[PLEASE READ] Community and Commenting

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Re: [PLEASE READ] Community and Commenting

Postby Gershwin » Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:49 am

I was about to post a thread relating to this topic, but turns out there's a sticky for it! let me state quickly that the following comments are for all artists and writers here and not based on my own work.

Too often, work is posted and gets literally nothing - and I'm not talking about my own work, I'm talking in general. I'll see something posted by an artist I like, they're even asking for feedback, and yet with hundreds of views, there's an empty comment thread.

This is discouraging. It's a lot of effort creating art or writing a story. If you feel no one cares about the work you did, not even enough to post a "very nice" or "thanks", it will cause artists to not feel like making more.

I've see people complain about the lack of free quality art/writing now days compared to "how it used to be", or note how all the talent is moving to "paid" services like Patreon. Well, if you want artists and writers to stick around and keep making awesome free work, you ned to encourage them.

Don't just be a "consumer", be a community and make the artists and writers around here feel part of it.

Talk to them.

Leave feedback.

Make friendly suggestions.

Discuss your favorite scene if you want more of it.

Just don't leave our talented creators aound here feeling ignored and unappreciated, because that'll lead to getting a lot less of what you want.
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Re: [PLEASE READ] Community and Commenting

Postby Skittles209 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:36 am

hundreds of posts saying: 'good work' have been made somewhere...
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Re: [PLEASE READ] Community and Commenting

Postby Dolsilyol » Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:05 pm

I mean, on the side of being mostly a consumer, I’ll say implying that people who don’t hand out criticism are actively insulting the artist, or ‘unwilling to share their time’, is perhaps not the best tact. Especially since I don’t draw, so I can’t really point out anything wrong, the few comments being made also skewing almost entirely towards being positive is because most people don’t feel qualified to criticize art.

If you take 200 people to see the Mona lisa, or hell, even just some local museum art piece, and ask for criticism or ways to improve, you’ll get just jokes as answers. “Make her tits bigger.” Or “Not enough cowbell.” It’s the *exactly.* the same thing has showing someone a nice sports car, or a private jet. And then telling them you *must* have some sort of input on it. And that you’re just not willing to say it. And you’d be sort of right. But you’d get responses that were unhelpful. People would say, “Well I like this other brand more.” Or “Add fire stripes to it.” Or “needs more spoiler.”

In terms of art here. That’d equate to people saying “Draw this character instead.” Or “I don’t like oral Vore draw unbirth.” Which perhaps might actually be what you want to hear, but runs into the problem that people don’t want to feel like they’re demanding the artist draw something without giving something back.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I’ll end with the statement saying: All you mongrels reading this *should* comment more. Even if it’s just running “this makes pp hard” through google translates two times and then changing synonyms.
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Re: [PLEASE READ] Community and Commenting

Postby Gershwin » Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:37 am

I get your point that forcing people to engage often results in unhelpful engagement, nobody likes to be forced to do something they're not interested in doing.

However, I also think you've made an unhelpful comparison. A more accurate comparison would be Banksy's street art, imagine if he did it and literally no one at all commented, not a single article, post and tweet, do you think he'd have done much more? The same can be applied to any creative medium, if there's a perceived sense of disinterest you don't usually get much more. Imagine if every forum post you made had not a single reply, would you bother making many more posts? The community here lives or dies based on engagement, and the same goes for the art and writing being produced.

So many times have I heard an artist or writer I've been chatting with bring up the fact they don't feel like working on their next project because it felt like no one could care either way if they made anything new. People obviously produce a lot of stuff for them selves, because they enjoy it, I know I certainly do, but community engagement and feedback, even if it's just "Nice!", is a very strong motivator for most artists and writers.
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Re: [PLEASE READ] Community and Commenting

Postby GastricAztec » Sun May 19, 2024 7:39 pm

It would be interesting if there was a website where you couldn’t open a thread to view someone’s contribution unless you left a review of someone’s art or writing, and it had to be approved by a mod to verify it wasn’t a nonsense reply. Then, you could open another thread to view someone’s content.

Ozmodium had something like this at GTS.com, but that site shut down in 2009.
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