丸呑みデータベース (Circular drinking database)


Use this to help translate;

Use this to help translate;

http://translate.google.com/# http://babelfish.yahoo.com/

The character encoding is in Shift_JIS (In firefox, view->character encoding ). It'll require that you have the eastern languages font installed, otherwise it'll be garbage, but the site itself contains a lot of awesome links to excellent vore content, like games, galleries, and lists of PC, Arcade, Console and other games that contain vore, plus descriptions. A long time ago it used to include screenshots, but that's what http://green.ribbon.to/~keiru/top.htm is for.


That should get to the main part, on the bottom of the page are some links, note that when you mouse over them, the page name is english (acgame = arcade game, ect...)