twisted they are. I, as a person that can tolerate all kinds of shit, genuinely think that his fetish is gross. Perhaps "normal" people feel the same about vore.
I think when you say "Worse" you might mean "More extreme" or "More grotesque" in terms of tastes, but I'm getting what you mean and it's actually making for quite an amusing story. Forgive me for correcting you, I don't want anyone to leap on you or get on their high horse. Anyways, that's ironic, huh? Looks like the pot was calling the kettle black! That must have gotten some laughs from you.
I can imagine they do, and as long as they don't hassle anyone who is into Vore, I'm perfectly fine with it.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Theguythatdoes wrote:right now, the closest thing to being shamed is the lower amount of M/F vore (my favorite type in fact) than most, if not all pred/prey preferences. while it's certainly out there, and for the most part is constant on this site,on other sites it's rare to see it, unless you watch a user that specifically does M/F. And also the fact that I really only like Oral vore and anal vore, and the only other pred/prey preference I have is F/F, so that narrows me down when someone does M/F cock vore or M/F+M/M or M/F+F/M. I'm not saying you can't do it, in fact, you should be able to draw what you want, it's just that because of how limited my preferences are, it's hard to find art I like. actual people shaming me, the closest I''ve come to that is the troll that appears once and a while on DA. I don't really get negative comments because on most sites I talk to and watch people with the same preferences. Sorry for going off topic.
I'm not quite sure about a lack of content on a certain type of Vore counts as shaming, but I can imagine it must contribute to some alienation or isolation. We got another lucky one here! Hope your trolls are few and easy to handle at absolute most, dA is a very turbulent environment.
It's alright, don't worry about it, you're still very on topic.
Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
I haven't been shamed for anything so far and actually got nothing but support! But I've only put my head out relatively recently. The only times I've ever let people know about it the response was interest or indifference (although they already knew I am super weird =3). The closest I've ever had is when I've discussed topics of sexuality and legality and found them to have strong views against many of the vore and non-vore themes I am into. Usually its discussions about whether fictional material should be made illegal or not as if its some sort of gateway drug to actually carrying out these acts. Because we are totally all psychopaths as a result of our kinks. It's unfortunate that UK law is very kinkshamy in itself, I just want to draw what I want without feeling its going to be outlawed one day. 
Honestly, I am surprised at how nice everyone seems to be around here! Even the cruel sadistic predators appear to be well mannered!
I'm also asexual (well, I'm not sexually attracted to anyone or anything IRL at least), and found that people tend to conflate that idea with having no sex drive. If they only knew the truth! >=3

Honestly, I am surprised at how nice everyone seems to be around here! Even the cruel sadistic predators appear to be well mannered!

I'm also asexual (well, I'm not sexually attracted to anyone or anything IRL at least), and found that people tend to conflate that idea with having no sex drive. If they only knew the truth! >=3
LittleRover - New to the forum
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Re: Have you ever had somebody shame you for your preference
Syro1999 wrote:Hope there aint any shame when I post this but I've been shamed on multiple occasions cause i sometimes play as an underaged character or just enjoying the thought of other underaged characters sure sounds weird and all but I wish to be young again but hey i found the perfect site that has a whole part of it for underaged play https://www.f-list.net/
Underaged stuff is not my cup of tea (Britbong here) but I'm happy to see you've found a site to relieve your fantasies.

Deadly lust.
Licklash - Somewhat familiar
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